The heat has been intense; it was 118º for over 10 days right after the garden was planted. After that it cooled to 110º.

Several plants are dealing with sunscald, and several roses are dead (as well as a few euyonomous bushes). The others are struggling. I hesitate to replace anything yet because it will just die again in this heat. I knew we were planting late and I tried to get the project done earlier, but we had many different delays, unfortunately.

I have planted seeds in the front and many are up, but they are still tiny.

I still need to repaint the urn and plinth (the ones in the photo above), and install them (and plant it with flowers). For now it is just sitting in place.

We have several more projects to do out front still. Hopefully by the time those are done our seedlings will have grown into something that you can actually see!

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  1. Just incredible. I am so, so impressed by both your vision and your ability to see it to fruition. Your garden is truly inspiring! I can’t seem to figure out what to do here, lol.

  2. It is going to look incredible! Indeed, it already does. 🙂 I still can’t believe the garden you have for that kind of weather. I’m wilting just thinking about it. 😉

  3. What progress! I am amazed at how much you have gotten done in such a short time. Your work ethic and dedication are so impressive. You are an inspiration to so many.

  4. I love that it “cooled” to 110!!! Only in Vegas? and maybe Phoenix and Death Valley. :)I love how your garden is looking though and can’t wait to see it in full bloom.

  5. It is amazing that you do any outdoor work beyond what is necessary in that heat. Please tell us you wear sunblock and a BIG hat! You could have been a landscape architect had you wanted.

  6. I have a big hat :)It’s easiest to work in the early morning and again in the evening. Once the sun is behind that wall I can work closer to the wall, and then right as the sun goes down I get another 45 minutes or so of light as well when the sun is not beating on me. If I am up early enough there is no sun on me for about an hour as well before sunrise.Plus it is a little cooler then as well–cooler being relative! It was only 106º several of the days when we put things in (I put them in during the morning or evening hours, so it was cooler than that on those days).

  7. Same here, mapleleafmom. The fabulous work ethic is being taught to the children by the parents and will be second nature to them as they get old enough to begin helping more.The white and green is so beautiful , so fresh…it even looks cool, temp wise.

  8. Oh speaking of temperatures, our weather man last night said ” you can feel the fall in the air” as our temps are now down in the 70’s again and last night we were down to 52. That is like HALF what you are experiencing. But at least the days are still long so the garden will keep going strong for another month and a half.

  9. Our last frost is May 15th, and we had one on the 13th this year. Normally, not that late. September is usually pretty warm still during the days, it is just the shortening day that shuts most of the production down. First frost is probably Oct 15th. We have nice “Indian Summers” though, where it will warm right back up after a cold snap. I think we are 4b for zone.Yes, we have a greenhouse off the side of the barn. Not heated, other than solar. Use it for the seedlings. Never though about trying to extend the season though as I am usually worn out by the October anyways. Feeling our years , you could say.

  10. You could start lettuce now and have it for fall. Start some again next month and again in September in pots and put it in the greenhouse to extend it another month. You could probably get some late green onions and Swiss chard well into November and maybe December, and probably lettuce then as well. Things do slow down in fall, but in the greenhouse you could have some fresh greens for Thanksgiving and that would be nice.

  11. Yes I plan on more lettuce. I have been using the patio for it this year as easier to me to harvest. Husband has tendency to not tend to the vegetables as closely as needed. So before we know it they bolt or go to seed. I did mention I cannot get down to the main garden. The patio pots have been very productive this year. I even did one with carrots and have grown a nice amount…not enough to can but I don’t can carrots any ways. Our soil is good but very stony here so carrots don’t like it too well. The soil in the pot is an improvement. Plus it is easier to thin with no bending. I’ll have to put more thought into that greenhouse. We just have never really made good use of it…sometimes things are right in front of one nose, but not really seen!

  12. Your garden is so inspiring!Also, I thought your readers might want to know that Wal-Mart in my area (southern Illinois) has sweet cherries for $1.98 a lb, so it might be worth checking that out other places. Our cherries aren’t producing yet, so I picked up about 40lbs for pie filling, dehydrating, and jam. Last year there weren’t deals so good anywhere because the cherry crops failed with a late frost, so I was out of all those things. So I was glad to find a reasonable price this summer!

  13. Your garden plan is lovely. I love your plinth and urn. I have been daydreaming of having a couple of these for a while now. Like the ones in the garden of Squire Hambly at Hambly Hall in ‘Wives and Daughters’. Where did you get them?

  14. The urn is from Lowe’s and was a dark bronze color to start. The plinth is from Home Depot (online but not in my store) and was originally a slight peach tone.They have been painted again to match each other; they aren’t grey anymore.There are places that carry real stone ones, but they were literally 10 times as much.

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