Thankful Series

I’m thankful I was able to visit two thrift stores I’ve never been to before, on the way to and from an errand. I was able to find some things that I needed that I had not been able to find as well as a skirt that I can gift to a daughter for Christmas.


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful that my husband has the knowledge to fix and repair so many things in our home and cars. He is working on finishing our laundry room right now. He always upgrades and creates such beautiful spaces for our home

  2. I haven’t listed my thankful yet… so let me catch up.

    November 1: My Lord and Savior and His grace and mercy.
    November 2: My husband. He works hard to provide us with what we need and want. I try hard to make good use of the money he earns.
    November 3: My kids. They are grown now, but they will always have my heart.
    November 4: My assistant at work. She makes my job so much easier!
    November 5: My church: I wouldn’t make it without the fellowship of like minded people.
    November 6: My mom. Her birthday was earlier this month and I am thankful she is still with me.
    November 7: My mother in law. She has been a wonderful mother in law. I couldn’t have asked for better. She taught me everything I know on how to be a good mother in law. And because of her guidance, I have an excellent relationship with my daughter in law.
    November 8: My youngest sister. It’s her birthday. She had her first child this year and it was a difficult birth that resulted in emergency surgery. She almost died and the baby suffered neurological damage, but thankfully it was minor and the body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Because of excellent care and a diligent mommy who makes sure he gets everything he needs, he is on par with his peers and will be just fine! I get to meet him this month at Thanksgiving in person and I can’t wait!
    November 9: The Prudent Homemaker. With her excellent advice, as well as the advice and suggestions given by the commenters, I have learned frugal tricks and have helped us be able to live a more frugal lifestyle. This frugal lifestyle enabled us to take the trip for our son’s graduation to NYC, a place that’s over a thousand miles from where we live and something we would have NEVER been able to do before as we lived paycheck to paycheck. Thank you all!

  3. I am thankful for the warm sunshine today after the cold start this morning. I am thankful I got a nap this afternoon even though most it was with a puppy over the top of my head LOL

  4. I am thankful for beautiful fall days that are nearing their end. Autumn is my favourite time of year. I’m not looking forward to winter, though, so I will enjoy the autumn weather while it lasts!

  5. Today I am thankful for being able to be in the right place at the right time in a shop as they were putting clearance items on to the clothing rack, to purchase new clothing at such great prices for winter next year. I purchased 1 beautiful embroidered cotton nightie, 2 thick and warm zip up women’s vests and 2 long sleeved sports style matching zip up tracksuit tops all for $25. I was also able to purchase some goats milk soap I found on special for under half price for my sensitive skin.

    I have put on weight which I desperately needed but as a consequence need to replace my wardrobe on a limited budget and the second hand clothing stores in our area are far more expensive to buy from than what I paid new for the clothing.

  6. A lovely day ,crisp, sunny and cold. My son and I went for a walk this morning. Well bundled up:)
    So thankful for the time together. Planning to make it a more regular occurrence.

  7. I am very thankful for close friends who support me when life seems a bit much. I am also thankful to be able to reciprocate. That’s what friends are for.

  8. I am thankful for warmth on a cold day. A warm apartment with cozy blankets, slippers to walk in, a warm sweater and yummy warm soup all make me happy.

  9. I am thankful the last three weeks are over–I needed some medical tests and the running around has made me very tired. It’s been a trial getting all the tests to get medical approval for a procedure, but I have it now. Hoping to rest up some and catch up on laundry between now and the weekend. The procedure is next week.

  10. I am thankful to be inside on a cold night with freezing rain outside.

    I am thankful that a friend gave me a ride to a distant lab two days ago and then returned a monitor for me yesterday. It saved me a huge amount of money ($200) for a cab.

    I am thankful for the “snow angel” who came along and helped me finish shovelling snow. That last bit always seems the hardest.

    I am thankful for having good friends who have cheerily helped me so much recently. I am thankful for getting a great special on ground beef. I will be making lasagne, chili, hamburger soup for the freezer.

  11. Brandy,
    I find that thrifting in our area is really bad. In my opinion a lot of items that should have been thrown away end up on the shelves. What are a few of the stores that you find have a better selection?

  12. Kim, for clothing I usually go to Deseret Industries. I actually went to FOUR thrift stores this week; Goodwill, two Deseret Industries, and Savers. I hadn’t been to two of them before. Savers was HUGE. They were a bit more pricey than D.I., but just as well organized. I did end up finding some of what I needed there, but of course, it will always depend on current donations of items in the size you need.

    My first choice is garage sales, because I usually pay $0.50 to $1 there. Thrift stores are my choice if I can’t find what I need at garage sales.

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