I’m thankful that my husband and I were able to go out to a local park (where I’ll be taking photos soon) and spend some time together checking out the trees that change colors. There aren’t many trees here (none naturally in the desert), and even fewer that change color, so it was fun to go to a place in town where there are tall trees that have some fall color!
What are you thankful for today?
What a lovely photo!
I am thankful for a roof over my head, food to eat, and people to love.
What a pretty picture of you, Brandy! I am thankful for my 3 cats. They bring me joy and companionship and are fun to watch play. Smetimes they even like to cuddle up to me.
Love your camel colored coat! I’m thankful for warm clothes to wear on a chilly day in Texas.
What a gorgeous photo of you! Thanks for posting. Looks like fall! I am thankful for my friends from Motorola (a group of us retired folks meet every year for lunch). So nice to see old friends and have a chance to catch up ❤️
Old friends. Understanding, welcoming, helpful, old friends, with whom time apart doesn’t matter.
What a wonderful picture of you! Today it is close to zero, with very strong winds, so I am especially thankful for central heating and sufficient money not to worry about how I am going to pay next month’s fuel bill.
I’m thankful today that the laser treatments for my daughter’s severe toenail fungus (which she has had for many years) seem to be working!
I am thankful for my husband who is kind, wise and thoughtful! He is a gem!
I’m thankful for our cozy home and a wood stove on a cold day.
I am thankful that the owner of my garage, when I took my car back for the wheels to be re-torqued after the changeover to winter tires, noticed that two of the tires were soft, and replaced the tire valves at no cost. Of course, the wheels need to be re-torqued again!
I am thankful for my teaching assistant – he does such a good job and he really cares. Some high school is going to get an awesome teacher when he graduates next year! I am also thankful for my department at the university I teach at – we are a very cohesive bunch and get along very well. It all makes my job very fun!
Such a nice photo!
I’m thankful that I have such a hardworking husband. And I’m thankful that we appreciate each other.
I am thankful for friends who make me laugh, listen when needed and are genuinely interested in my life. I hope that I am such a good friend back. These friends have come into my life and stayed…some as long as 50 years ago and some just in the past decade. I am truly fortunate.
I am thankful that a situation at work resolved well and to the client’s satisfaction.
Thank you for sharing this lovely photo! 🙂
Today I am thankful for good neighbors.
Today I’m thankful for our amazing community. I’m a volunteer for the tourism and leisure committee and we put on community events throughout the year. I have just collected the competition entries from all the local schools. The two winners switch on the towns Christmas lights. I love how the whole community gets involved.
I am thankful that my husband has been able to retire from a very physically demanding job and that I have your Prudent Homemaker site to go to for money saving ideas and encouraging posts to live well on our retirement income.
I am thankful for government funding that is helping our autistic daughter receive much needed therapy for the may issues she deals with in her every day life. We continue to have hope she will be able to live on her own some day. Although it may require some support to do so, we continue to persist with teaching her skillsets, to allow her the freedom to be a productive member of society in her own special way.
I’m thankful that today is payday…and I’m going to be able to get groceries tomorrow. I’m also thankful for sales at regular stores and bent and dent type stores. I’m looking at one ad and they have some interesting things, like a 5-gallon bucket of pickles for $15.99 and 5 lbs of cottage cheese for $9.99.
I am thankful that we made it to payday and that the water bill isn’t due until tomorrow. We can pay it today.
I am thankful I was able to meet w friend for coffee this morning. Out lives are busy, but we made it work. I appreciate that about our friendship.
I’m thankful for your blog and so many of the others that I read and enjoy.
Brandy, your photo is lovely. Please tell me where you got your eyeglass frames. I have been looking for some like those and am having trouble finding any. Well, the only ones I found so far are purple. I prefer a more neutral color!
Thanks in advance : )
I have had this pair for about 6 years (I had updated lenses put in the same frames). They are discontinued and I was just looking at new frames today.
Thanks Brandy. I really just want a similar frame to the ones I’ve had for several years. It’s frustratingly difficult to find small, classic (non-trendy!) frames.
I am on Zenni’s page looking for frames, and they still have metal ones! Here is a similar shape one to my current frames; it comes in three colors. https://www.zennioptical.com/p/stainless-steel-oval-eyeglass-frames/4735?skuId=473519 It’s $6.95 for frames AND lenses, for single vision lenses.
I am so grateful for all the recipes, encouragement and tips of frugally shopping from Brandy.