Today I found out a fraudulent charge of $497 on my account. I’m glad I checked my account online today!
Just a reminder that this time of year, it’s wise to check your account often. The last time this happened to me, the bank told me that the charges came because someone at a store I had visited (in person) had used a card to swipe all the info from all the cards that had recently used that machine.
I’m also thankful that the bank will be sending me a new card right away!
What are you thankful for today?
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Hello Brandy and glad your bank will be sending you a new card and you picked up the fraudulent charges 🙂 .
Today I am thankful that my husband came through his brain aneurysm surgery and is recovering gradually at home since being discharged ong the 2nd of November. They found 2 aneurysms that they clipped in one operation.
I am also thankful for wonderful surgeons who spend years training in their fields who perform complex surgeries such as my husbands.
Best wishes for your husband’s recovery!
Thank you Brandy and he will get there over time with rehabilitation 🙂 .
Lorna – sending you lots of prayers for a speedy recovery for your husband!
Thank you Angie and thank you for your prayers 🙂 .
Lorna – I was wondering how things had gone – so glad to hear that he is doing well and recovering at home. Best wishes to both of you.
best wishes for your husband and you. Ann
Thank you Margie and good to have him home and with therapy over the coming months he will recover gradually 🙂 .
Thank you Ann and we do really appreciate your well wishes 🙂 .
I had this happen a couple months ago, my credit card company caught it because it was from a place I don’t order from ever. Person was from the store I had been to. Credit card co told me it increases 30 % during holidays but since the pandemic it has hit closer to 40% all the time.
I am thankful our electric was down below normal.
I am thankful I caught I was getting sick and it was Bronchitis not covid as we have family members that have it. We haven’t been seeing anyone but our daughter that is fighting cancer and that has went to dropping things off for her on her porch. State on curfew trying to avoid a complete shut down
My husband works in a grocery store which normally wouldn’t be something we would think twice about. With Covid surging again we are always worried about his safety. I am thankful that he is healthy and is taking every precaution that he can. I’m also thankful for the management in his store that makes employees stay home if they show any symptoms whatsoever in an effort to keep others well. Thankful for prayer and peace in this season in all things.
I’m thankful I check my credit card account regularly and noticed a charge of over $1200 on it. Immediately checked account where purchase made and sure enough, illegal purchase was done and charged to my account. So people….be hyper vigilant this time of year and change your passwords regularly!!
Today I am grateful for happy and healthy children. For their laughter, their tears to wipe and their need/want of their mother’s love.
Congrats to everyone! We work diligently to make our money go as far as it can. We don’t need it stolen!!!
I’m thankful for heat!
This is my first post and want to say “Thank you!”
For creating such an inpiring blog. I am 6 days into a covid19 diagnosis and I am so grateful that the 87 year old woman whom I work for as caregiver, has not shown any symptoms.
Take care,
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Thank heavens you saw that! I’m glad it was taken care of.
Today I am thankful that we are finally cooler, much more like normal November weather, and that my husband is actually outside in the sunshine with the neighbor, helping him as much as he can while on his mobility scooter. Sitting indoors all day long makes him depressed.
I’m also thankful for the neighbor’s willingness to come talk, ask advice, and work with my husband to the best of his ability.
I am grateful that both my husband and I can still work, in spite of increased restrictions.
I am also grateful that my parents, who are in their mid and late 80’s, are healthy and happy in spite of living alone on the other side of the country.
Today I am thankful that my employer alerted me to a fraudulent unemployment claim someone was trying to file in my name.
I’m thankful my husband was able to fix our freezer at no cost out of pocket. The drain line was blocked by ice (causing water to spill out into the floor) and he was able to get it thawed out and working correctly.
I’m thankful my friend took me up on my offer to work in her place at the food pantry. I like to help out, it keeps me busy. I’m only stocking shelves but it all adds up.
Today, I am thankful that an historian in Toronto caught a transposed date in our book;
that I discovered we had used a photo that is incorrectly labelled by the archives. It took hours to sort it all out. This feels like the non-ending book.
I am grateful for one last grocery run from a friend for me — for the next month I am planning on
living on my pantry supplies because I don’t like to have friends (or anyone) going into grocery stores
during a pandemic surge.
I am still ill but fortunately don’t think it’s covid.
I’m thankful that I can rest when I’m not feeling well.
Hello Brandy,
I am thankful for this post! Because after you posted this, I went and checked my bank… and I had four fraudulent charges on one of my accounts! Although I do check on my accounts, I do not do it daily. If I had not have read this, I might not have checked my account so thoroughly and who knows how many more would have shown up before I discovered them!
-Mrs. Humphrey, long time reader.
I check mine often, too, but now I’m thinking I need to check at least once a week during the holiday season!
I am thankful for a little time shopping for a birthday gift. At that time the store I chose was practically empty so we could shop stress free for a change. I got an item for 1/2 the listed sale price which I wasn’t expecting.