I’m thankful for the beautiful weather we had that made it so nice for the children to play outside.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the beautiful weather we had that made it so nice for the children to play outside.
What are you thankful for today?
Today as I filled up the pepper shakers for the table I realized what wealth such an amount of pepper would have constituted in the middle ages. I am grateful for food, for clothing, for a warm home, and for my family. What are you thankful for today?
I spent the day in bed today. I learned how much I do everyday, because I didn’t do it today. I’m grateful for the ralization that even when it seemed like I wasn’t getting much done, I was still getting many things done. What are you grateful for today?
Today, I am thankful for a new can opener. Last week I had to buy a new can opener. As I stood at the store, looking at the can openers, I was reminded of a time when we were living on our food storage, and buying nothing, as we had no income. Our can opener…
I’m thankful for my eldest daughter, who offered to make dinner tonight. What are you grateful for today?
I’m thankful for my two-year-old, who yesterday answered my childhood question of whether or not it was possible to stick green olives with pimentos on one’s fingers just as well as black olives. If your fingers are small enough, you sure can! I’m also thankful for all of his ugs, and his remark to…
I’m thankful for a quiet Sunday and simple meals. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for a fireplace and a years supply of firewood.
I”m thankful for the changing fall leaves. Sunrise is gorgeous at this time of year.
I am thankful that my sons best friend that moved to a different city is back staying with us for the weekend. I love cooking for hungry teenage boys! They love everything you make them:)
I am thankful that my daughter, Windee, is no longer ill. 🙂
I’m thankfull my sitter was able to come out today; giving a chance to get out and attend my couponing group and socialise a little.
I’m thankful for the beautiful fall day!
i’m thankful for the full moon. i was outside last night and it was shining on the leaves and it looked like the trees were decorated with christmas light. they were just twinkling. awesomw sight
I am thankful that my daughter and 2granddaughters came and spent the afternoon with us..[Visits from children ,should never be taken for granted…. I know they have their families and are very busy with their own lives.]:)
I am thankful for a daughter who has taught me that not every child is born perfect, but is exactly how god intended them to be. She has taught me that we, as a human race, need to be more forgiving of the faults in others and not so judgmental.
Estoy agradecida por este maravilloso blog.
I’m thankful that after shopping frantically for a winter coat for my son, I finally got a nice coat today for a great deal ($27 marked down from $70 at JCPenney). It’s getting down into the 40s here and I checked all the thrift stores and friends with older sons – nothing! My son was very cooperative as I hunted for a coat that fits. He loves his coat and I’m pleased enough with the price.
I’m thankful for a sweet husband of 29 years. I was under the weather today and he covered me up all snuggly in a warm blanket.
Usted es muy bienvenido.
I am thankful for some time alone to relax and do some sewing.
I am so thankful for vets that are open on Saturdays and Sunday’s. Our little dog has a health issue and we were able to go to our regular vet without paying a super high ’emergency’ care vet.
I am thankful for the beautiful day the Lord has sent our way. I have had 2 loads of laundry dry on the line today and another load of jeans is about ready to go out on the line.
I am thankful our church has 5 different services on Sunday and a service on Saturday evening. We can attend our church to worship our Lord and then get the mundane things done that we can not do in the week because we work long hours. I am self employed and work more than 60 hours a week. The last thing I want to do after a day of work is run to the vet etc. I would rather spend time with my husband and grandsons. God is good.
I am thankful for friends who share their garden produce with us. We are having red beans and rice tonight made with onions and peppers from a friends garden. Life is good. 🙂
I’m in the process of updating our family emergency binders and emergency kits. Today I’m thankful we haven’t had to use these. Hopefully we never will; but knowing we’re prepared, with multiple copies, makes me feel a bit less nervous, heading into our next bushfire season.
I am thankful for the moon that was so beautiful tonight.
I am thankful for my husband. We are celebrating our 22nd anniversary Dec. 12th!
I just heard about your website. It is a treat to my eyes! The first thing I saw was a silver inkwell and pen. They are beautiful.
I live in a small town in California called San Jacinto and work in a city called Escondido. It takes an hour or hour and a half to get to and from work. My dream is to live on a small farm. To have fresh flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit trees. It is usually very hot. The weather has cooled, so I intend to plant some flowers and vegetables this weekend.
Your website is beautiful!