
Lovelies: Spring

Lovelies: Spring

We celebrated Ivory’s 1st birthday on Sunday. She is such a sweet, fun girl and loves to make the entire family laugh. Here are some things I want to share this week: Out of eggs and living from your pantry? Try making this eggless chocolate cake. These springtime butterflies made from felt and bobby pins for…

Dreaming on Paper

Dreaming on Paper

White flower carpet rose I have been dreaming of relandscaping our front yard for many years. We have the typical Las Vegas front yard: a strange shape of grass, surrounded by rocks, a few bushes and a single tree. (Newer homes are not allowed to put grass in the front yard anymore, per a law…

Lovelies: Easter

Lovelies: Easter

Apple blossoms from the garden I’ve been out in the garden pulling weeds today in preparation for tomorrow’s garden tour. I still have room if you want to attend. Send me an email and I’ll email directions to you. The garden is so lovely right now. The citrus blossoms are so fragrant, even before they’ve…

The Garden in Spring

The Garden in Spring

My garden has been full of blossoms the last couple of weeks. The grass has really greened up thanks to the top dressing of 18 bags of manure.     We have been harvesting from this raised bed every other day; I have lettuce, radishes, spinach and bok choy at this end of the bed, and asparagus…

Homemade Crackers

Homemade Crackers

Today I’m bringing you two new recipes on the website. These took a while, because I kept making new batches, testing variations in the recipes, until I was satisfied. Plus, my family wanted to eat them as soon as they were done, which often left no chance to take pictures! One is for saltines. These…