“No teaching is equal, more spiritually rewarding,
or more exalting than that of a mother teaching her children."
- Boyd K. Packer

Homeschool Resources
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home
The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading
Links To Free Materials
Free math worksheets, plus many more with a subscription. They have a free one-week trial of the subscription section if you sign up for it.
Printout world and US maps, play map games and more
Free Foreign Language Lessons
Free Lessons from the BBC
Learn Spanish Online for Free
Instructional videos and examples
Free online typing course
Word meanings have changed a lot over the years. Read a more thorough and true definition in the 1828 dictionary.
A Planterium from Home
Use Terra Serva to determine your latitude and longtiude to use Stellarium
Links to lots (and lots!) of free materials
Spelling, Penmanship, Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets
Printables, including mad libs, math worksheets, seasonal and holiday crafts and more
Grades K-6 math worksheets. Click on the grade, then click “Leveled Practice”. This is like having a free math book.
more experiments
Experiments and more
For Materials and Information
Find out the rules for homeschooling where you live
Experiments and Products
Ornamental and Spencerian Penmanship books
Lists of 1000 good books, grades 1-12