Today I am thankful for leftovers. They always make the day easier!
Here’s a little Thanksgiving gratitude humor for you.
What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for leftovers. They always make the day easier!
Here’s a little Thanksgiving gratitude humor for you.
What are you thankful for today?
Today I’m thankful for the opportunity to sleep in, and for warm blankets and a warm house. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for ripe lemons in the garden. I made lemonade tonight with our dinner. What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for the weaknesses of my children. In them, I see the weaknesses I had as a child: the child who loses things, the child who struggles to memorize the multiplication table, the child who understands the algebra concepts and memorizes the formulas but makes simple errors when executing the problem, the child…
I went to bed early again last night (I keep waking up at 4:15 a.m.!), so this is a posting for yesterday. I am thankful for my sister-in-law, who took Winter to the thrift store. Winter found a pair of riding boots, just like she wanted–for $6! She als found a jean jacket (something else…
I’m thankful for the free subscription I’ve had to Martha Stewart Living magazine for the last several years thanks for Recyclebank. The latest issue came this week and I feel really inspired to try several new recipes from it! What are you thankful for today?
Today, I’m thankful for food to eat. What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for a bountiful life and this community of people who rejoice at each other’s frugal savings! I am also thankful to not need to spend money to be content. I have enough and that enables me to give to others.
I am also thankful for leftovers. I did not cook today.
I did decide to go to JoAnn’s and get some flannel. I waited until lunch time to go over there with 2 of the kids. I took a number immediately when I entered the store, as I usually do (but thanks for the reminder yesterday–sometimes I forget) and had 21 people in front of me. The girls and I got our flannel choices–one got some fleece that was on sale and we still had time to look at 99c patterns while we waited and we were quickly through the line. Just when I was congratulating myself on our quick trip, I got a text that my daughter that works at Starbucks was going to be done earlier than planned, in a town only 10 minutes away from where I was. It was going to take too much time and gas to go all the way home, a 30 minute drive, then 30 more to her work. (It’s like a tall, skinny triangle and I was driving across the bottom and saving tons of time and also the trip that would have had to be taken later in the day.)
So, I put a screeching halt to the hurrying and we slowly perused the clearance aisle, looking for white elephant items for an upcoming 4H party. Then, we meandered over to Burgerville next door and the kids got the buy one, get one free milkshakes and some french fries, which we slo-w-l-y ate. Then we moseyed into the car and drove at a snail’s pace to the nearby town and waited an additional 30 minutes until Lovana was done. Whew! I’m thankful for my car, for the good sale on flannel, and most of all, that my kids have been eating out so seldom lately that they were thrilled to have those french fries and milkshakes and were patient, pleasant, and happy to wait for big sister!
I am thankful that my children are basically healthy (I have a daughter with Lupus).
My best friend called me today to tell me her son had had a major stroke yesterday. This kind of news makes your problems seem very small.
I ask that all of you that read this please pray for Tony Bruton. Tony is in his 40s. He is Karen’s firstborn. She and her husband are staying strong and trusting God has a plan.
Thank you all so much.
Hello Brandy & all from Australia :).
Today I am thankful that I was able to surprise my husband by making a double batch of granola from the lovely recipe that Brandy has provided on this site and steam our vegetables for tonight’s tea while my husband was having a midday nap.
Unfortunately he is sick with the flu and is having a hard time getting over it, so I thought as he usually cooks I would make it easier & quicker so later this afternoon it will only take him around 5 mins prep & 30 mins cooking time to finish off tea in the oven.
We are having a chicken & vegetable bake using fresh vegetables out of our garden, blanched vegetables we had frozen from the garden’s excess produce, tinned chicken from the pantry, & white sauce made from powdered milk, topped with grated cheese and of course not to forget the bread crumbs to make it nice and crispy :D.
Oh definitely!!!
I am thankful for modern medicine. My little girl was so sick the last couple of days and my husband ended up taking her to the ER today. We were petrified she had pneumonia as she took such a major jump into the “terrible” category with a cold she’s been battling this week.
A diagnosis of an upper respiratory infection and double ear infection and a script for some much needed antibiotics later (the first time she’s been on them in a couple of years, of which I’m also grateful for) and we’re already seeing some minor improvement in her tonight. I’m so thankful we live in a country where we can get things like medical attention.
I am also Thankful for leftovers. I did have to cook for the children. I am thankful for the 30% amazon code you told us about. I am thankful we have enough money to order some presents ahead, so we can shop on small business saturday. I am thankful my family is coming to visit today so they can eat up the leftover dessert before I do. 😮
After watching that video, I’m grateful that we don’t ask my family what they are grateful for at Thanksgiving. Both my brother-in-laws and my brother have recently separated from their wives. It’s very possible that is what our Thanksgiving would have looked like.:p
As for my real answer, I am thankful that we now have Black Friday deals happening in Canadian stores. I was able to get a good deal on a very expensive laptop for my daughter for Christmas. We decided to invest in one this year for her “big” gift as she is now in 7th grade and it will be vital for her schoolwork as she moves into high school. We also decided to go with a higher end model with the hopes that it will keep up with changing technology over the next 6 years. It was our one big expenditure this year for Christmas, but all other gifts have been made of bought with a strict budget in mind.
I am praying for him, Becky.
Erika, just wanted to tell you that I recently started reading your blog and just love it. I have learned so much from it and love the fact that you live in Alaska. I can’t comment though because I don’t have any of the requirements for commenting, but just wanted to tell you good job!
I’ve been there when you are doing things in as close to slow motion as you can to eat up time. Why is it that it always seems like when you do that time passes slower than if you were in a hurry *laugh*. Sounds like an awesome day, overall, though and at least you got to save some gas :).
Thank you :). I’m glad you enjoy it!
Prayers are being said for him. I am sorry. I have a son who puts ME into the dumps, but thanks be to God he is healthy in the body. I know that is the kind of news that rocks you to your core.
I am thankful for the internet. So far just today, Saturday, 11/28 at 3:11 p.m., I have:
Watched my daughter’s university football team play in an FCS playoff game (still going on, go Chants!)
Checked various news websites
Checked this website and some other frugal living sites
Renewed my library books
Checked the Home Depot and Lowe’s websites for a plumber’s snake, verified availability at my local stores, read reviews to find the best option for me, and watched a couple instructional videos to make sure I know how to use it to unclog the drain in our main bathroom
Researched why the hot water is leaking in my other shower after I replaced the shower head
Checked a website that lists which NFL games are being shown in which area this weekend and which college games are on TV today and which network they will be on ( if you are interested)
Checked the tv schedule for a couple channels to see what’s on later tonight
Later today, I’ll be checking NHL scores, listening to the Washington Capitals game on the radio via the TuneIn radio app, use a recipe I have saved on my laptop but haven’t printed out yet, and check out the news and other websites again, including some UK newspapers and opinion blogs.
The internet saves me time and money, provides information and opinions to allow me to explore issues from many perspectives, and connects me with people I will never meet in person but who are, in some ways at least, my soulmates.
I too am thankful for leftovers (turkey as usual but also pinto bean and ham soup/stew from earlier in the week). Tomorrow meals should be easy too! I am also thankful my husband, our dog and I spent a nice day together.
Erika–I can’t figure out how to send you direct messages. I love your blog also and your generous spirit finding a way to give gifts even though money is awfully tight again. Life in AK is a challenge at times, but we are blessed to live in this wonderful state. We lived here 20 years ago in Willow and Houston. Now we live in Fairbanks which is a little more challenging, but we love it.
Our family is not much interested in a home-made Christmas but I knit hats for donation instead. The opportunity to bless others is what Christmas is really about. Never lose sight of the many contributions you are making to your family by your frugal efforts!
we spent some time in Anchorage in Sept. and enjoyed some of the thrift stores in Wasilla/Palmer.
Many of us are praying for you and your family.
I too read your blog and dearly love it! I am praying for your daughter’s health and I hope the rest of your family stays healthy this winter season!
The internet has been a great blessing for me as well because it has brought me into the community of like-minded wisely frugal people on this blog and others! Whenever I feel like I am starting to drift over into consumerism a little bit I immerse myself in the words of Brandy and others to press the “reset” button!
I also have a Kindle and love to browse the free cookbooks and homesteading type books on Kindle Unlimited.
What is your blog’s name?