I’m thankful for antibiotics.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for antibiotics.
What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for the beautiful sunny morning. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I’m thankful for the beautiful weather and the chance to work outside in the garden for a short while! I’m so glad that it’s Saturday! What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for a quiet Sunday and simple meals. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that my husband figured out a less expensive solution for me to use what I already have to make it work better for me. I was considering a purchase that would be beautiful and useful for my business but would also take up space we don’t have. My husband figured out a…
It’s the last day of November, and therefore the last of my thankful posts for the month. I am still sick! (I ended up back in bed yesterday and did not post). Today, I am thankful for my daughter who, though she is also sick, was so helpful in helping me to care for her…
Today I am thankful for a warm home. It is cold and extremely windy today (winds at 28mph) but inside it is calm and warm, even without the heater running yet. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for finding bargains at my local stores, especially in the grocery produce section.
I’m thankful I don’t currently need antibiotics?
I’m thankful for Christmas decorations and lights.
I am thankful for my fur baby dog.
I’m with you, Brandy! I accidentally commented in yesterday’s post about my husband’s attack of diverticulitis. You bet your life we are thankful for antibiotics!!
I am thankful for my friend. I take her home from church since she can no longer drive because of dementia. Then we eat lunch and watch a movie or HGTV. She always says how much I do for her, but helping her blessed me too. It gave me a reason to get up in the morning after my husband died.
I am thankful for my husband who wanted to take a motorcycle ride today, we ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then came home. Lovely relaxing day, light winds, 80 degrees!
I’m thankful we decided to stay an extra day at our sons.
I’m so very thankful for the KitchenAid stand mixer my grandmother got me as a housewarming gift 13 years ago. It’s still going strong. I use it probably 4 days a week and always recall times where we baked together when I was growing up.
I am thankful for scissors! From cutting ribbon and yarn, to cutting open tubes of lotion to get the last bits out, to cutting fabric and hair, or chopping herbs, scissors make my life so much easier–especially if they are sharp.
I am thankful for my parents, age 85 and almost 90. We spent the day together celebrating my Mom’s recent birthday. A community play of Miracle on 34th Street and dinner after. So grateful for time together. It was such a lovely day.
I am thankful for cheesy Christmas movies
I am thankful that family members I usually see only once a year, came to visit for several days.
I’m thankful my husband got my laptop running again. I’m thankful it’s a brand that is DIY friendly (and we are not techy people either)
I am thankful I was able to spend the day with my sister. We only live 3 minutes from each other but her job is agriculture based. During fall cotton harvest she works 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week so we don’t see each other very much. Today was her first day off in a couple of months and we went to town for shopping and late lunch.
I am thankful there was no rain today and we were able to get out and do some weeding in the chicken pen we are renovating and in the gardens 🙂 . Also thankful I was able to get another load of washing dried on the clothesline.
I am thankful for our dishwasher. It’s actually broken right now, but having to wash up Every Single Thing (and we cook three meals plus snacks a day all at home) has made me so thankful for its service thus far! Here’s hoping our landlady fixes it soon!
I’m thankful for cancer treatments that give me a good chance of being cured!
I too am immensely thankful for antibiotics and other aspects of modern medicine. That includes the veterinary medicines keeping my little dog alive and happy.
I am thankful for the days that are spent doing whatever you want to do. It can be just a slow day, a day exploring, a day we work on something important to us, a day to visit in person or by phone, or anything that rejuvenates you.
I am Thankful for my storage space so I can watch my grandkids play with their Dad’s/uncle’s 22 – 35year old toys.