I am thankful for leftovers that made dinner very simple tonight when I wasn’t feeling well.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for leftovers that made dinner very simple tonight when I wasn’t feeling well.
What are you thankful for today?
It’s the last day of the month. There are so many things I had hoped to accomplish this month: sew presents, work in the garden, and organize things in the house. A few are done; most are not yet. Tomorrow starts a new month, and I will continue to work to accomplish my goals. I’m…
I’m grateful today for roses. I was looking at some medieval rose gardens via Pinterest, and I thought about how roses were a luxury item for so long. Only the wealthy had rose gardens. There were some once a year blooming wild roses, but roses gardens were a thing for those with huge estates. Today,…
I’m thankful that I was able to sell a piece of furniture this morning that we are no longer using via a Facebook garage sale. I bought it at a garage sale a few years back, it served us well, and I sold it for a few dollars more than I paid for it! …
Today I am thankful for a warm home. It is cold and extremely windy today (winds at 28mph) but inside it is calm and warm, even without the heater running yet. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for the friends I made many years ago in Lyon, France. I am in touch with almost all of them on a regular basis and they continue to bless my life. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for good weather and the chance to work in the garden today. What are you thankful for today?
What a wonderful idea! Is the white sauce just sour cream? We also eat very simple dishes on Friday when everyone is tired. I just put on the table several elegant dishes where I pour right from the can/frozen bag some corn, edamame beans or green peas, cans of makrell (fish) in tomato sauce (it is very cheap over here), lettuce or ruccola and sourcream or cottage cheese. Together with a nice foccacia bread or tortillas or pitta that everyone fills as they want, it really is easy and averybody loves it!
I also did something very simple the other day for dinner, we just mashed some avocado directly in the plate, added some hot spagetthis, salt, pepper, olive oil and 2-3 shrimps per person, it was a succes and I just had to cook the pasta, the children loved to mash their own avocado directly in the plate. I will try it nex time with some roasted garlic.
Another simple and inexpensive dish is a sallad of cabbage and chickpeas with a soup simply made of mixed tomato sauce (oignons caramellized in a little balsam vinegar, garlic and cans of tomatoes) with bread.
Another one is a soup made of a bag of frozen green peas just mixed served with 2 half medium boiled eggs and a lot of parsly leaves! Bread on the side. Takes the time the egg boils!
I will second your thankfulness for leftovers that made an easy meal when my husband and I were both feeling poorly.
I’m thankful for getting the last high allergen furnace filter today at the store and a good respirator mask to help filter out the wild fire smoke.
Brandy, I pray that you are feeling better soon.
Today I am thankful for the kindness of neighbors.
I am thankful for good doctors for my chronically-ill, 16 yr. old, autistic grandson who must see many specialists. And especially thankful for him telling me, “Thanks for looking after me so much, Momsie. I love you.” 🙂
Beautiful leftovers photo! Taking care with food makes it taste better.
I am thankful for breakfast foods, especially hot tea and bacon.
I sure hope you feel better today Brandy!
I am thankful for my freezer stocked with food. Our condo is not large, but several years ago we managed to find a spot to put a small chest freezer, which has blessed us many times over. Just this morning, I pulled out some frozen greens, a package of pinto beans, and some sausage. This is what we will eat today. I am so thankful.
I am thankful for snow days. As a child it meant an unexpected break from school work…what child doens’t like that? As an adult, it is a reminder to take a moment from the hustle and bustle of the world, and just appreciate a nice warm home to hibernate in as the snow silently falls fromt he heavens.
I am thankful that my children and I were out of the house today, so my husband to sleep. He has a massive head cold and, as the only Pastor at our church, needs to be well enough to preach the sermon tomorrow (Sunday). I am grateful that he could sleep for several hours uninterrupted.
I hope you feel better soon, Brandy.
Hi Brandy,
Today I am grateful a comfortable bed, I know this may seem trivial but I went for years of no sleep due to a hormonal imbalance, my whole day is planned around getting into bed early. I just love my bed.
I am thankful for the iight rain we are having today, and probably snow in the mountains, because we really need the water!
That Burrito looks really yummy. Thankful for Hearth and Home. A large wood pile to heat our home this winter. A full freezer and pantry. Tonight I will sit by the fire and read.
I am thankful for hot tea and honey that feels comforting and soothing on my sore throat.
For my Kindle. After spending countless hours sitting with my husband in the hospital recently; being able to ‘tune out’ and read saved me. He is doing well now, but it was ‘touch and go’ for a long time. He spent 3 weeks in the hospital and 3 months home recovering. Being able to read saved my sanity.
I am thankful for my grown daughter cooking her first family Thanksgiving meal (and I don’t have to 🙂
I am thankful to have job even though teaching in a public school has changed so much. I have always thought of what I do as my ministry and enjoyed the challenges. In these upside down times, caring Christians are needed more than ever. Especially to work with our youngsters.
That looks amazing!
I am thankful today that I was able to work outside for a short time this afternoon. I worked on tying up my berries, and did not finish, but am further along than I was.
I was also thankful to get a jump on the preparations for Thanksgiving by making and freezing cornbread for the stuffing, starting a couple other recipes (the part that could be made ahead), and generally getting organized. Tomorrow, after family Sunday dinner, I will bring my nephew home and keep him for a few days. He takes quite a bit of my energy when he is here, so I’m super happy that I feel organized for the holiday ahead.
I’m grateful for family.
I am thankful for my loving, loyal, steadfast, hard-working, fun, growth-oriented, romantic, selfless husband. All he truly wants out of life is my happiness and our child’s happiness. He melts my heart on a regular basis. When we met as friends, we had no idea what a good match we were, but as we dated, it seemed pre-ordained. He is my happiness, my home, and my secure base, and that’s how he feels about me too. I am so very thankful for him and never take him for granted. I am so thankful that he is my best friend and that I get to share life with my best friend. I often tell him he is my biggest blessing.
Tldr; I love my DH.
What dressing do you use on your cabbage and chick pea salad? Also what is in the salad besides the two main ingredients?
I am thankful for our church family. I am also thankful for a mild day here after an ice storm on Weds. and Thursday that caused massive power outages here in Cincinnati. Some people just got there power restored today…Sunday. I took advantage of the nice weather and worked outside with my 2 sons pulling up annuals and tidying up the flower beds.
I am Thankful for:
-Brandy. This week I saw her Instagram account for case lot sale. I had the time to check it before the sale ended. Was able to pick up year worth of green beans and sweet peas for .39 cents a can. Plus I picked up organic cream of mushroom for .99cents/can
-The health of my family.
-Basketball for my kids.
I am thankful for my church family.
I almost make the same dressing for all of my salads. I put some olive oil in the empty salad pot, than add some apple cider vinegar, then I take some (non-sweet) french style mustard with a fork directly for the jar and start beating the dressing with that fork, it takes less than 30 seconds! For the cabbage and chick pea salad, I usually use whatever I have in the fridge: carrots (very thin peels of it), red peppers, sometimes avocado but mainly I just make the salad with only white cabbage and chick peas. It tastes better if the cabbage is very in very thin slices and has been soaked a while in the dressing.