I am thankful for free tickets to a new museum in town, the friend who sent me a link for the tickets, the friend who went with me, and the opportunity to go. It was amazing! We were both really impressed.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for free tickets to a new museum in town, the friend who sent me a link for the tickets, the friend who went with me, and the opportunity to go. It was amazing! We were both really impressed.
What are you thankful for today?
Completed pillow from last week’s goals is on the left. The pillow was made from unbleached muslin that I got for free from my grandmother’s stash. The stuffing was part of an old bed pillow. The pillow cover was made from drop cloth, and I hand-embroidered a red “S” on it. I printed out the…
I printed some Thanksgiving coloring pages from free Dover Sampler pages that I had saved over the years. I also printed a 3-dimensional project for the children to complete on Jamestown. This was from a book that I purchased form Scholastic Teacher Express when their e-books were $1 each, and they had a $10…
I received a bag of fabric this week from my mom’s friend. There is some fabric in there that looks to be enough to make a Christmas dress, a skirt for a child, and possibly another dress. From the same person, I also received 4 doll shirts that I will use for Christmas gifts for my…
I had a lovely surprise party for my husband’s 50th birthday. I borrowed tables and chairs to have enough seating for everyone. We ate from regular plates and bowls. We ate outside on our back patio. Our menu: Individual sized French BreadIndividual sized Rosemary Olive Oil Bread Tomato Basil SoupPasta e Fagioli Pasta Salad (I used green…
What a fun week! I think we had the most fun this week watching Ivory, who is walking. She decided that she liked it so much that once she figured it out on Sunday, she spent every waking minute walking around. We accepted a used portable cd player/radio this week. We didn’t…
Earlier this year, we purchased some Cornish Cross chickens with a friend (note: those are not Cornish Cross in the image above!) These are large chickens that are grown for their meat that grow to full size in 10 weeks–half the time of a bird raised for eggs. The birds are very large; females can…
I am thankful for your dedication to this blog. The information you and others have shared over the years have helped me to help my family, myself and others. There were times when life was giving me a hard day and I would read about your children or others’ lives and it would turn my day around.
I am thankful for a day at home mostly, to cook gifted pie pumpkins and put up a gallon of pumpkin. I love pumpkin!
I am thankful to the person who returned three sets of military service medals
to a thrift store which in turn donated them to our military museum. They belonged
to my friend’s late father and grandfather. They had been in the possession of her brother who died.
She is very grateful.
I am thankful to all those who fought in World War I and II. Tomorrow is Canadian Remembrance Day. I pray for peace.
I am thankful my last hope to get financial help to replace my hvac, instead discovered it wasn’t actually broken. A year without heat and ac, and it turns out the thermostat which was initially replaced to fix the issue, got power, but was not actually functioning when installed. No less than 5 repairman said it was the furnace that needed replacing. This person checked the wiring connections and determined the new thermostat was faulty. This is a $20k savings!
Wow! So happy for you!
That’s a miracle, Maria, and I am so happy for you!
You have to wonder how often this happens. Glad you finally got a reputable repairman.
I am thankful for my daughter’s phone call today. Was having a crabby day and I am grateful to chat with her about her life at University.
I am thankful for the ability to access medical care. It is truly a miracle when you think about it!
I am thankful for the continued abundance in our garden. My husband in particular works hard in the garden to produce vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers and due to our mild climate ( southern UK) we are going into winter with fresh veg to pick and plenty in storage. I am thankful for this every day.
How wonderful to go to a museum and see things in a new way!
I am grateful for my colleagues from our previous employer and the good memories we share of work well done.
Brandy…is that you at the bottom in the museum photo? I expanded photo but still not sure. Looks very interesting, whatever it is!
Remember the chaos in our world and pray for peace.
Yes! I went with my friend! We had a wonderful time. We went with zero expectations, not knowing almost anything about it, and were delighted!
I am thankful for my husband and I having finished up all the winter chores outside, except for putting the grill away because it will be nice this week and I am going to partial grill hamburgers to freeze for the winter. I just pop them into the oven when we want burgers and they taste fresh off the grill! Saves going out to a restaurant to have that grilled flavor. Looking forward to the resting season of winter where most things aren’t on a timetable to beat the cold weather.
I am thankful for all the veterans in my life and in service to this country.
I am thankful for an amazing, brilliant red sunset that I can see from my bedroom windon.
I am thankful for a warm home on cold nights.