Happy Thanksgiving!
I am grateful for an electric mixer that makes it easy to whip egg whites and whipping cream!
What are you thankful for today?
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am grateful for an electric mixer that makes it easy to whip egg whites and whipping cream!
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the change of seasons. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that my husband figured out a less expensive solution for me to use what I already have to make it work better for me. I was considering a purchase that would be beautiful and useful for my business but would also take up space we don’t have. My husband figured out a…
We woke up at 4 a.m. to gunshots and sirens. The night before last, there were sirens and three helicopters nearby for over an hour. While we normally hear sirens going by and see helicopters passing by several times a week, we don’t usually hear them hanging out near here for what is obviously a…
We had really strong winds the last two days. I am thankful that none of my trees broke in the wind! I will have to restake several (and I already retied one), but all are okay. What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for meaningful, understanding conversation, and many hidden vegetables in my garden! What are you thankful for today?
Today, I’m thankful that my youngest felt well enough to play part of the day. My next youngest is still sick, so I’m also grateful that we were planning a quiet Thanksgiving at home with no guests this year. I will hopefully have a chance to get back to some sewing and present making in…
Friends and Family.
I’m grateful that my husband took it upon himself to make the turkey for Thanksgiving. He even did my mom’s recipe for stuffing! He sweetly made my mom’s fruit salad. We are enjoying the day with my son.
I am also Thandie for my mixer to make food prep easier but I am especially thankful for my dishwasher, which makes cleanup quicker and less overwhelming.
I am thankful for good weather for travels.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I am thankful for a sweet niece who came and helped me with prep work as I prepared thanksgiving dinner for about 15 people. I fell behind on my task list after discovering that my aunt had pneumonia. Also thankful for no COVid for her and medications that allow her to remain at home rather than being hospitalized.
I am thankful for our Thanksgiving gathering today. Everyone chipped in to bring dishes and we had a friend from church come with her sons.There was a big kickball game before dinner and after dinner there were board games for hours. It felt like a wonderful gathering with family and friends.
Your pie is beautiful! I am thankful for the peaceful day we enjoyed.
I am thankful to host family for Thanksgiving dinner – a small bunch but it was wonderful!
Today is also my Mom’s 85th birthday and I am very, very thankful for her and that she’s still here and very healthy at 85.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanks Giving to you and your family. I’m thankful for my daughter who has just told me the boat it booked and she’ll be home for 4 days at Christmas.
I’m thankful for a busy and pleasant day. I was busy in the kitchen making our pies and dinner. My husband was busy outside putting up our Christmas lights. We had a delicious and relaxing dinner and a lovely evening watching Anne of Green Gables.
The original.
I am thankful for a nice lunch by ourselves with plenty of leftovers for the next few days. We have only had two Thanksgivings in DS’s life where we took our time before eating without having a time to be somewhere else or to expect people over. We always enjoyed that time with family, but it is also nice not to have a holiday with a schedule.
Also, thank you Maxine and Brandy. I appreciate Maxine sharing Brandy’s advice on deboning a turkey easily. I had time to do it that way while DH and DS made the side dishes they were going to make. It made the whole process easier with nothing to do after the meal but rest some as DH and DS loaded the dishwasher and hand washed the few dishes. Thanksgiving was enjoyable and restful.
I must’ve missed this! Can you please tell me which day that’s posted? Thanks!
It is in Maxine’s post in “How We Saved Money the Third Week of November.
I am thankful for a wonderful day and feast with family and friends. We played the game called Left, Right, Center and had lots of laughs.
Happy thanksgiving to Brandy and everyone 🙂 .
I am thankful for a wonderful husband who is so loving and supportive.
Also I am grateful that with the money I have saved on groceries this year that I have been able to buy a new laptop today on a Black Friday sale online saving $350 on usual prices. The laptop I am typing on is currently held together with duct tape on the screen and hinges it is that old, and I have been picking up pieces of the screen support that have sprung out all over the lounge room floor.
Oh, Lorna!!! This made me laugh! We call our dinosaur “Methuselah” lol!! It’s all in one piece but takes a full 30 minutes to go from OFF into a ZOOM meeting!
Glad I gave you a laugh Debby in Kansas USA 🙂 .
Might I add I am very thankful for the invention of duct tape it is so multi functional for repairing things even but temporarily. I pick up my new laptop tomorrow so not long to wait to get rid of the duct taped beastie.
Hooray for duct tape and a new computer!
I am thankful for our vet who stitched up our lovely dog when she cut herself.
I am grateful that we had a wonderful thanksgiving with dear friends, great food and chinwags 🙂
I am thankful for a day to celebrate gratitude. We watched the Macy’s parade on TV. While our dinner plans were cancelled due to a death in our host’s family, my husband and I ate the hors d’ouvres we liked as dinner instead. I also made some mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy, because Thanksgiving dinner isn’t a true meal without the potatoes.
I was so thankful for being able to get together with all our kiddos and grands and my brother and his family for Thanksgiving. Having everyone in our home and under one roof at the same time was such a blessing! It’s something we don’t take for granted after the past two years.