I’m thankful for a Christmas card from a reader that I received in the mail! I don’t know who you are, but thank you for your kindness!
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for a Christmas card from a reader that I received in the mail! I don’t know who you are, but thank you for your kindness!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for the chance to sit and watch a movie at home. What are you thankful for today?
I spent the day in bed today. I learned how much I do everyday, because I didn’t do it today. I’m grateful for the ralization that even when it seemed like I wasn’t getting much done, I was still getting many things done. What are you grateful for today?
Today I am grateful that I can see the sky out the window from my bed. It was nice to get to look at the clouds while resting. I haven’t aways been able to do that where I’ve lived and I am grateful for that. What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for a simple Thanksgiving at home and beautiful weather. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for a YouTube tutorial that taught me how to do three things in Lightroom with very simple and clear instructions. I was only looking for one thing in particular, so the other two elements it taught me were not only a bonus, but they were two things I was wondering how to…
I’m thankful for my husband going to the grocery store for me yesterday. while I stayed at home and painted. He called while there to ask me what else we might need from the store as they had a deal where if you spend $100, you get a free turkey. He bought several items that…
Today I am thankful for my brother-in-law’s medical care and recovery.
I am thankful for trees and the shade they provide on the southern side of my house all summer. Between them, the porch that runs along half of the house and the 18 inch overhang from the eaves and the gutters, my house stats cooler because not much sun comes in on that side. We won’t talk about how I feel when all the leaves fall and need to raked and bagged (7 bags so far,)
I am thankful my Mom made sure reading was valued in our home.
And that I found a husband who thinks the same.
Heidi, as a librarian, I am very thankful for all of you faithful readers out there.
I am grateful for the free yoga class that is taught twice a week in the church that is across the street from where I live. The class helps me stay strong and flexible and my body reminds me when I miss one! I am also grateful for the friendships that have formed with my classmates.
I am thankful for my eldest son. He’s only three and a half, but he’s such a great helper while I’m so heavily pregnant. I am thankful I can ask him to run and fetch things or to put things away and not have to leave the sofa! I am especially thankful that he is so good at helping his little sister – even if she doesn’t always want the help! It was lovely to watch them drawing together today, and to see him pass her extra paper and pick up her dropped pencils.
I’m thankful that we were able to afford Driver’s Ed. for our sixteen year old. It’s required in Maryland and the $350 price tag is hard for so many of us. I think of the many families who can’t afford it, as I think it does hinder their children’s future.
I’m thankful for warmer than usual weather. We were able to open windows and let fresh air in.
I’m thankful for the beautiful rain today. So needed and so grateful for it.
I am thankful the intense heat of summer is past.
Public libraries! Today I stopped by mine and picked up books to read and a simple Thanksgiving centerpiece craft kit for a small fun project.
I am thankful my home.
I am thankful that my mother taught me the skills of sewing and canning.
I am thankful that our house exterior painting is going very well and the house looks great. I am also thankful for a wonderful sister in law, we had a long chin wag today and I enjoyed every moment of it.
I am grateful for new ideas and creativity – both my own and, especially, for others.
I am thankful that a wind came up and blew my leaves away.
I am thankful that hopefully we will still not have snow until
next week.
I am thankful for the opportunity to learn new things at work all the time, and to pass this knowledge onto younger individuals in my profession. I have been in my profession (CPA) for about 40 years, but there is always something new to learn. I think keeping my brain nimble aids maintaining a healthy brain as I age.
I am thankful that a little House finch sat on a branch for half an hour and let me take photos.
Thank you for this thankful series again this year, Brandy. I have been putting thought to it and including in my journal as well. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to catch up with family and friends long distance over the phone without incurring the “olden days” of when I was a teen in the 80s and it was $1/minute long distance. Before that, we lived in Europe, and communication with family was via letters only. I still do enjoy writing and receiving those.
I am thankful that my kids helped me with a rather large chore today. The pantry needed cleaning and organizing and I had been putting it off….. we did it together and made it fun 🙂
I’m thankful for rain (California).
I am thankful for having a house to live in and a car to drive. I am thankful for running water, electricity and gas for heating.
I am thankful my social security $ is in the checking account so I can pay my bills.
I am thankful that the food bank, at which I work, is jam packed with food to give out these days.
I’m thankful for garbage men! We’d be in a bad fix without them, and ours are so kind about waving and honking at my little guys.
I’m thankful for a warm house with plumbing and electricity and gas. I’m thankful for appliances that work. I’m thankful for food to eat. I’m thankful for the box of seconds apples a friend gave me that will make delicious applesauce in a bit.
And I’m thankful for a mother who taught me to cook! How much sweeter life is when you know how to do the jobs that need to be done.
I am thankful for the beautiful fall weather we have been experiencing.
I am thankful for others skills. We have needed a locksmith and electrician recently and their help and skills are truly appreciated.
Today I am thankful for my mom. She taught me lots of things throughout the years but she made sure that I knew to have a well stocked pantry. I know Hubby, I and the kids are fed and my mom and dad are too. With all of the shortages going on it is a comfort to not have to stress over it.
Today I am thankful for two Thanksgiving cards I received in the mail yesterday.
I am thankful that my son-in-law’s father came through surgery successfully after an aneurysm yesterday. He will be in the hospital for a couple more weeks and then physical therapy but he is still doing well.
I am thankful for one of those days when I was able to move almost seamlessly from one thing to another to get a lot accomplished. I am also thankful that the things I wanted to bake could all be done using one pair of tongs and one sheet pan with parchment paper first, then moving to aluminum foil and a rack without so many things to wash.
I’m thankful for our little home.
I am thankful my husband is on my side…even when he doesn’t see what I see, he trusts my education, training and instincts. It goes both ways as I trust him implicitly. What a secure feeling in an ever changing world.
I am thankful for my friends
I am thankful for good friends who make me laugh and feel young again every time I see them.
I am thankful for a well stocked pantry, freezers and fridge with which we can make anything we normally eat 🙂 .
I’m thankful I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm went off today. And I was wide awake & used that time for prayer, worship, thankfulness & reflection. What a wonderful start to the day!
I’m thankful to be holding my baby in my arms as she falls asleep. Her sweet weight and the sound of her breathing are so relaxing and help me unwind at the end of the day. She’s so precious and I’m so thankful for the moments to appreciate just holding her.