Today I am thankful for a warm home. It is cold and extremely windy today (winds at 28mph) but inside it is calm and warm, even without the heater running yet.
What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for a warm home. It is cold and extremely windy today (winds at 28mph) but inside it is calm and warm, even without the heater running yet.
What are you thankful for today?
Today, whether the 10th or the 11th (depending on where you live and what time you read this) is a day to be grateful for those who have fought for freedom and peace–even as the news is fraught with a possible new war. I’m grateful for those who have given their lives for the cause of…
I am thankful for my husband in every way.
I’m thankful that I was able to attend church today. What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for three good hair days in a row! That’s unusual 🙂 What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful to have spent time organizing this year. While I still have some places in the house left to finish organizing, most areas in the house have been reorganized this year, and having the house in order makes life so much nicer! What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for the invention of the doppler, which allows midwives and doctors to hear an unborn baby’s heartbeat, and for a midwife who knew what we needed to do to make sure my son was born safely. I enjoyed his giggles yesterday. He is a happy and healthy baby, and I…
I’m thankful for great school teachers today!
You make your home so beautiful, i am sure it is warm and snug on a cold day.
Hello one and all from Australia :D.
Today I am thankful for a food storage & a full freezer of meat and frozen and blanched vegetables from our garden, that we have accumulated over the last 20 months gradually, we now have approximately 3 months worth at the moment. I am also thankful for the inspiration given to me to allow me to store this amount in such a small kitchen in a 10 square metre workers cottage.
I am also thankful for shelter from the storms, as the first snows arrived Monday. It started to rain about midnight, but turned to snow by 8am, with blustery cold winds all day. I am thankful for the rain & the snow, which we need, but grateful for the protection from the weather as well.
I washed the slipcovers on my couch and was so thankful that I had a washing machine to make my house look cleaner.
I’m thankful that i had the foresight to buy gifts a bit at a time for Christmas. I only need one gift for a soon-to-be son inlaw and two gifts for December birthdays. Oops! and one ornament for a new grand baby!
The cool front is finally getting here. As I write this, there is a soft rain and mild wind blowing outside. It has been so warm in the afternoons here I have turned the air conditioner on. Here it is so humid without the air blowing it is just almost suffocating. I honestly am miserable without the air and can not seem to make myself do much of anything. This morning the air is off, when the rain is over I will open the windows to a wonderful smell of fresh air.
I am thankful to Lorna for suggesting the book, When Our Grown Kids Disappoint Us. by Jane Adams. I got it on my Kindle and will read it this week. I also read a book last week, Called To Be Amish, by Marlene Miller. It also helped me to understand. Sometimes my brain works over time in making me miserable when I have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful that I was able to have 3 healthy babies that are now 24, 19 and 8 yes old. They are loved more than anything.
I am thankful that because of a stocked pantry I was able to make a spaghetti dinner for a family that just had a brand new baby. Someone did it for me years ago and I have always tried to do it for new mothers, but haven’t always been able to because I only had enough for my family to eat that week and no extra to spend.
Brandy, you have such a wonderful eye for decorating with such a classic French aesthetic! Would you ever consider writing a post about frugal, simple decorating to help those of us without your abilities?
Today, I’m grateful for my job that helps us improve our financial life and reminds me everyday how important patience is for other people.
I would love to!
Today I am grateful for a good diagnosis on my son, who I had to run to the doctor’s today. Being non-verbal it’s so hard to tell when he’s really sick, so I followed my mom instincts and took him in yesterday to get checked out. Turns out he didn’t need antibiotics (which I’m also grateful that he hasn’t needed those in a long time), but his problem is, once again, allergies. So, it’s back on a medication he was on for years and we were finally able to eliminate. I hope it makes him feel better :).
Thankful that I am able to share encouragement notes n videos via facebook and watsapp with family n friends everywhere without talking with them everyday.
Glad I can talk with both my kids in person everyday becos one day they will have their own lives n conversations with mom will be amiss…
I am also glad that my hubby was kind to me sacrificing his sleep by getting up n giving my daughter cough syrup n water n putting her back to sleep. I was too tired to do it…my hubby had to go to the city for work at 6:15 so I am glad for his sacrifice…
I am thankful I was able to spend yesterday baking a bunch of treats to use for some Christmas treat trays needed next month. They are for some Bowling League Christmas parties my MIL is organizing at her work. We will be paid for them, which is another thing I am thankful for.
Brandy, I absolutely love the framed picture on the wall of you reading stories while your children sit and listen at your feet. What a lovely portrait! Did you take that photo or was it professionally done (I’m betting you took it, but I thought I would ask)?
I had that one taken years ago (notice the number of children; the baby in the picture is now 9). I decided when I bought a camera I would learn to use it so that I no longer needed to pay for pictures, and that that would make the difference in the purchase price of the camera (which is has more than done!)
I am thankful for my tangerine tree in the backyard. Got to pick a huge basketful of the juicy, somewhat sour-sweet fruit. Free and healthy snack!
You certainly have “the eye and the touch”. I have often taken inspiration from your photos and ideas – thank you for that. I’ll be one of the ones looking forward to this post.
Today I am thankful on so many levels and in so many different ways for a blessed weekend spent with my daughter and son-in-law, celebrating my only grandchild’s first birthday. I’m thankful for the ability to travel (they live in another state) and for the marvelous fact that my mother is also able to travel and joined me on the trip. I’m thankful for the Four-Generation photo we were able to take and all the wiggles and giggles that went into it.
Brandy, I am thankful for your blog that has inspired me so tremendously.I haven’t commented very much, but I do say I read your blog regularly and apply the wisdom. I have a quick question or two of you have time to respond…our local grocery store had yellow onions for 25 cents a pound. That seemed really low to me so I got a few pounds which even then only equaled almost $3. I’m wondering now should I go back and get more? Does this seem low enough to “stock up” on? We use onions pretty regularly. Also I got a shank ham for .98 pound and butt hams for $1.18lb. I hope I didn’t “jump the gun” on those prices. I confess I am new to buying hams and turkeys (even with having six little mouths to feed)! Do you slice up the hams at once and freeze them or is it better to freeze them whole and slice upon thawing?
Thanks for your advice! Ps I am cooking your fall menu and enjoying it!
I am thankful Brandi keeps this interesting blog, when I have no mail or email I can always go to the computer and know there will be a warm interesting messaage about her life, family and living. thanks, Brandi!!
Today I am thankful for insurance. We still have some for a while, due to our severance package and so, are using it as much as we can to take care of things that will need to be done, such as doctors appointments, etc. It is one of those days where my insides feel like the rain pouring out outside, so I am so glad to read so many thankful comments, and remember that my attitude to this whole situation is a choice. And, I choose to be grateful for what I have. There are many, many who are worse off than we are. We’ve talked in depth about those around the world who have literally nothing, those who have started over multiple times, times in our lives where people have disappointed us on a much greater level than this. But, even with all of these logical thoughts, and truth about others, emotions get the best of us on some days because we are living our situation out moment by moment, and those days are hard. Today is one of those days. I love reading these positive comments. I also like to read the Psalms on these kind of days. They comfort me.
How do you keep everything so beautiful with kiddos in the house? My horizontal surfaces are constantly covered with papers, books, pencils, Kleenex boxes, etc!
I am thankful for the seed catalogs that come in the mail and get me thru the winter – I got my first one from Pine Tree Seeds over the weekend and had time to start going thru it yesterday.
I’m thankful for what I was able to do today. Recovering after a hospital stay, and patience isn’t my forte. I did what I could, paid some bills, mailed them in, and started by cleaning up the kitchen a bit. Lots to be done, but not all in one day. Only took 1 nap, and that’s progress!
Oh, horizontal surfaces are a challenge for me! When they are clean it’s always good to take pictures 😀
That is a definite stock up price on onions! You can buy 50 pounds and dry a bunch if you have a dehydrator. They will last for several months either way in a cool place. I haven’t seen them that low yet but I am hoping to!
Those prices on hams are wonderful and definite stock up prices! They are lower than I have seen here. You can do both–freeze them whole, or cut then into steaks (you’ll need something strong to cut through the bones) and freeze ham steaks. At some stores, they will slice the hams into steaks for you for free (just ask the butcher). Then you can just package them up when you get home. If not, you can cook them (tghe whole thing) and freeze bags with meal-sized amounts.
Thank you so much for replying! I went back to get more onions and the price had been changed to 50 cents per pound instead of $.50 per two pounds so I’m thinking it was an error on their signs and they caught on! I had to tell the cashier earlier what the sign said because they were scanning wrong. She said she had been ringing up people wrong all day! So one thing I was proud to have learned and that is to check every transaction! I previously (pre-brandy lol) never checked. Anyway I still got a couple bags full for the “corrected” price.
And thanks for the ham slicing advice. I borrowed my mother in laws electric knife so we will see how that goes.
Have a great night, Brandy!
I am thankful for a kind email from a friend who could tell I was “off” (due to stress at work) and her kind words of encouragement.
CALLED TO BE AMISH is a very good book. I would recommend it too.