Thankful Series

I’m thankful for the opportunity to go garage sale shopping with my mom this morning. It’s an unexpected trip; we usually only go on two Saturday mornings a year. She found a community sale for us to attend, and while I think it’s much smaller than where we usually go (probably one tract, versus an entire planned development of multiple housing tracts) I’m hopeful we’ll find more things on our lists.  My mom has been going every Saturday morning the last few weeks, working on her goal of finding Christmas gifts at garage sales (and she’s found several great gifts the last few weeks, as well as a few items on my list, too!)

This is part of what I found last time:

Garage Sale Finds The Prudent Homemaker


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful that I’m headed off to the store to replace my popcorn popper this morning. It broke a few weeks ago, and I’ve been waiting to get a new one. Now that I’ve been paid, and my husband has too, I’m thankful that we were able to pay the bills without dipping any further into our savings, and still have money left over to start buying a few things that we need or want. I’m also very thankful that we always had our needs met during the entire year he was off work. We never suffered or lacked for anything we needed during that time, and also had many things we just wanted. It is a great that he is back to work, and that I was able to get a part-time job as well.

  2. I am thankful that my youngest daughter asked me to work with her on some clothing alterations today.
    I like to visit while working on projects. I also admire her thriftiness:)

  3. I am thankful that the heater works in my car as I scraped the windows this morning after our first hard freeze.
    I am thankful for the bandaids and first aid tape as I cut my thumb pad clear across while processing horseradish.
    I am thankful for the dish fairy (Hubby) that did the dishes this morning so I can start with a clean sink.

  4. Today I am thankful for all I have learned. I was thinking of a day earlier this week when I made a batch of homemade laundry detergent (from this site) as well as homemade fabric softener and granite cleaner. All work very well and the cost is tiny compared to store bought.

  5. I am thankful for a free food program in our town that is not charity but a program to eliminate food in the landfill. We are able to help use food that is about to be thrown out and save money.

  6. I too am thankful for garage sales today. My next door neighbor is having one and they had a small 5 ft upright freezer in good condition for very little. My co worker needs one, so I called my boss and she and I are going to split the cost and gift it to her in lieu of a Christmas gift. I will deliver it to her tomorrow

  7. I am thankful for a lazy day at home after weeks of having something to do every single day for the last two and a half months.
    I am also thankful that I didn’t have to chaperone the overnight youth event for our children last night – several others did. Next time it will be our turn but this time I was able to have a date out with my husband and get a good night’s rest.

    I hope your shopping with your mother was enjoyable and productive!

  8. I am thankful for my husband, whom I have shared a loving partnership with my entire adult life. We met and started dating when I was 17 years old and he was just turning 21 years old. We’ve been together ever since…though the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between. I couldn’t imagine life without him by my side.

  9. I am thankful today for the sun shine. We have had a week of drizzle and rain and no sun. It was nice to hang my sheets out today instead of using the dryer. I am thankful for a long nap this morning, while my husband and grandsons watched the TX Longhorns on TV get beat. I had my puppy by my side under a flannel blanket and slept like a baby. It felt good. I am thankful for thrift stores, I got some much needed pants for youngest grandson and a pair of Sketcher shoes (brand new with tags) for me. Not a color I would normally buy but for $2.00 I will wear them proudly.
    Thankful for pinterst too. Got recipe (idea) to make calzones for my guys. I used ham, cheese, and pizza dough and it was a huge hit with the guys. Together they treated me to dinner out. (no cooking for grandma tonight) I am blessed.

  10. I am beyond grateful for two happy, healthy teenagers. My husband (who is active duty military) is finally home this weekend and able to attend both kids’ sports tournaments. This was a first for our family! I am such a happy mama today and counting my blessings! It’s one of those days you pray stays burned into your memory forever.

  11. To see life in every breath – I am thankful for each day I have and am trying to find something each day that is beautiful and worth seeing/feeling/hearing/smelling – In other words – I am thankful for all of my senses that allow me to enjoy life – even when life seems so “unenjoyable”!

  12. I am thankful for our local clothing exchange store. I realized that everything my husband and I are wearing today is from that store (all great quality and probably 90% off of the regular price).

  13. I’m thankful I’m able to tuck my children into bed, that I’m able to be home with them and even when the days get long that I know that they know how much they mean to me.

  14. I didn’t get around to this yesterday but I was thankful for leftovers!! It makes the day seem longer when you know you can go into the kitchen at the last minute and reheat the perfectly good food from the day before and have dinner on the table in 10 or 15 minutes–and it’s good!! We cleaned up all the leftovers so tomorrow will start with new food!

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