Today I’m thankful for the opportunity to sleep in, and for warm blankets and a warm house.
What are you thankful for today?
Today I’m thankful for the opportunity to sleep in, and for warm blankets and a warm house.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful I was able to work on a gift today! I know I’m going slower because of my fall, but I am still determined to finish gifts this month. Here’s a preview of what I was working on today: What are you thankful for today?
Yesterday (the 18th) my family traveled to Cedar City, Utah to tour the new temple there. You can see photos of the temple here. I’m grateful that we were able to go. Friday I was grateful for the beautiful day we enjoyed. Today, I am glad that though temperatures reached 34ºF (1ºC) last…
I am thankful that my children did their chores this evening. They were gone all morning serving others (cleaning the church building, and collecting food for the food bank for Scouting for Food) and the house was a disaster when they left. Amazingly, they got all of their chores done for the whole day…
I’m thankful that I was able to listen to and talk with my daughter. What are you thankful for today? (And that’s a sneak peek at one of the dresses she made for herself in October! Once I get a photo of her in one more outfit I’ll share them!)
Today I am thankful for those who have served and are serving in our military. What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for my children’s generosity and desire to serve others. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that a friend fixed our furnace earlier this fall. He did the equivalent of $1,200 worth of labor and even paid for the supplies, just to be nice and encourage us during Rob’s job loss. We have been using a combination of our wood stove and the furnace because it’s been down into the 20’s at night, a real cold spell for us. (The rest of you in colder places can start laughing now:)) I’m very glad to have it working. We could not afford to pay to get it repaired.
Hello Brandy & all from Australia :).
Today I am thankful that after a mini tornado hail storm struck our home & gardens yesterday that I was able to salvage & find some undamaged beans & herbs to pick, although the plants were shredded. I also think that our spinach beet now trimmed will survive, along with some tomato plants, parsley, pea vines, basil & sage & corn plants. We did however lose all of our pumpkin vines, watermelon, broccoli & cucumber vines. Shall just have to wait and see whether the shredded bean plants & slightly battered tomato plants will make it over the next week after I trimmed the damaged and broken leaves off them. Amazingly our seedlings being propagated on the back steps survived completely unscathed as well.
The hail was golf ball sized & winds reached up to 120 – 200 km per hour, so I think that someone was clearly looking after us for us to salvage anything at all. We are also blessed & thankful that I was suddenly inspired to blanch and freeze a lot of our vegetables late last week too, so I am pleased that we have some stocks in the freezer should we have to replant to tide us over.
Keep your fingers crossed & please pray for our garden everyone that the remaining plants will survive for us :).
Thankful for warm blankets here too. So cozy this weekend. Watched too much TV, but did a lot of hand sewing while I did. Cooked another turkey, got rain check for a turkey at .39 a pound because Randall’s was out of turkeys when we were there to buy our 2nd turkey for freezer.
I am thankful for a husband who watches for Joann coupons and takes me to the store to use the 60% off coupon. I don’t drive after dark and it gets dark here early. He also stood in the line for me with my cut number while I looked for 1 more piece. I think if I can get all the sewing done soon we will be ready for Christmas.
I am tankful for the look on my oldest grandson’s face last Friday. He is 17 and went hunting with his father and got the first ‘kill’ of the day. He got 2 big ducks than he did all the work to get them ready to cook and then he cooked them on his father’s grill/smoker. He was so pleased to provide supper for family it was just precious. Love that kid.
Thankful for warm blankets here too. So cozy this weekend. Watched too much TV, but did a lot of hand sewing while I did. Cooked another turkey, got rain check for a turkey at .39 a pound because Randall’s was out of turkeys when we were there to buy our 2nd turkey for freezer.
I am thankful for a husband who watches for Joann coupons and takes me to the store to use the 60% off coupon. I don’t drive after dark and it gets dark here early. He also stood in the line for me with my cut number while I looked for 1 more piece. I think if I can get all the sewing done soon we will be ready for Christmas.
I am thankful for the look on my oldest grandson’s face last Friday. He is 17 and went hunting with his father and got the first ‘kill’ of the day. He got 2 big ducks than he did all the work to get them ready to cook and then he cooked them on his father’s grill/smoker. He was so pleased to provide supper for family it was just precious. Love that kid.
I am thankful that Brandy was kind enough to host this “Thankful” series where everyone could share their many blessings over the last month. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing what I was thankful for each day and I especially enjoyed reading others blessing as they were posted!
Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful blog series, Brandy! It was truly inspiring and uplifting to participate in. 😀
I am also thankful for a warm house and the start of another week living in a lovely place, safe and secure.
Brandy, I hope you are feeling better. Your list of accomplishments is growing so I hope that means you are recovering!
I’m crocheting an owl hat for my DS. Right now I am thankful for a piano teacher who taught me to crochet when I was ten years old.
I am thankful for my sister’s faith in ME, and hope I can live up to her expectations. She’s been having some heart symptoms and needs to go this Thursday for an angiogram. She asked me to drive her and stay at the hospital with her–despite having 6 kids, not all of whom live close by. She has called me previously for moral support on such occasions. She is going to end up with either stents or open heart surgery but this test comes first. I have already had a few angiograms, so I can tell her what to expect. The disappointing thing is that she is very careful with diet, exercise, and preventive care. She weighs no more than 100 #, if that, walks 5 miles a day, etc. Can’t pick your parents though, and both families have a high incidence of heart disease. Hoping for the best.
I am very thankful that my children are healthy. I could do without almost anything else in life, except my precious children. They are my greatest blessing and I feel beyond lucky that they are happy and healthy. We do have friends that aren’t so lucky and they remind me of what is most important.
You might want to investigate a product called Medi C Plus, available at health food stores ( at least it is here in Canada). It is a high dose of Vitamin C and Lysine, and is used to manage cardiovascular disease. I am not a doctor, and mention this so that you can look into it, and make your own decision.
I’m always thankful for the opportunity to sleep in too! For me, it’s anything pat 7:00 am. How about you Brandy?