I’m thankful we were able to borrow an oven thermometer. My oven has suddenly been warming 65 degrees cooler than it should be. Knowing the problem, I can turn it up, check the thermometer, and bake for Thanksgiving. I’ll need to have it fixed, but there’s no need to go buy pies instead of baking them myself.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that I was able to take the afternoon off to make my pies and prep for my dressing.
I’m thankful for taking a few seconds to reread a recipe and include the previously omitted ingredient. As a result I’m enjoying a warm scone fresh from the oven and a cup of coffee. Next, continued Thanksgiving preparations. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Brandy! And blessings to all who read and comment on your blog.
Wonderful photo of your pumpkin pie- it looks delicious.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am thankful I live close to my family and will be celebrating with my immediate and extended family members.
I am grateful for a few quiet days over the Thanksgiving holiday, rather than having to rush around and drive some place. We need a few days to just relax and enjoy each other’s company rather than rush. I am grateful for that time.
Thankful I’m not in the hospital like I was last year and that I can do the cooking. My DD did well enough last year, for her first attempt, so I’m not complaining, but I do like to cook it myself.
I’m thankful to learn new things……what did you use to make a rectangular pumpkin pie?! It looks amazing
I saw a Christmas paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 on Facebook and was struck by this line: Love doesn’t yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to get in the way.
I am thankful for children, past, present, and future. And for the good people who parent them.
Brandy, I’ve adjusted the thermostat in my oven by removing the oven knob and turning the screw(s) behind it. I’m not sure if it’s ok to post a link, but http://davesrepair.com/DIYhelp/oventempadj.htm has detailed instructions. If it turns out to be a bad temperature sensor, that’s a super-easy fix that I’ve done myself. Best of luck on fixing your stove!
I’m thankful that my sisters took over baking the rolls and pies since my oven died on Monday. The replacement will come on Saturday, and I am thankful we can get it that soon.
I am thankful for all the cooking classes DD has been able to attend for free this fall. I love that she is learning to try new foods, and if she likes them, we can easily make them again at home. So far, the cooking lessons are falling on deaf ears, but I hope the exposure and bits of practise now, will come back to help her later on in life.
Way to problem solve! I’m thankful for a walk in the woods with two special little boys who got close to 6 deer this afternoon.
I’m thankful to spend some time with grandkids today and the rest of the family tomorrow.
Husband bought MORE apples and cranberries when I sent him out for milk. Thankful for his cheerful willingness to go to the market and for finding a recipe to make cranberry apple jam to use the extras after he saw my face. With his help, canned 8 pints of jam so will be adding them to the Christmas baskets we give, filled with canned items I made this fall and a loaf of chocolate babka.
I used this pan: https://amzn.to/2OUpBYE
You can use a 9-inch pie crust recipe with it.
Heidi, I would love to read the rest of this. Please share a link to where you found it.
I’m thankful for a day at home, to have time to straighten and clean several areas that have been neglected. Things always feel so much better when they’re in order.
I am thankful my pumpkin pie, baked yesterday, turned out perfectly :). My favorite pie in the world! Also had a chance to make lots of mashed potatoes ahead of time, freezing quite a few portions, so that task is done ahead of time too.
Happy thanksgiving Brandy to you and your family, and all the blog folks as well.
I am thankful to be celebrating my husband’s 66th birthday today. Thankfully he is in good health and happy. And I am thankful that what he wanted for his birthday dinner was homemade ratatouille although it was a surprising request!
I am always thankful when I see a new post from you. How do you bake a pie shaped like that? Happy Thanksgiving!!! Glad you are feeling better.
See my response above to Jane 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
In the usual un-referenced facebook style, what my friend posted was a copy of a clipping a paper newsletter with no source.
I found the whole writing online at two websites.
This one cites a book: http://www.appleseeds.org/1_Cor_13_Xmas.htm It has an additional line at the end.
This one lists an author: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/feel-good-story/2821/First-Corinthians-13-Christmas-Version
I am thankful that my first colonoscopy was excellent and I don’t have to repeat the miserable process for a decade. I got rather sick on the prep.
I am also beyond thankful to see my daughter tomorrow and hear all about her first apartment and her job. Feeling very blessed!
Happy Thanksgiving
I am thankful I got off work early today and could prep the food I am bringing for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Brandy, and to everyone here who celebrates the holiday.
Have you cleaned your oven recently? When mine starts running hot, running the cleaning cycle fixes it.
I’m thankful for this blog, which has added so much to my life.
I’m also thankful for boba wrap (baby carrier) that a friend sent me, that a friend had sent her (I’m the third mom to use it!). I tried several different wrap techniques today and finally found one that works. This allowed me to have my hands free to do chores while still taking care of my fussy baby who only settles when she is held upright. Having that hour to do things, and giving my sore wrists a break was so appreciated!
Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans here! May you have peaceful joyous celebrations.
I am thankful for the bounty of food that we have in our country. I’ve mentioned before that I’m re-stocking the larder from the ground up. Thankful that when I stopped at the store today for rolls (not a good bread-baker and short on time to try) I was able to get a second round of loss leaders, including olives for .25 and butter for $1.99. Quantities were limited to one or two items, but who doesn’t like olives for a quarter?
Due to the move and getting established in a new (but close by) community, I have been lax in my food bank donations these past few months. My Thanksgiving resolution is to begin making monthly food donations. As I said at the beginning, I’m thankful for our country’s bounty of food, and I don’t want anyone to go hungry.
Today I feel so blessed to have warm clothes, a warm place to sleep, and heat in my car. Can you tell I live where it’s cold? It was about 28 today.
I sent our 12-year-old off to a camping/hiking trip. The average temperatures in Estonia right now are around the freezing point. So I am thankful that my son will have lots of fun and that the teachers are experienced campers who know how to keep kids warm in the woods! And I am thankful that although they will spend their days playing and hiking outside, at night they can sleep in a log cabin that may even have a heating stove.
I am thankful my children slept well last night. My husband and I were both up at 3 am with coughs, but we mentioned to each other we were glad the children weren’t up as well. I am also thankful we have enough to share for our thanksgiving meal today.
I am thankful that family is coming over to our home for dinner today, that we have room to put up an extra table and enough dishes and linens. The house is warm and clean enough. I am thankful the turkey got thawed in time, that I was able to making stuffing in advance, and that others are bringing many parts of the dinner. I am especially grateful to have a day to honor gratitude and abundance and to share with others. It’s an attitude that I try to cultivate each day.
I was intrigued too, so did some searching and found this link: http://www.appleseeds.org/1_Cor_13_Xmas.htm
Thanks for sharing, Heidi!
I am thankful today for a delicious dinner that everyone enjoyed. Hope everyone enjoyed their day. Happy Thanksgiving!
My ovens newer (installed when the house was originally built in 2003) so 15 years old or so. Mine were also heating inaccurately. I googled and found out that there was a simple programming adjustment that I could do to re-calibrate the temperature. I googled my oven brand and type and re-calibrate thermostat and the instructions came up. Worked beautifully and I didn’t need to pay for a repair. My sister in law tried it too (her oven is a different brand than mine) worked for her as well. You might try that before calling for a repair. Good luck!