Thankful Series

I’m thankful that I was able to be at church today. A year ago, I was in too much pain to go anywhere after having broken my tailbone at the end of October. A year later I still have some pain, but I can now get in a car and go places, and sit in a chair rather than having to lay down.


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful to be able to come home to a big, cozy bed. I have tons of pillows and I have a quilt on top that I made twenty years ago and it’s so inviting and comforting. There’s nothing like ending the day by sinking into a comfy bed!

  2. I’m thankful I made the side trip to see my favorite uncle. He’s got Alzheimer’s and is about four hours away. He’s the last of my Mother’s siblings. I’m so happy I made the effort!

  3. I’m thankful to be on a committee with someone who was able to continue the work that I had prepped and made notes on. We all understand about sharing a load.

  4. Thankful for long restful Sundays, when I can read the newspapers, make my grocery list for the week, and even take a nap on the couch and no one minds what I am doing!! I often catch up on lost sleep on a Sunday. My husband decided to clean the bird feeder, leaving me alone in the house for longer than expected, as he had to “re-engineer” his tray that catches dropped seeds, so we don’t have 2000 sunflowers coming up in the 2 square feet below the bird feeder. Now the birds are happily set for winter.
    And I made meatloaf for dinner and he said we hadn’t had it lately so he was happy to see it. I didn’t think it was that rare, but if he welcomed it, it must have been time to make it again!

  5. I am so thankful that I walked out of church today with no fuss…I did not have to take my life in my hands to attend the church of my choice today. In fact, no one really noticed at all…the way it should be. Freedom to worship when, where and how we want, or even if we want. That is one of the freedoms that we are celebrating with our families and our nation next week. It is a privilege that I hope I never forget I have.

  6. I am thankful for the wonderful smells and sights of fall that I enjoy each time I go for a walk. It will soon be covered in a blanket of snow for it’s winter nap. But for now I will enjoy my favourite time of year while it lasts.

  7. I’m thankful for my husband who helps with the canning (he’s nice and tall and can lift the jars in and out safely), and for jars of freshly made apple butter. Yum!

  8. Thankful today to have some time alone. I adore my family, but time alone for me is very rare. Today I took a couple of hours and went to Target. My husband hates to shop, (I am not crazy about it either) but I do like to see the close outs that Target has. I often get a nice gift at a marked down price. I had to go to Target today anyway, it is the only store in town that sells the baby formula my infant daycare child takes. Most of the time my husband waits in the car and I run it and run out…no time to look around. I did not find anything today marked down for a gift, but I did find butter on sale finally. At least it is the lowest price I have seen so far. I got 10 pounds at $2.29 a pound. They also had extra large eggs for .99 a dozen. I got 3 dozen…I plan to make some cookies and pies this week. After I left Target I hit the Dollar Tree. (same center) Finally found the other fridge organizers I had been looking for. I got 3 for me and 6 more for my sister in law’s gifts this year.
    Then I went to a thrift store. Found some brand new Christmas napkins and place mats. Got them for $2.00. Found also a very cute new dish towel…It is large and made of cotton. I am going to make it into an apron for a little girl I love.
    So today I am very thankful for time alone to explore and shop.

  9. Brandy, I came back to tell you that I saw those head bands like you were showing the other day at Dollar Tree again. If you still need some you might check your Dollar Tree again.

  10. Oh, no, how did you break your tailbone? 🙁 Just the thought of it makes me cringe. How long did it take to recover such that you could sit? I have a very prominent tail bone and just sitting for a long time makes me very uncomfortable. I can’t imagine the pain you had to endure. I’m sorry that you are still experiencing pain, but am glad you recovered. Was your last pregnancy and delivery more difficult because of it? I’m so grateful for you and for your blog. I love reading it. You are such a admirable woman.

  11. After my fifth child was born, I had a lot of trouble using my legs. I even wound up in the hospital for a few days while they tried to figure out what was wrong with me. Even a few years later, I’m still thankful to be able to cross a room without my legs giving out.

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