Christmas 2016
I’m grateful for the chance to do some tidying in the house. I had visitors the last two days and it was a relief to have several things cleaned up and put away before they arrived.
I did a little more Christmas decorating. I had bought a few small Christmas picks at 90% off last year that I had forgotten all about, and I was thankful for the little extra to add to an existing faux $3 wreath and faux garland.
What are you thankful for today?
Such a beautiful table!
I’m thankful for NPR on my IPad. I can stay connected without watching TV.
I am pretty much finished with my Christmas decorating and for that I am thankful. I think I am particularly grateful for the wonderful ornaments and décor from years past that I can enjoy again and again. In some ways it is like old friends coming to visit for the holidays. Putting up Christmas is truly no cost, no gas, no time shopping. I get out my treasures, unwrap them or lift them out of their boxes and begin to play with new arrangements, different vignettes, and new locations for my old friends.
My oldest got her acceptance letter to California Baptist University!!! It was her first choice and came with a substantial merit scholarship. I am so thankful for her and for God’s provision for our family.
What a beautiful, cheery photo. I love the Christmas-tree styled serviettes. Are they hard to fold? Ann
I am thankful that the pup Charlotte did not get diarrhea from the deworming meds she received yesterday from the vet and made it outside each and every time even though it meant I was up at midnight and again at 4 am and had to go out with her due to coyotes in the area.
I’m thankful for the big bag of lemons and oranges gifted to me by a co-worker who was gleaning his parents’ trees for them. Lovely fresh picked fruit!
I am thankful that my Dad is home from the hospital and doing very well after his needed surgery this week. He is 85 3/4 years old, so any surgery is risky and he came through just beautifully!
Nope! Here is a tutorial:
I believe my son ironed in each fold last year, but I’m not certain. You can try it both ways and see.
Congratulations! First choice school and a scholarship–how wonderful for her!
God’s provision blesses us so! I am thankful for a comfortable place to sleep…so needed!
Thank you!!!
Thanks so much!
Hello Brandy and everyone from Australia 🙂 .
On the 28th I was thankful that we were able to both afford and to stock up on items for our food storage at 10 – 50% off normal prices. We stocked up on 10 tins of long life vegetables and meat, 6 250g Philadelphia cream cheese, 3 tins of corn kernels, 4 x 2lts of BBQ sauce bringing us to a years supply and 3 packets of nice biscuits. We coupled the savings with a $10 discount on our supermarket rewards card and saved a total of $57.12 off normal retail costs. I can see some lovely cheesecakes being made over the Christmas period in our home with ingredients that are far cheaper than usual 😀 .
On the 29th we were thankful we were able to offer service to a friends family and supply excess advanced volunteer marigold and watermelon seedlings from our gardens for their gardens to give them a head start.
November 27th (I’m really behind) – I was thankful that my last bariatric recheck was a very good one. I maintained my weight exactly from the previous year and they said I did very well since my surgery 5 years ago. I am grateful I do not have to return next year!
November 28th – I was thankful for a good nights rest that night. I was exhausted from my travels to Toronto the previous day, DD having a meltdown at bedtime which delayed me getting to bed the previous night and then working a full day…boy was I grateful for sleep that night!
November 29th – I was thankful for the precious grade one child who made me laugh. I had explained to them that the parlour in the 1800s was only used for special guests, like when the minister came for a visit. When I asked if anyone had questions later, one precious child innocently asked “Why would the prime minister be visiting these people?”. That question just made my day!
I am also so very thankful to be able to be here for my son and supporting him in his search for a way in life. What a gift to be a mom!