I’m thankful that we were able to load up a trailer full of bad dirt to take to the dump. We have lots and lots more to do, but we’re making (slow!) progress!
If you want to see what I mean about our dirt (aka lime rocks), check out my latest video in the garden on Instagram here.
What are you thankful for today?
Holy cow, that’s a LOT of work, Brandy! I know you’ll make it beautiful!
Today i’m thankful for a fairly warm day. (51*) It all helps on our way into a dark, dreary winter.
I am thankful for the sunshine, after a gorgeous bit of rain. I’m thankful our daughter is moving back to the same state as us! She arrives today !!
I am thankful for Chinese food. The guys stopped and ate with the boss on the way home and brought me Chinese. There are so few foods that are appetizing – and this was. I had just opened a frozen bag of burritos that I ate recently and was unable to get them down. There is no rhyme nor reason on what I can eat! I’m able to eat the Chinese food this time! So happy!
Thank you for you gratitude posts during November through the years. You have inspired me to take note and to publicly be thankful during our Thanksgiving month. I truly believe it helps me to be happier and more content.
I am thankful that I was given a bag of material that was my MILs. I went through it and found a lot of pieces and notions that I will keep. The surprises were two very different small starts of quilting. I think she had taken a class that was offered monthly at a fabric and quilting store due to a scribble I found. She was always doing things like that: AARP driving course, computer class for seniors (she never used an electric typewriter), texting on my son’s phone after practicing with him). There was fabric with practice stitching, small embroidery, and a couple of items made with yarn and lace. I am thinking of how I can put these together in a frame. They are precious. I am also thankful she is my MIL. I am waiting for the time we can hug her again in person.
I went out to clear out my garden for real, and found some pepper plants made it though the freeze. I was excited that I may get several more peppers. I also found some yellow ones under the leaves all around the plants. I will sauté them and have enough for the winter! Little blessings make me happy!
I am thankful that my son made it home safely from college today. He will be with us thru the new year.
I am grateful that my cousin came through his surgery well today and that my Dad came through minor surgery well yesterday. I am grateful that we live in this age of modern medicine. Both my Dad and my cousin would not be here if it were not for modern medicine.
I have applied for a few new jobs lately and none have panned out. I had been feeling a little down on myself about this, but then I realized, I already have a job, and while it doesn’t meet my wants, it meets my needs and I am grateful for that! So many are struggling to meet needs right now, so I am truly blessed.
I am thankful for grandsons who make me laugh.
I’m grateful for my English Bull Dog, she makes me smile often every day. She is so very sweet. She is a rescue that came to us 4 years ago and is now 10 1/2. We took her camping this year for the first time and she loved it! I’m grateful that we upgraded our camper, due to her age and breed she is unable to cool herself down when hot, our new camper has air conditioning, which our very old and used pop-up camper did not have. It was a total splurge purchasing it, but with remote schooling and work, we were able to use it all the way to mid-October in Michigan. She is such a sweet gal, I cherish every day I have with her.