Thanksgiving Table The Prudent Homemaker

Thanksgiving table detail The Prudent Homemaker

Thanksgiving Place Setting The Prudent Homemaker

Thanksgiving Pecan Pie The Prudent Homemaker

Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie The Prudent Homemaker

Thanksgiving Entry The Prudent Homemaker

Today as I filled up the pepper shakers for the table I realized what wealth such an amount of pepper would have constituted in the middle ages.

I am grateful for food, for clothing, for a warm home, and for my family. 

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. Hi Brandy & all from Australia :).

    Today I am thankful that we have had enough money this week to collect further food and personal hygiene products to continue to build up our supplies over and above our 3 months food storage goals. We are so thankful that we have built up our supplies enough that we can wait for the specials now to restock.

  2. I liked it when my husband had each one tell what they are thankful for right before we prayed for the meal. Even the youngest children had good thoughts and it was heartwarming to hear. We all do have so much to be grateful for. We had a lovely day. We had lots of excellent food. We were able to spend it with family. We all got along, and actually love each other. Everyone helped clean up. It was a great day.

  3. I’m thankful that I was able to work a 1/2 day on Wednesday and a get many things prepared for Thanksgiving. And I am thankful to have spent a nice amount of time with my in-laws on Thanksgiving….

  4. I’m thankful for enjoying a wonderful day with my husband, stepson and brother-in-law, and everyone having plenty to eat.
    P.S. I am totally in awe of your pictures today….they are absolutely gorgeous!!

  5. I am thankful that even with my arthrits and eczema, I was able to get everything done, even though the children were….out of sorts( ravening beasts?) on wednesday. I am thankful that I don’t have to cook dinner tonight!

  6. I am thankful that my husband and I were able to safely travel to a recheck appointment in Toronto and back without any problems. I am thankful that three years ago I was able to have a gastric bypass surgery that was covered under our Ontario health coverage. The surgery has made a huge difference in my health and overall life, which I am extremely grateful for! I am also grateful that my husband was able to take the day off work and go with me to the appointment.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all our American neighbors! I hope you had a wonderful holiday together with your family and/or friends.

  7. I have so much to be thankful for. My 2 amazing daughters and my family. It has been a rough last 2 years financially and with lots of medical bills. I am so very thankful that I have family to help me out financially to make my life a little easier. We have a home,heat and food. God has been so faithful and good even in the darkest of times. Happy Thanksgiving. Brandy I just love your blog.

  8. Had dinner with my sweet husband’s family and it was very good. Too much food for us. We had a 10 pound ham, an 16 pound turkey, and my sister in law made a brisket. Of coarse there was potatoes, dressing, sweet potatoes, cranberry salad, rolls, and pies etc. Yet, only 6 people to eat. We will be eating left overs a long time.

    My brother and his wife were camping at an RV park in Pensacola Fl. this year. Everyone in the park made a covered dish and feed 40 Marines who had no other place to go for the holiday. I thought that was wonderful. I wish I could have seen them some ham, turkey and brisket. We sure have plenty to spare.

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