See you all after the holidays!
See you all after the holidays!
When I first set out to create my website 4 years ago today, I didn’t want a blog. I didn’t want to have to scroll through recipes to find what I wanted. I wanted a different organization system, and a blog wasn’t it. If you weren’t aware that my website isn’t a blog, well, now…
I spent some time this past week writing down all of the blog posts I’d like to feature between now and the end of the year. I have a lot of projects on my to-do list that I’m excited to share with you. I also am planning to share more photos of our home on…
I’ll have a pasta salad recipe up to go with this dressing soon as well! You can find the recipe here.
Here are a few things to note: First, of course, is that my blog is now integrated into my website. It wasn’t a perfect transition; it appears that we lost some comments and all of my photo were shrunk. I’m going to work at putting every photo back in, but that will take a…
Just in time for the 4th of July! Chances are pretty good that you already have all of the ingredients on hand already! You can find the recipe here.
Last December we had a bumper crop of lemons, easily 5 times what we had harvested the year before. I get asked what we do with all these lemons. First, I use lemon juice on Swiss chard and artichokes from the garden. I freeze juice from our lemons to use throughout the year for this…
Take care, This Boomer doesn’t do Instagram
Definitely will miss you, especially will when I am cutting grocery budget.
Have a lovely holiday Brandy and family! See you in January!
I totally understand! I am glad you are taking the time you need for family and work! I have missed the posts but so glad you are prioritizing! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you and your family all the best. Looking forward to hearing from you in the new year. Really enjoy your Instagram posts.
Completely understandable – please take care.
Have a wonderful holiday season everyone.
Brandy, Enjoy the blogging break-and of course Thanksgiving and Xmas with your family. I hope your husband is able to come for a visit.
My neighbour brought me leeks, tomatoes and zucchini from her garden before the first snowfall. I was also able to purchase 2 lbs brussels sprouts for .99 on Flash Food.
Last week we stayed with our friends 4 boys for 5 days while they were out of town. I turned down the heat and water heater while we were gone-in addition she fed us and paid us very well. I will put that money in my travel fund. I thought of you Brandy when one night she told me to order in pizza for dinner-it came to $62 for one meal and I am sure you could feed your family for the week on that!
Speaking of travel my friend asked if I would like to attend a conference with her in Malta in August-she offered to pay for the hotel as it will be a business expense. Better yet my cousin offered us his home in Malta as he is away working in Manila. This will save $500 per night which is a crazy amount to pay. Her husband has decided to join us and so far we plan one week in London and a week in Malta-they will continue touring Europe while I head home for the beginning of the new school year. I was able to find a 35% off coupon on the hotel website for London which was a great saving.
I also thought of you Brandy when my husband tried out the brand new shower at our friends. He said it had instant hot water with no wait-which I imagine would be a savings on the water and water heating bill. I had no idea such technology existed.
I need a new water heater soon. I know about these; would love to have one, but I think they are only electric? Will have to look. Our water heater is gas and my bill has been miniscule lately
Hi Brandy,
Happy American Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family find joy at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. I have very little to report on savings. I did buy 2 pairs corduroy pants from Land’s End for $8 each on sale reduced from $65 ($5.75 US$), a fleece-lined long sweater from Land’s End for $12.00 (#8.58), a jacket from Old Navy for $12.00. The $8 pants are far too long so I’ll hem them. I also bought a pair of pants from Old Navy. They are marked one size but are actually a different size so are huge on me. They are beautifully made and were so cheap I’m thinking of getting a tailor to refit them for me. It was unexpectedly expensive this month. I had the usual annual furnace servicing done which would have been $300 but
the ignition switches on each furnace had to be replaced for another $400. Better to do it proactively than to be without heat in minus 30 weather and have to have an emergency service call.
Brandy, there is a device for showers where the water does not come out until it’s the right temperature. This is a separate feature from an on demand, tankless water heater.
Will miss the posts, but understand and will be looking forward to when you’re back!
I hope nothing is wrong! I’ve missed your posts. Blessings to you and yours.
Maybe we could all post once a week here in the comments to stay in touch with our community here.
I need to do some security updates first.
Hi Brandy, Hope all is well with you, or as well as can be. I read but dont comment much lately. Wishing you and your family a good holiday season, and a fresh new year with lots of good things.
Hope you have Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. Enjoy the time with your family.
Selfishly, I miss the weekly blog posts, but could tell there has been a bit of a sea change for you this year and fully understand and support your need to prioritize. Thank you for everything! I know we’ll all be happy to hear from you again when you feel able. Best wishes for lovely holidays.
Thank you for understanding.
My world is very, very different, on so many levels, and there is simply only so much time.
Sure will miss your post but I for sure understand. My life has become so hectic that I’ve had to prioritize my time and limit my screen time.
Hopefully all is well and the new year will find us all in a better frame of mind. Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year to you and your precious family. Cindy from Alabama.
Good for you…
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
And see you soon.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas Brandy!
Hi, maybe you could just open weekly post and set it up so that you do not have to check every comment before it goes up? You do not have to share, just give others opportunity to communicate.
I can’t do it that way; I get a lot of inappropriate spam comments that way.
Happy New Year Brandy!
When you post next can you please tell me what kind of dryer you have? I remember you purchasing one recently and mine is on its way out!
Thank you!
I got a new washer recently (not a dryer) but my dryer is a gas dryer and it’s a Kenmore Connect.