When I first set out to create my website 4 years ago today, I didn’t want a blog. I didn’t want to have to scroll through recipes to find what I wanted. I wanted a different organization system, and a blog wasn’t it.

If you weren’t aware that my website isn’t a blog, well, now you know. It isn’t.

It also doesn’t have a simple, FREE (and that’s important) blog option for me. So, here I am–starting a blog.



1. My husband pointed out that I was using Facebook like a blog. This is true.

2. Facebook isn’t showing everything to everyone anymore. In addition, last week, as I was just finished typing my list of frugal things I had accomplished for the week (and the list was long), and was ready to hit enter, it dumped me out and told me I wasn’t logged in. I lost everything I had just typed. I was tired and wanted to go to bed–so I did. I didn’t post the list. This isn’t the first time that’s happened. It’s happened over 20 times this week alone.

3. There are things that I want to say that belong on a blog–and not on the website. I’d like to say them.

4. I get emails all the time asking me if I have a subscribe option or an RSS feed, and I can only do that with a blog. You want to know when there’s something new on the site. I used Facebook for that purpose–but now I can offer those options–as soon as I figure them out! (If someone wants to guide me to a tutorial on how to set up an RSS feed on Blogger, that would be awesome, because I haven’t found it yet.) I will be posting on here when there is something new on the site, so you can click on over to check it out.

I don’t know how often I can post, though,


I have 7 children, ages 10 to 2 months, who need me–constantly.

And that’s pretty important.

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  1. I’m so glad you chose to start a blog! I love your website, and follow you on facebook. I’ve always thought you would do great with a blog as well. : )

  2. I too am looking forward to seeing what you post on your blog. I actually check my Facebook most of the time to see what your status update is – the rest of the updates are usually pretty trivial :).

  3. I am so tickled that you have a blog now! I remember begging you to do a blog right about this time last year after you commented on my comment/question on Money Saving Mom’s blog! 🙂 You helped me get my family through a really tight time, when I was scared to death and had no idea how to go several weeks without buying more groceries. I also didn’t know what to do with the tiny bit of money I had to shop with once we did have money again, and you helped me find my way through that too. You didn’t have to though. You could have said, “Look over my website and you’ll figure it out.” But you didn’t, and that was a bit of kindness that helped me through a trying time. I hope you’ll gain even more advertisers on this site as well, creating another source of income for your family. I don’t have Facebook, but I could still pop over and view your profile for updates. I couldn’t comment on anything though, or ask you questions when I had them. I would try to remember to email you the question, but then I’d question myself if it was too trivial to email over, how full your email inbox must be, that it probably wasn’t worth the bother, and then it was out of my mind again before I found the quiet time to actually email. Anyway, I’m really glad you have a blog and I look forward to reading your thoughts on various things!-Danielle B in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia

  4. Woo hoo!!!! Soooooo glad you are blogging Brandy! I don’t do Facebook so I’m WAY excited about this!Welcome to the “bloggy” world and congratulations on 4 years for your site. Can’t wait to see what the blog will do!Hugs and a great big happy dance,Lea

  5. As one who doesn’t have a facebook account and would love to comment on things from time to time, yay! :)Back to the kitchen….

  6. Brandy, I love your website and I have loved keeping up with your Facebook posts so I am super-pleased to see your new blog. Grace and peace to you and your blessed family!

  7. I literally just jumped around the house, pumping my arms and yelling “My favorite person in the whole web world finally has a blog!” I’m so excited!Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My husband hears”Well, the Prudent Homemaker…” all the time. And he says “the lady in Las Vegas?” like your my best friend or something, lol.Anxiously awaiting every post…

  8. Me too!!! I am so excited that you are doing this!! I LOVE your site and am always anxious to see “what’s new”. Thank you so much for doing this. You are are huge inspiration to us all. Also, congratulations on your new baby- she is precious!

  9. Oh, my goodness! I am so thrilled to see that you have started a blog! I have followed your website for YEARS, and I have always deeply admired your grace and tenacity. Everything that you do is done in such good taste. I cannot wait to see this new venture grow! Yay!Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. She is so lovely. What a blessing!Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I look forward to reading all your posts!

  10. I’m SO Glad youre doing this because our family doesn’t use facebook or twitter or the likes. I check the website very,very often for updates or new recipes. I know you had more practical reasons for doing the switch over but I think it’s a great way to be able to reach people like us who chose to use email only!Heather

  11. I’m glad you started a blog! A friend linked one of your “Eating on 40¢ a Day” posts and I came over here and started reading. Over the past few weeks I’ve managed to read back to the beginning. I try to be pretty frugal, but I’ve got a lot of great ideas after reading about all the ways you’re able to save. I also now find myself missing my garden, and wanting to learn to sew more than buttons and badges! Thanks for sharing your life with us.PS—my youngest is just two days younger than Ivory. 🙂

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