Bronson and Mommy 2


I’m thankful that I was able to deliver photos that I took of my great-nephew’s baby blessing to his parents today. It was my first time using the website to transfer photos to someone and it was a learning curve for me. I offered to take photos of a few families locally for free and I am will now have a good way to get them the photos so that they can easily print them.

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful Winco had strawberries for $1.50 lb. (It’s always strawberry season somewhere!). I made my grownup son a batch of low sugar frozen strawberry jam for Christmas. He will love it! (He’s getting some other stuff, too). I was too busy moving and gardening this summer to make jam. Hope to make next year’s jam with berries from my own raised bed!

    Beautiful picture, Brandy!

  2. I am thankful for music, for the ability to sing in a choir and play handbells in a handbell choir. It restoreth my soul.

  3. I am thankful for grocery stores. So many in our world have no place to buy food or the money to do so. I often print copies of photos of my grandchildren at their birthday parties or school activities and give them to the friends in the pictures. So many children don’t have actual prints of photos because they are on phones.

  4. I am thankful the ice storm yesterday did little damage around here. Mostly just power outages, but no serious accidents or injuries. This was one of the earliest ice storms on record so most of us were unprepared for it. We are still thinking Fall around here, not winter.

  5. I am thankful for the gas fireplace that kept us warm during a mass power outage in our area. Years ago, my mom had the forethought to have a gas fireplace installed that requires no electricity to run. I am also thankful for my warm socks I wore to bed and the blankets that kept us all warm while we slept. The power was out from around 7:30pm to 1:30am…the house was pretty cold by the time the furnace kicked back on!

  6. My medical insurance with low deductable. I am very healthy and my insurance pays well for the annual exams for monitoring…even if it did take 2 hours of white knuckled driving to get here. I’m also thankful for 4WD!

  7. Thankful for my clean kitchen. I deep clean my kitchen yesterday, finish up today. It was nice to walk into a clean kitchen. Everything is off the counter that need to be and cupboards are organize and clean out.

  8. I am grateful for all the opportunities my children have – education, music, visual arts, and so much more! We are very blessed by all that is available where we live.


  9. I am thankful for a dry day with sun breaks. I was able to come home from work and take my dog for a nice walk and enjoy the sunset at 4:30 pm!!

  10. Getting the car out of our favorite repair shop this morning in less than two hours with a bill smaller than $47 for an oil change, winter safety check, leaky tire plug , and a test drive to diagnose scary noise as a wearing out wheel bearing whose replacement can be postponed indefinitely is something to be thankful for. Now I feel confident driving the old car with mom in it to her specialist appointment in Flint.

    Firearm deer season started yesterday. I learned today that guys around here do not spend the second day of firearm deer season getting their cars repaired unless they absolutely, positively have to. Obvious, perhaps, to anybody other than myself.

    Does anyone know if the delicious looking apples and carrots sold in large bags at Michigan gas stations as deer bait this time of the year are safe for humans to eat if peeled and cooked?

  11. I am thankful for the heat that came on when the temperature dropped to the mid-thirties last night here in Florida, especially since so many in the Panhandle still don’t have heat (and no electricity, or no home even.)

  12. I am thankful for reliable transportation. I can get where I need to be and enjoy a podcast or two while out and about.

  13. I am thankful my husband is picking up milk on his way home from work so I didn’t have to go out today.

  14. I am thankful for this blog today, the lovely photos (like today’s) and the chance to sit quietly at night thinking of reasons to be thankful.

  15. I’m thankful for my crockpot and bread machine. Thanks to them, I can put home cooked dinners on the table with very little effort- a life saver on nights I work!

  16. I dont know about Michigan but here in Ohio most orchards sell “deer” apples. They are generally odd shaped and spotty seconds. When washed, cooked and run through a food mill they make wonderful applesauce for just a few cents a jar.

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