Pecan Pie Ingredients

Today, I’m thankful that my youngest felt well enough to play part of the day.

My next youngest is still sick, so I’m also grateful that we were planning a quiet Thanksgiving at home with no guests this year.

I will hopefully have a chance to get back to some sewing and present making in a day or two when I expect she’ll feel better. 


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. Brandy, I hope both the young ones feel better soon. I love the photo above, the pie crust looks divine! it is amazing how such simple ingredients come together to make a wonderful photo, and, of course, dessert!

    I am thankful for November 22, a day when my brother (and in fact my maternal grandmother) were born. Although he is no longer in this world, I am thankful for how he helped my mother for so many years and that he was 1 of my brothers, even if he teased me unmercifully when we were children.

  2. Hello Brandy and everyone from Australia 🙂 , glad to hear that your youngest is feeling better and hopefully the second youngest will feel better shortly too.

    Today I am thankful that my visiting teaching companion and myself were able to visit 3 of our Sisters and reunite a sick Sister in an aged care facility with an old friend who couldn’t visit her due to her husbands ill health. Tears of happiness abounded from them both 🙂 .

  3. Today, I’m thankful that my youngest (30yrs. old) made to our home with no issues. It’s an eight hour drive. He left in the wee hours which always worries me. (No traffic = no help) He drives a white, teeny, tiny car. It’s great on gas but invisible in snow. We’ll have fun while he’s here. And, then i’ll Worry about him when he leaves for home.

  4. I am very thankful that, although not finished, my son and I will at least be able to use our cabin to sleep in this winter. Today I feel like one of the first settlers.

    Even though it was thrust upon me, I just keep focusing on the end goal and how amazing it will be to own my own place without a mortgage. Now, that is freedom worth the price of the struggle and deprivation it is costing.

  5. I’m thankful that my family are all getting over a nasty virus, unfortunately I seem to be coming down with it. I pray your family will soon be well. Also thankful that God has allowed us to help a teenager going through a bad time at home, she knows there is a safe place she can come to.

  6. Brandy, I’m glad your little ones are slowly starting to feel better.

    I am thankful I have found a job I enjoy doing. I have the privilage of educating people of all ages, from all walks of life, and even some from many different countries, about our Canadian history in a beautiful and interactive setting…and they pay me to do this! Can’t think of a better career I’d rather be doing.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you Brandy and your family! I am thankful for a lovely turkey day sunrise and a healthy family.

  8. Thankful that I have found friends here that enjoy making a happy home for their loved ones in simple but meaningful ways.

  9. I’m thankful for the beautiful blue sky weather we are enjoying. It is a joy to sit on the deck and enjoy the beautiful weather and amazing sunsets.

  10. I am thankful that we managed to have a Thanksgiving dinner today—I got out of ICU yesterday, where I landed after having a heart stent placed on Tuesday. My daughter, who has never cooked a turkey before, even though she’s 53, made just about all the dinner and did a great job of it. My granddaughter made green bean casserole from fresh beans, and bought a wonderful mixed fruit pie. So we had a lovely meal and the whole family together and all I did was make the gravy!! The ICU part of it was unexpected, as my planned discharge was 10 AM yesterday but turned into 4 PM because of some middle of the night problems with a little bleeding and a big rise in blood pressure. I was sent to the ICU simply because they are better with IV drugs which were necessary to fix my blood pressure as quickly as possible. All was back to normal and they sent in about 8 different doctors to check to make sure I was well enough to go home. They all agreed I was!! Lucky for me.

  11. This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for spending the day with my two favorite boys….my husband and my doggy! And yummy dinner!

  12. Today I’m thankful for a picture perfect Sydney Spring day. Brilliant blue skies, light wind and a weekend to look forward to. This is pushing the thankfulness somewhat, but I’m also thankful for a part-time job that I mightn’t like but is bringing in much needed cash.

  13. Thanks for the friends we celebrated Thanksgiving with yesterday, for my children who did a great job of being “the big kids” (as my friend put it), playing with the little ones so the adults could clean up after the meal, and for our brand new great-nephew born on Thanksgiving Day to our oldest niece.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Brandy! This site is definitely on my list of things to be thankful for. I hope your littles ones are all better soon.

  14. I am thankful for my brothers and their families. When I see the peace and harmony between us ( that sometimes had to be worked on:). I am so thankful for my parents and all that they modelled that has carried on down to their great grand children.

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