I’m thankful for beautiful fall weather!
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for beautiful fall weather!
What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful for heroes, both sung and unsung, who quietly served where service was needed. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the free subscription I’ve had to Martha Stewart Living magazine for the last several years thanks for Recyclebank. The latest issue came this week and I feel really inspired to try several new recipes from it! What are you thankful for today?
I spent the day in bed today. I learned how much I do everyday, because I didn’t do it today. I’m grateful for the ralization that even when it seemed like I wasn’t getting much done, I was still getting many things done. What are you grateful for today?
I am thankful today for the opportunity to substitute teach my son’s Sunday School class. I enjoyed the time I was able to spend preparing the lesson, reading the scriptures (the lesson was on Daniel in the lion’s den), and teaching the class. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that I was able to deliver photos that I took of my great-nephew’s baby blessing to his parents today. It was my first time using the website to transfer photos to someone and it was a learning curve for me. I offered to take photos of a few families locally for free…
My 14-year-old son decided to clean the kitchen before and after dinner. I am so glad he saw what needed to be done and did it! What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for a large, well stocked library system in our county.
I am thankful my kids and I are able to get out and take walks. It really helps with our limited transportation options.
I”m also thankful for a beautiful day today!
I am thankful for our custodian at work – not only does he make our building shine and keep it in good repair, he shares his Mother’s cookies with us! He is a widower with grown children and his mother is a blue-ribbon state fair cookie champion multiple times over – he can never eat on his own the volume of cookies he receives, so he shares with us. And, to top it all off, he’s a super nice and thoughtful person. We’re definitely spoiled!
I am thankful for frugal living sources, especially Amy Dacyzyn and the Tightwad Gazette, which got me started, and Brandy and The Prudent Homemaker website, which keeps me going. Both have practical and creative ideas for living a great life less expensively. I am an analyst both by trade and naturally because that’s how my mind works. Amy’s practical, logical experiments and writings really appeal to me as do Brandy’s weekly frugal accomplishments. I am also thankful for everyone that shares their experiences in the comments. I still miss Marivene and hope her family is doing well.
For people who teach!
We went to the movies today and saw “Harriet” about the life of Harriet Tubman. A highly recommended movie highlighting a godly woman who rescued slaves after escaping slavery herself. One of the good stories of history. What courage.
I am thankful for those who have this courage to do God’s work and fight against evil.
I, too, am thankful for wonderful fall weather and for the chance I have to go walking in the beauty of the season.
I’m thankful that I was able to take my daughter to swim class, and that she is happy in the water.
After a very busy day, I was thankful for my nice comfy bed and a good night’s rest.
11/16 – I’m thankful that my husband enjoys going grocery shopping with me and finding good deals.
11/17 – I’m thankful for the parents who let their children come to church on the church van my husband and I drive today.
11/18 – I’m thankful for the rain. We were so dry this year and are still trying to catch up.
I am thankful for easy-to-prepare meals today, including a scrambled egg and vegetable sandwich for lunch and pasta with pasta sauce for supper. I was too tired to make anything complicated, but there was no need for fast food either.
Thankful for a full freezer, courtesy of some great sales, with money leftover in my monthly food budget.
I am thankful for all the people that post here on a weekly basis to share their frugal ideas and accomplishments. I learn so much from all of you. And, thank you, Brandy, for hosting and sharing parts of your life with us.
I am thankful that 30 years ago, I read the Parade article about Amy Dacyczyn and unleashed my inner frugalista. I grew up poor and always knew how to stretch a buck, but society’s expectations waylaid me for awhile. I am happy to report that when we retired 13 years ago, we were debt free and owned our house outright. (And still are, and still do).
Maxine, I, too was always able to live within my means, and did so out of necessity. But reading that article in Parade Magazine changed how I viewed life. I realized there were others who felt like me about money and were unashamed about it. It became a fun game to see how well we could do.
We are in our seventies now and retirement house and two cars were paid for in cash. We traveled for years. We both had very modest incomes during our earning years.
I wish Amy would write a piece and bring us up to date on her life.
Today I am thankful for phone issues being resolved and for an hour of walking time outside.
I’m thankful for bigger kids. I woke up not feeling sick and my older children can make simple meals and hold down the fort while I rest.
I’m thankful for the rain we are enjoying this morning.
I am thankful for the rain here today in Phoenix!
I am thankful for a beautiful, sunny day here in NC.
I also love the Tightwad Gazette and am thankful for the habit of creative frugality!
I am thankful that our country has not had another civil war. My husband and I just toured the battlefield of Gettysburg and saw a lot of the monuments in memory of the many fallen soldiers.