The Shepherdess Rose The Prudent Homemaker

Yesterday (the 18th) my family traveled to Cedar City, Utah to tour the new temple there. You can see photos of the temple here. I’m grateful that we were able to go.


Friday I was grateful for the beautiful day we enjoyed.


Today, I am glad that though temperatures reached 34ºF (1ºC)  last night my basil, tomatoes, and zinnias were able to endure the cold.  Temperatures are going to warm up again this week and it should be warm for several more weeks, giving us the chance to harvest all of these again over the coming weeks (my tomatoes starting setting fruit again in October, when the temperatures cooled enough–they don’t set fruit in our too hot summers–but the tomatoes are still growing and are not ready to harvest yet.)


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful for a quiet day at home. I got to sleep in, walk the dog and start a project for Christmas. No stress..

  2. I’m thankful to see you here. Three days without posting, plus a late post a day earlier, had me wondering.

    It’s a beautiful drive from Las Vegas to Cedar City; I’m glad you could go.

  3. Hello Brandy, I’m not LDS (or religious to be honest) but a close friend and her husband are LDS and many years ago they took me on a visit to the Preston Temple in the UK prior to it’s official opening and I was so impressed by the building and the wonderful people I met on the tour. Your post and link to the pictures of this new Temple in Utah brought back special memories, especially as my friend’s husband has since passed away. Thank you, I’m grateful for this memory today. I’m so glad you were able to visit it too.

  4. Friday, I was thankful for the opportunity to be at home and the time to make a wonderful, homemade meal for my family.

    Saturday, I was thankful to have the funds to purchase a few Christmas gifts without feeling like this was a financial burden for our family. That was not the case in the past and I know there are others who currently do not have this luxury. I am very grateful our finances have improved over the past few years. I am also grateful that our stash of DVD movies came in handy when our phone, T.V. and internet went down and DD needed to watch a particular movie for school that we thankfully owned!

    Sunday (today), I am grateful that our phone, T.V. and internet is up and running again. DD was thrilled to re-connect with her “internet” friends, again. I am grateful for the laugh I shared with my mom and husband when I read them this, which I found on Pinterest: Too funny to not share!

  5. I had two choir rehearsals in preparation for our upcoming Christmas concert. I am very thankful for the gift of singing.

  6. We have had a couple of mild fall days and have taken advantage of them to do more fall garden cleanup. My husband mulched leaves and grass to spread over the garden boxes. They will be like a winter blanket that we will turn into the soil next spring. We also finished planting more tulips and daffodils. It is work now, but we will reap the rewards in the spring……delayed gratification.

  7. Friday – I am thankful for my daughter’s new friend and her kind mother
    Saturday – I am thankful my husband and I could go on a date with our B1G1Free coupon
    Sunday – I am thankful to sing in the church choir with two of my daughters. The music was beautiful and inspiring.

  8. Oh Friday I was thankful that our saving quarters and $1’s meant we were able to see the Justice League movie at the cheap theater.
    On Saturday I was so thankful that the number I drew for the food distribution was low enough that I was able to get to work on time and they gave out meats as well – I received a whole chicken, pack of assorted pork chops, some chicken breast tenders and Italian sausage. They also handed out toilet paper and soaps this time as well as all the regular pantry foods.
    And today, I am so very thankful for the pet pantry where they loaded us up with 2 15 pound bags of cat food that ours can actually tolerate, 2 bags of senior food for our old beagle, 2 bags of cat litter + toys for both the dogs and cats, treats for all, new collars and leashes and 2 new food bowls! This should get us thru Christmas which will be a huge blessing especially since we may be facing more tests and possibly surgeries for hubby since his echo-cardiogram came back bad but since it was 5 pm on Friday when we got the news, we still don’t know what our next steps will be. Prayers are appreciated.
    And I am so very thankful for the group of like people here who are encouraging and uplifting thru their own struggles which makes mine a bit less overwhelming.

  9. Hello Brandy and everyone from Australia 🙂 and I thought I would say I am enjoying looking for something to be thankful for each and every day as it is a long road to saving a good deposit for buying our land and having our home built.

    On the 17th I was thankful I found a really cheap op shop and that they were having a plant sale too. I was able to purchase 3 lovely large lavender plants for a seriously low $12 to put in the herb gardens saving $41.94 on local prices. I was also able to buy 16 coat hangers including 4 wooden sturdy coat hangers, a insulated pouch for a med kit, 2 display folders and a working wall clock all for $5.50 saving around $50 😀 .

    On the 18th I had a wonderful and spiritual day at church 🙂 .

    Today on the 19th we are thankful for being able to work together as a husband and wife to declutter, clean and polish our book shelves and organise sewing equipment/materials/patterns and storage tubs in the sewing room.

  10. I am so thankful that yesterday, nov 18, our 19year old niece was married in the most simply but beautiful wedding I have ever seen! She and her husband who’s 21 have committed their lives to serving God through the mission work they do now and to where God leads them in the future. Melts this Aunties (ant) heart!

  11. I am thankful for your blog! It has been an inspiration and source of encouragement to me over the years. Thanks also for the video tour of the temple. It is very beautiful!

  12. I am thankful for having met my significant other, as today is their birthday, and I am so glad to have been able to spend this year with them. Having started off as a long distance relationship, I am always grateful for being able to live with someone I love so much.

  13. What I am thankful for:
    Friday – The small chest freezer that fits into our compact condo. I am so thankful to have meat, vegetables and fruit frozen that I can use to cook at home.
    Saturday – That my plot at the community garden has been put to bed for the winter. A friend helped me plant onions and garlic and add a layer of leaves for mulch.
    Sunday – That my husband is home from his business trip to India. His suitcase did not make the final leg of the flight, but hopefully it will follow him home soon.

  14. I’m glad you got to take a little trip. Fun!

    I’m thankful for a day with family. First, I got to sit by my aunt during church. Then, I got to take my autistic niece to McDonald’s for her Sunday Coke. It’s a tradition. After that, lunch with both my sisters, a rare treat, and then a play at the college my husband attended so many years ago with 1 sister, aunt, and daughters. Back to the church to help with a dinner for the teens–my husband and I tag teamed with helping and with our nephew–he had him all afternoon and was helping with the dinner, then took him home while I finished up helping. (His mom and dad were in charge of the dinner and worked for hours and hours on it–we had the easy part!) That way my nephew only had to hang around the church for a couple of hours. This will be a nephew-filled week, as the kids have no school all week, but the parents have to work:)

    My point is: I realize that not everyone is close with their family members. In fact, we only are this close with a few family members, and we do have family members that we are estranged from. Although the missing ones bring sadness to me, I am very, very grateful that we have so many close ones. Because we have people missing from our close circle, either from bad choices they have made, indifference, or even death, the time with the close ones is all the sweeter. I don’t take it for granted. I am very thankful for even the simplest moments I get to spend with them.

  15. I am thankful that my husband’s and my blood pressure has come down naturally. I am thankful that I am losing weight on the blood sugar solution diet and I am thankful that there is hope that my diabetes can be reversed through a proper diet and exercise. I am thankful that my husband and I are feeling better. I am also thankful for my children and grandchildren. They bring me much joy!

  16. I read this out loud to my husband because I was laughing out loud! Thank you for the laughter! Laughter is something I’m always thankful for!

  17. I´m thankful that the sun is shining at least a little bit.
    I´m thankful that our freezers and pantry are full enough since money will be tight until the end of November.
    I´m very thankful and happy that almost all Christmas presents are ready and finished!
    I´m very grateful for our simple but lovely celebration yesterday.

  18. Hi Brandy,
    Today I am thankful for a home cooked dinner that our daughter made for us, after travelling for two days to visit her and her lovely partner. It was quite the lovely drive with 12 hours run yesterday and 9 today. The scenery was just beautiful, so, so green.

  19. Friday, Nov. 17th Grateful for the people who have become friends through our church’s sponsorship of refugees. We hosted a dinner this evening that the family we sponsored were the guests of honour. We have passed the one year mark and our formal fiscal agreement has ended. This family has landed on their feet. Not quite three weeks ago the brother of of the mother we sponsored arrived with his wife and six children. We know already how much his sister and her family is assisting them in figuring out Canada.
    Saturday, Nov18th. Thankful for the good friends who passed tickets to an event onto us for us to share some time with our son. These are such sweet friends, the wife and I have been close since attending kindergarten together. We met our husbands in high school and have been even closer ever since.
    Sunday, Nov.19th I bumped into the newly arrived husband and wife mentioned on the 17th. They were at a thrift shop that was having a 50% off sale. I offered to drive them back to their accommodations. As I was struggling to communicate with google translate a lovely university aged fellow stepped up and asked if he could translate for me in Arabic. Such a relief for the family to converse easily with some else. He was so gracious, moving an appointment to continue to speak with them. At the end he offered them ( and me) his contact information. He said to me that by religion and culture he was called to assist. I am so grateful for his appearance.

  20. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who works so hard for us. He’s an amazing father to our boys, and as a stay at home dad, does so much for our family.

  21. I am SOOOO thankful that our youngest son made it safely home to SoCal from his college on the east coast last night and I am ever so grateful to have him home for 6 weeks before he goes back for winter quarter!

    Brandy, just a note to thank you for this beautiful blog. I have really benefited especially from the gardening posts and recipes, but your “can-do” spirit and energy is what draws me back each week! Many Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family! XO!

  22. A am thankful for our farm animals that feed us during these uncertain days. I am thankful that it has warmed and some of the snow has melted a bit so we can feed our animals in relative comfort. (I know this sounds silly but feeding animals through a snowstorm is hard~ both on the animals and the humans that care for them.)

  23. Melissa V, this is the season of miracles, prayers will be sent to heaven for one of them to be yours! So glad the pet pantry could relieve some of your burdens and the food pantry included tp and soap! Blessings to you and hubby.

  24. Brandy, the photos of your church are just so beautiful, in the last few days we have driven from our home to our daughters home in Cairns, some 1682 km. I would have loved to stop at every church, synagogue, and temple along the way just to admire the beautiful buildings. There is something so special about these places of worship, no matter what your faith. Today I am grateful for the lovely meal we just enjoyed with our darling daughter and her equally lovely partner. We cooked for them while they were at work. Have a lovely day.

  25. 11-16 I am thankful for the wildlife around us. The bees and butterflies pollinate our gardens, we enjoy the birds for their color and song, the squirrels for their antics. This week we’ve seen wild turkeys, bald eagles, deer, fox, even seen (only fortunately) a family of skunks.

    11-17 I am thankful for the previous generations. They get more precious and few. We attended funeral and gathering for one of my father’s brothers on Friday, Uncle Walter.

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