I am thankful for the capability to speak with people in real time around the world without needing to make long-distance calls and having to pay by the minute like we used to. I never cease to be grateful for this part of modern technology.

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I agree with you completely about being able to communicate in real-time. Such a blessing! I think of how getting a letter was a really big deal in the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, where a letter would sit for months in a post office, waiting for someone to pick it up. I think they were expensive to send as well.

    Relatedly, I am thankful for the postal service. Even though we get almost no personal mail, listening for the letter carrier is still a part of the day’s routine.

  2. I know the internet can be a dark place but I am grateful for modern technology and the ability to stay in touch with family and friends, send photos and messages quickly.

  3. I am thankful for indoor plumbing. My parents and grandparents had outhouses and water hand pumps and chamber pots. My Dad even remembers the Civilian Conservation Corp coming to build a better, sturdier two seat outhouse when he was young – it’s still standing at my Grandparents farmstead!


  4. I remind myself daily to be grateful for things that Americans often take for granted. Paved roads, clean water, adequate food for example. I have been watching “Daughters of Destiny” on Netflix. It is about a boarding school for the Dalits who are the lowest caste in India. The school offers a free education, room, board for a child from one of these families. The poverty these children come from is heartbreaking. No beds, indoor plumbing, adequate food and so on. It reminds me to appreciate the basic things we have in the United States.

  5. I’m thankful for the fact that my family will all be together over the next week, for the first time in quite a while. I am also thankful for modern technology that lets me work and shop and bank and borrow library books, all without leaving the house.

  6. I’m grateful for new windshield wipers. Using them the first time is always a small joy on how perfectly they clear the glass.

    I’m also grateful for my mechanic, who helped me put them on when the old one was stuck and he had to break it off. Didn’t charge me either. ☺️

  7. I’m thankful for good tasting plant-based “milks” since I’m allergic to dairy. It really helps to provide me with a quality of life despite the allergens.

    Lovely flowers … lovely photos!

  8. I am grateful for my public library. I am able to read and enjoy books, browse for titles that interest me, and then return them for the next person to use. I don’t have to store or dust or maintain them.

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