I spent Friday and Saturday having a garage sale. It was the second-largest sale I’ve ever had in terms of items for sale. We set up seven tables and also hung clothes between three ladders on metal conduit.
I am thankful that my parents gave us items to sell; they were larger items and the bulk of the money we made.
I’m thankful for their help and also the help of my daughters, who helped me set everything up.
I’m thankful that my husband and daughters loaded everything that was left (save a few large items that we will list on Craig’s List and two that we put out with a “free” sign on them) and took it all to the thrift store to be donated.
What are you thankful for today?
Your (pansy?) picture is beautiful! Congratulations on the successful sale.
I’m thankful for a warm home, good food, clean water, my wonderful family, freedom to express my faith and the many, many extras God has blessed me with!
I am thankful for an invitation to dinner this week. I work outside the home, have a long commute, and am a caregiver as well, so getting a meal cooked for me and cleaned up for me is wonderful.
I love pansies! (You might notice that I love whatever is in season, and whatever my mother grew).
And congratulations on clearing your home out. Being done with a yard sale is such a good feeling.
I am thankful for the google doodle on Friday of Vermeer’s works. I haven’t looked at artworks properly and thoughtfully in what seems like years, and I made a point to slow down and do so. Vermeer painted ordinary people doing their work, catching them at a moment when they were concentrating. I really like his paintings, which are also much smaller than one might expect.
Don’t laugh but I’m thankful that I have 2 sets of flannel sheets so that I can make the bed immediately after taking the sheets that need to be washed off the bed. I have 3 cats and it’s a lot easier to make it with them already off it. It’s also nice to just have the bed made.
Two sets is a blessing.
Yes, I understand about cats. Once I was so irritated with my cat who would not stay off the bed so I could make it, that I was verbally scolding her as I lifted her up. She, of course, dug in her claws and tore an eight inch stretch before I saw what was happening. Sigh! My fault, of course.
I am thankful for the opportunity God has given me to care for my ailing Aunt. She is a widow and never had any children of her own. She can no longer live alone or drive and is struggling with many daily things like managing medications & meals. Even though this is a challenging time, I can see the beauty in this situation and I am grateful that He has prepared me for this time in my life.
Angie your aunt is so very blessed to have you.
I am thankful for a God that loves me unconditionally.
I am thankful my health insurance immediately approved my back injections and my doctor was able to schedule me for them within a week
Congratulations! What an undertaking. I’m thankful that the rain has stopped. We usually have snow, but have had rain at our elevation this year. My body has been working overtime to keep me from getting sick which is exhausting as I’m still in recovery. Thankful that I’m not sick and can rest up all that I need! What blessings.
I am thankful for beautiful fall weather on Saturday. My husband and I enjoyed a bike ride up the canyon with a picnic before the fast downward descent.
We had a family thanksgiving with my DH’s side of the family. Since they are Italian, it was spaghetti with meatballs,chicken or sausage and salad and bread. Saw family we don’t see very often. It was a true blessing
I am HUGELY thankful for a Thanksgiving dinner invitation. We are old and feel completely forgotten by our grown children.
I am glad that you were invited too.
I too am glad you were invited as I am getting older I realize more that our younger generation often forgets the older generation.
I am thankful that I grew up in Jamaica, WI. Living on an island with so many different peoples and attending school with children of all backgrounds was wonderful. Also most of the edible plants that grew there, and with which I was familiar, also grow here. Eating many of them is only done by island peoples here, but they’re delicious and perfect for growing in our food forest, though also available at “ethnic” supermarkets.
I am thankful for the beauty you share with us each week, Brandy! These floral pictures make my day!
I am thankful for my best friend Andrea. We have been each other’s cheerleader for almost 40 years.
I am thankful for the wonderful weather we have had for the last week.
I am thankful for the blessing of long-time friends. Some of ours are coming to visit this weekend and my boys have been busy planning a party. Several of us have birthdays this time of year and it is a tradition for us to have a joint birthday party. We were not able to do it last year with the lockdown so we are happy to renew this happy celebration this year. I am grateful my children’s first response to “Let’s have the party!” is NOT “Let’s go spend a bunch of money!” They have handmade decorations, we are all making food and the boys planned carnival-type games and activities with inexpensive prizes they chose and paid for with their own money. Should be fun!
I’m thankful that I can breathe in and out easily.
This past weekend I was grateful for a working washine machine, a car that takes me where I need to go and a huge stack of library books .
I am thankful for the beautiful fall leaves and watching a squirrel running back and forth gathering and storing nuts while I was busy in the kitchen.
I am also thankful for the absolutely beautiful very white moon we have had the last few days.
I am also thankful for getting to see the most beautiful red maple as I drove my husband to work several days. I like to drive a different way than he does and seeing that tree was a bonus as we don’t have as many around here as we did when I was young.
We have so much to be thankful for.. God has blessed me with another year of being with my husband who has cancer. I am thankful for our little home, our pantries are full as well as our freezers, we are blessed to have 5 doggies who are the love of our lives. I am thankful for good neighbors who we call friends. Amen.
I am thankful that we were able and had the finances to get the last 3 x 5 shelf storage shelving units that we needed for our walk in pantry when there were so few left in that brand 🙂 . The ones we have been getting are $46 and it appears the hardware store is going into a more expensive brand which costs $299 per shelving unit for the same 5 shelf 😮 .
I am grateful that I was able to attend two music concerts this weekend – one professional via gifted tickets and one free. They were lovely and I’m so thankful we could attend as a family.