I am thankful for the beautiful weather we had today. I went outside for a bit to enjoy it.
I’m also thankful to have found a misplaced pattern piece that I need to make gifts for 3 children. Now I can make them!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for the beautiful weather we had today. I went outside for a bit to enjoy it.
I’m also thankful to have found a misplaced pattern piece that I need to make gifts for 3 children. Now I can make them!
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for good weather and the chance to work in the garden today. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am grateful for the pleasure of a video phone call to friends in France. I am still amazed that this technology exists and that it doesn’t cost anything to call (so different from paying high prices per minute for a regular phone call!) plus I get to see everyone’s smiles and see how much their children…
Today as I dug in the garden and planted bulbs, I was very grateful that we were able to relandscape the garden. That area of the garden had been overrun with solid crabgrass roots and I had not been able to eradicate them in over 15 years. We removed all of the soil from that…
We had really strong winds the last two days. I am thankful that none of my trees broke in the wind! I will have to restake several (and I already retied one), but all are okay. What are you thankful for today?
Some rain fell in parts of the Las Vegas Valley! We only had a few drops at my house (literally–they could have been counted). I had a photoshoot, so I was very thankful it wasn’t raining on us! What are you thankful for today?
Today as I filled up the pepper shakers for the table I realized what wealth such an amount of pepper would have constituted in the middle ages. I am grateful for food, for clothing, for a warm home, and for my family. What are you thankful for today?
Hi Brandy & all from Australia :).
Such a bother when you lose a pattern piece, we were on the search for one just the other day. We found it in the sewing room, but it had been blown on the floor from the table as we have had strong winds here and had to keep the windows open to cool the house down. So glad you found it :D.
Today we are thankful for finding one packet of full cream powdered milk in a supermarket today. Anywhere from beginning of November to December every year, it seems everyone is buying everything in the baking aisles and especially powdered milk. We are fortunate that we have a 3 month supply but were trying to stock up on 4 that we have used, so now only 3 to go. We shall try again when we go shopping next.
I am thankful I slept til 6:15. I’ve been up at 4:30 for weeks and you’d think I’d be some super productive wonderwoman but in reality I just drank herbal tea and prayed for sleep.
I am thankful for a turkey carcass. My husband and I helped cook and serve for a college student ministry dinner. I noticed one of the men carving the turkey and he was getting ready to toss it, so I asked him if I could have it. I was able to make broth from it for a soup and share half of the carcass with my daughter who also made broth for her sick family.
I also made turkey soup for my sick family yesterday from our carcass! Even if you can’t use it right away, it can be frozen for later.
I’m thankful for my hubby’s job which allows me to stay home and raise our family.
A long talk with my oldest son. He works full time at a big hospital at night, goes to school in the day time, and he and his wife have raised two of the finest kids. His wife is now working as a nurse too. We don’t talk too much because I am never sure when he is awake. I know going to school like he does he tries to catch some sleep when ever possible and I never want to wake him up. He helps me put his brother, my only other child’s ‘deeds’ in perspective and makes it a little more easy for me. Yesterday was not a good day for me as far as that 2nd son is concerned, and I was feeling pretty low. My oldest son’s call was just what I needed to pick up my spirits and face the day.
Glad you were feeling good enough to go outside and enjoy some of the nice weather Brandy. So glad you found your missing pattern piece too. I know how frustrating it can be to lose a pattern piece to a favorite pattern. I once brought a whole ‘new to me’ pattern off Ebay to get a missing pattern piece. Lucky it was not expensive, but it still made me mad I had to do it to make the things I wanted to make. I can sew with the best of them, but I am not a pattern crafter. I need that pattern to make my clothing pieces. My home economics teacher would hang her head in shame if she knew.:/ I have always been like that.
Tonight I am going to cook my husband’s sugar free goodies for Thanksgiving. I also got a few things together to take with us when we leave Wednesday afternoon. We will be traveling for Thanksgiving. I always need a head start to get things together so I don’t forget something important.
I am thankful for routines that allow me to have a clean and pleasant home all of the time and not just when we have company.
I am thankful for two long telephone chats with friends in the past two days. What a pleasure to catch up after a long period of time. I also had lunch with a girlfriend yesterday and also really enjoyed the conversation. Three friends in three days, I am all talked out 🙂
I am thankful for several hugs I received from the children who had come for our school Christmas program at my work. It was my first time leading the program after my training, so the hugs made me feel really good.:D
I am thankful today for the currants that grew on our bushes this year. The crop was not as large as usual, but I froze them as we picked them, & now that I have a little more time, I juiced both the red & white currants today, then froze the juice in labeled 1 cup containers to use next summer when I am making jam instead of using commercial pectin. When I was done squeezing the cloth I used to strain the juice, I emptied the contents onto the “fruit leather” dehydrator trays to dry. I intend to use them to add flavor & body to several tisane mixes.
With little boys around, I now have a box devoted to missing pattern pieces. Hopefully someday they get filed away.
Why do they always like to hide so? And I even keep my patterns in ziplocks once used.
Ah sewing would be boring if we always had all the pieces right!
I’m thankful Brandy posts her beautiful sewing projects.
I am very thankful for another day spent with the nieces and nephew.
I worked quite a bit on the pajamas I am making for my autistic niece. She doesn’t like surprises, so she chose the fabric and is watching me sew. She is so cute. She will sit by my elbow and watch me, scooting her chair closer and closer until I have to ask her to move back. She will for a minute, then the chair starts scooting closer again! It is so nice to sew for someone who really, really wants what I am sewing for her. She asks for pajamas every single year ever since I started making them for her a few years ago.
Because she is autistic and has some other challenges, she has a very short list of places where she is willing to spend the night. I am so privileged to be on the “A” list. She brings so much joy to me with her sweet spirit and grateful heart when I do something with her or for her. (She may ask me, seriously, 25 times to get started on a project if she really wants to do it, and I help a LOT, like her pillow she/I just made–so I have to be very careful of anything I say we might do) I am very thankful she is in my life.
We, too, have a friend, age 42, who is autistic and spends a lot of time at our house. He LOVES sports and so do we. Most holidays, he is here, watching the never-ending sporting events playing on our television. I am thankful for my kids/grandkids, who treat him as a member of our family.