Thankful Series

I’m thankful that I was able to sell a piece of furniture this morning that we are no longer using via a Facebook garage sale. I bought it at a garage sale a few years back, it served us well, and I sold it for a few dollars more than I paid for it!


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I am thankful that my husband split his work day, enabling him to pick up son up on his way home and saving me a half hour in the car. I am THANKFUL to be getting to the bottom of Mt. Washmore.

  2. I am thankful for my husband (even though he is turning the air blue in his frustration) who is hooking up the bathroom heater. It is supposed to get to freezing this weekend.

  3. I am thankful that my husband volunteered to cut up, seed and peel that hard winter squash we are having this evening. That’s a chore I hate. I’m thankful for my grown children who still like to spend time with us, their parents. I’ll always remember that sad comment made by a friend to my husband: “You have such a good relationship with your grown children. I wish I had one with my own, but I was always too busy when they were growing up.”

  4. Coupons!!! I found a contest that if you entered, they sent a $10 off $30 in Purina products at PetSmart + I had a $5 gift card. Luckily it covered cat litter since my cats can’t tolerate Purina foods. Plus, the company that our pet’s food comes from is sending out BOGO coupons for black friday! Whew – kept them cared for for another week 🙂

  5. I am thankful that I was able to get into my doctor today, and thankful that I was healthy for our October vacation and any doctor visits waited until we got home! Great fortune in timing!

  6. Some days things look pretty bleak and I have to fight to be thankful and cheerful. So today I am thankful for ibuprofen for my headache. I am thankful that I am inside a warm house and not out in the snow with no place to go. That we have cars that are running fine and food to eat. I am thankful that we are well and safe. I am thankful that my husband and I have the same beliefs. I am thankful that my children in college have defied the odds and are strong believers still. I am thankful to be an American. I am thankful that we are fully clothed for the winter and will not be cold. Today I appreciate the very basics that make my life so wonderful – no matter the difficulties!

  7. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in a parent focus group last night about the ABA services our has daughter received. The Canadian government is currently reorganizing the services provided to children on the Autism spectrum. The meeting was amazing, with every single parent at the meeting was in agreement on many of the problems we face. I think it was a huge eye opener to the consulting firm ladies who were conducting the focus group. I am grateful for the opportunity to voice my opinions and hope this will result in some much needed changes! Oh, and I’m also grateful for the $25 gift card to Tim Horton’s as a thank you for participating.

  8. This week has been a week of many different issues and repairs tires for car, truck brakes, garage door not opening and water softener repairs. So, I am so thankful that they are all just things that can be fixed and that I have emergency money!

  9. I am very thankful today for our camper. We got it to our new place last Saturday, so today I washed out the fridge really well and started filling it up with extra items that just were not fitting in the house one. (My extra fridge died in the move and I have not been able to replace it, yet.) It enabled me to get bulk things at Costco that I was having to pass up because I did not have room. I’m especially thankful that after living in it for over 3 months, I still get a really happy feeling and an urge to go camping when I go in there. One of my specific prayers was that we would come out of that time feeling like we had been on an adventure–not homeless:) By making the choice to live in there, rather than rent a house short-term, we saved a minimum of $4,000. I’m very thankful for that, as well, because now we are snug in our new home.

  10. I am thankful that I was able to purchase a home, very cheaply, back in 2014. It is convenient to work and comfortable. I like to tell the price because, even though homes are very cheap in this part of the country compared to elsewhere in the U.S., this is still cheaper than most in my area. I purchased it for $25,000, a 1950 built, 912 sq ft little square white home in fairly decent shape. I had devastating financial issues coming on the heels of a divorce, move, new job, and subsequent job loss when the economy tanked, losing my then home, vehicle, everything. The new job I was able to eventually obtain elsewhere (I had to move), and this house, was a blessing from God and I am so very, very grateful.

  11. Thankful I mustered up the courage to go to the interview I needed to go to to apply for food stamps. Also grateful for reading a post elsewhere on the web that compared what was considered “good living” in the 50s and 60s compared to today — aside from the fact that we have the internet-ready technology and an apartment instead of a home, we live good by the 50’s standards, and that makes me quite content!

  12. I’m very thankful I have easy access to menstrual products. In some countries, girls drop out just because of it. I want to learn to sew in order to be able to donate cloth pads to those children.

  13. Today, I researched a place that I want to travel to next summer. I am grateful that it turns out to be not only more beautiful than I knew, but more affordable. This will help me get through the long nights and the cold this winter.

  14. Becky that is such a beautiful attitude to have about the camper.

    A very good friend of mine purchased a pop-up camper so her kids would have a place to sleep while they gutted and remodeled her home. I always thought it was so clever and frugal. She still had her bedroom and a shower so the kids had running water.

  15. I am so thankful for my husband. We met during the recession, when the industry I was in tanked(Real Estate). I am thankful that he has been stable and employed(with the exception of a short lay off). I am also thankful that he has done his best to be a great father to my kids I had before we met, to his daughter and the one we had together.

  16. I am thankful that I finished what I needed to do in the yard. Tomorrow’s temperature is supposed to be 30° lower tomorrow. Brrrr!

  17. I am grateful that my husband trimmed, mulched and put the cones on my rose bushes when he came home from work today. I didn’t get home until well after dark tonight after leaving early this morning and I wasn’t going to be able to do it before it’s supposed to snow tomorrow. It was lovely to come home and have it done and my husband even clipped the last remaining blossoms and put them in a vase on the kitchen table for me.


  18. I am really glad that you were able to go to this interview. I hope that it was not too difficult. It is not easy to apply for help, but these programs are there to make sure that you have what you need.

  19. Today i am thankful for hot water when i wash my hands. I always notice it when i use a store or gas station bathroom, especially when on the road. It feels like a luxury.

  20. Today I am thankful for sisters. I have two, and we ATTEMPT to go to lunch together once a month. We missed a couple months but we went today. We will skip December due to general busy-ness, plus we’ll see each other that month anyhow. The lunches give us a chance to talk with no husbands or kids listening, and we can say things we don’t want them to hear.
    We only missed the last two months because the younger sister had to watch her granddaughter extra days so her other Grandma could go on vacation. It’s good to be able to share both good and bad with your sisters.

  21. Tonight I am thankful for a wonderful vet. Our beloved basset hound has been sick. We made the difficult decision to put her to sleep today. We got to sit in a quiet room and hold Belle and love on her while the medication took effect. It was good to say goodbye and thank her for being a part of our life for the past 14 years. I will miss the click click click of her toe nails on our wood floors; she was a born watch dog and patrolled our house all night long. Belle was a rescue dog, she was a sweet member of our family and I am so sorry she is gone.

  22. I am thankful for your blog, Brandy, which never fails to inspire me. And I am thankful for all of the kind, sisterly comments left by readers. Such a great women’s support system.

  23. You are so right about this blog. It is like a support group for women. Brandy is an inspiration too. Thank you Brandy. May God bless you and your family always.

  24. Our fur babies are so important. Remember all the joy she brought you…and that you gave to her. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  25. I have a winter squash to roast and a fresh lemon to squeeze on some canned salmon that I’ll heat up. I am grateful to have this supper to eat tonight and a good book to read.

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