I am thankful that this sweet baby boy of mine took a nap yesterday and gave me an opportunity to sew!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that this sweet baby boy of mine took a nap yesterday and gave me an opportunity to sew!
What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for the Swiss chard (silverbeet) that reseeded itself in my garden earlier this year. The plants were big enough to cut for dinner tonight, and there is plenty more to eat several more nights soon (plus, of course, it will keep growing). What are you grateful for today?
I’m thankful today for good books to read, and the chance to step outside for a few minutes. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that we redid the garden and I have these beautiful roses! One of my reasons (and there were many) in wanting to relandscape the garden was to put in this particular rose (Desdemona from David Austin). What I didn’t know was that this rose would bloom almost nonstop in my garden, far outperforming…
Today, I’m thankful for the help of a friend to my husband twice today. What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for leftovers. They always make the day easier! Here’s a little Thanksgiving gratitude humor for you. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the reminder of a friend that it’s not too late to pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child! Dropoff times are next week! Here are 100 Shoebox ideas for a boy 100 Shoebox ideas for a girl If you’re interested in packing a box for a child in need, you can find…
I am so thankful that my son is doing so well in college! He has battled some sudden physical problems that he will have to deal with all his life. He overcame the emotional problems that come with the illness and being away at college. We are so thankful!
Thankful for the friendship of the refugee family I am tutoring in English. It’s so nice to be greeted with excited hugs from the kids whenever they see me.
My cousin is tutoring a Syrian family in English.
She says the same things about them.
We (my cousin and I) are of Syrian decent. I am only the 2nd generation born here.
I want to thank you, Margaret, for helping this family.
Today (and everyday) I am thankful to have been born in America.
I am thankful for a good outcome on a recent surgery. By the way, I so enjoyed your photos last November of the shoeboxes you packed for Operation Christmas Child. They were beautiful, and I was so impressed with your fine handiwork on the marble pouch, the hygiene bag, and the one for school supplies. I am a big fan and supporter of OCC. I packed 31 boxes this year. I shop year ’round, and I am grateful for the bargains I find that enable me to pack shoeboxes. I hope you will post pics of your shoeboxes for this year.
11-15 I am thankful for God’s promises to us and the comfort and guidance we receive from His Word. I was reminded again of this attending a funeral last night of a younger man. 56 years of age. He was sick the last 14 years, but in all the pictures of him over the years always a joyful look on his face and happy grateful smiles of his family that he was still there with them. We are sad but rejoice at his Eternal Security.
11-16 I am thankful for our continuing mild weather…normally we would have snow by now. We brought in some very nice, though small zucchinis, lots of hot peppers, small heads of cauliflower and kale. My daughter had put hoop houses over these back in October before the first frosts.
Your baby is just the cutest ! Thanks for reminding us of the simple things to be thankful for.
My daughter just came home today and told us there is a new student in her class. It’s a boy that is a Russian refugee. Luckily he already speaks some English, which will help him greatly. The boy now sits at her “table” (a group of 6 students), which includes my daughter’s friend who is a Syrian refugee and another boy who is from Sweden. Apparently she sits at the international table, which my daughter is very excited about. I thankful she has the opportunity to meet people from all over the world right in her own classroom. It’s a small world after all!;)
I’m also thankful for my daughter’s teacher and EAs who work hard every day to help my Autistic daughter navigate an often confusing and complicated school day. We have been very privileged to have met and worked with some excellent teachers and support staff throughout her school career. As a parent of a special needs child, there is nothing we are more grateful for than an understanding, compassionate and committed school staff that work hard to ensure ALL students are successful.
Oh my gosh, THAT COWBOY HAT. He is too precious!!
Today I’m grateful for great family. My in-laws are coming into town today and I’m trying to make it a point to appreciate them more.
I am thankful to be retired. While I did so some useful things today, I didn’t do many and I did spend lots of time playing on my computer and talking to friends. As long as I’m not lazy EVERYDAY, things do still get done around here. It’s a joy to have a “me day” as I worked outside the home for 27 years after my kids were old enough to stay alone from school dismissal until I was home to make dinner.
Today i’m thankful that aleeve takes the edge off chronic pain during the day. Life is good.
I love that baby’s toes. So sweet.. I’m thankful for children and that God did not start us out as adults.
I am thankful for a wonderful young man who interprets and phones the Syrian family my church supports.
Today I texted him and he phoned the family to let them know I wished to pick up paperwork.
He is visiting family 800 miles away and has an awesome phone plan which I am also thankful for today:)
Aw, thanks, Becky! Honestly, volunteering is a two-way street. I help them with their English and acclimatizing to Canadian cultural norms, and they give me friendship. It’s win-win! (It really is.) The kids literally come running to give me hugs when they see me, crying out my name and beaming at me. It makes me smile just thinking about it. 🙂
I’m thankful for the wonderful, long chat with my old college roommate today. She’s been super busy with work , a house remodel, and 3 teenagers so I’ve really missed our regular phone calls.
THAT’S ABOUT THE SWEETEST THING I HAVE SEEN LATELY. i’d love to baby sit that sweet thing. you’re very lucky. so thankful i have a FBF like you
He’s a Sweetie Pie!
Oh my goodness, he is adorable! I am enjoying reading your blog Brandy – thank you.