Lemon Tree The Prudent Homemaker

Today, I am grateful for the pleasure of a video phone call to friends in France. I am still amazed that this technology exists and that it doesn’t cost anything to call (so different from paying high prices per minute for a regular phone call!) plus I get to see everyone’s smiles and see how much their children have grown. 

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. Today I am thankful of Jesus’s sacrifice for all of our sins and that I am here to learn and grow more like him.

  2. Yes, Skype video is truly amazing!

    I am thankful for my health. This time last year, I could not sleep at night. Thankfully, when I discovered what was wrong, within a week I could get a good night’s sleep. I am also thankful for my family. They allow me to visit at a moment’s notice. Today my parents invited me for a bonfire!

  3. This evening I am thankful that my husband & I were both home to share seeing a beautiful moon rise over the mountains.

  4. I am thankful that my friend put a Yo Yo Ma concert ticket on her credit card for me and that I will have a chance to hear this great cellist playing in a recital at our brand new theatre before Christmas. I am thankful that I made it home safely tonight. It is snowing heavily and the roads are terrible. A friend met me after my dentist appointment and she took me to her house to see her new kitchen which is beautiful. She took me to the farmers’ market where we each enjoyed a simple lunch of bowl of piping hot soup while looking at the gathering storm outside. I didn’t buy much but I did buy veggies that will soon disappear. Beans, kale, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, a couple of small eggplants. I then had an eye appointment and my doctor, whom I have known for 40 years gave me a ride home (it took more than an hour one way in the storm). I am thankful that I have had 2 different doctors for 40 years who have become friends. I am thankful for heat, for food in the growing larder. I am thankful for my friend who treated me to two trips, one spring and one fall, to see the swans, a trip to do the loop on mountain roads to see the larches in fall, golden and backlit by the sun, a trip to see the wild orchids in bloom at the base of the mountains. I am thankful for snow, yes, snow! I am thankful for a mother who made the best of everything, no matter how awful things were. I am thankful for generous friends who enrich my life by gifts, small and precious.

  5. I am thankful to be here with my college daughter while I recover from my surgery. I am grateful that my children are kind ,warm and loving. My daughter is 22 but she is so responsible. My greatest success in life has to be that my three children are such beautiful young adults. Mothering children is a hard job and I am so proud to see them walk a righteous life.

  6. I am thankful for the roof over our heads. I know the comfort home means when my children return. I try and make it a blessing to others when they are here.

  7. I am thankful for my husbands birthday Thursday. He took the day off work and we had a wonderful day just hanging out together.

  8. Thankful for another morning with cool breezes, thankful for my husband and son.Thankful I realized I was working too hard, and relinquished that role.Thankful for turning of the Seasons…

  9. I, too, appreciate the ability to make free calls. I don’t use the video feature of Messenger often, but it is good for interacting with the youngest members of the family and for getting a walk-though of my niece’s new house. A few days ago, a friend in Europe let me know via a text message that her ailing mother’s health had gone downhill rapidly in one week and that she had died. I saw my friend was still online, so despite the time, I called her using Microsoft Messenger. I was so glad to be able to speak with her for a few minutes.

  10. I am thankful for all the wisdom and knowledge I have gained over the last several years that have resulted in my family being much more financially secure. I am a much better steward of our money that I used to be and for that I am truly grateful!

  11. Marivene, I was at choir practice at church last night and the director stopped practice so that we could all look at the beautiful full moon rising over the mountains!

  12. I saw that same beautiful moonrise last night. The clouds danced over it too, changing how it looked from moment to moment.

  13. I am thankful for this blog too! It sounds trite but I enjoy this blog very much, find the topics very interesting and enjoy a sense of community. Brandy, I know you are busy beyond belief, and I am thankful you can find the time to create this community.

  14. I am thankful for the young lady that is my GI that is no longer covered with my insurance cared enough to call me and tell me about some things she heard at a conference that might help me with pain…not just my Crohn’s but my body pain from the L5 being deformed and my spine turning like a corkscrew.

  15. Today i am thankful that my friends always choose to bless me with their moving food. I had a friend give me at least 12 grocery bags yesterday of pantry stuff. I probably have one a year.

  16. I am thankful for God’s provision…and the beautiful weather to be able to accomplish what needs to be done now.

  17. I am thankful to see your lemons growing so well on your tree, and it reminds me of how much fruit I was able to pick from my sister’s trees and mine. I love having all that fruit in the cupboards and freezer.

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