I’ve gone to bed exhausted the last several days, as we’ve been shoveling the rocks that are our native garden “soil” and loading them onto a trailer to take to the dump. So, today’s post is for both yesterday and today.
While my husband was getting rid of the rocks, I took a few minutes to take out my camera to photograph a few of the roses that are blooming. Normally I would have many more this time of year, but the shock of transplanting them into pots has left my roses struggling to stay alive.

I’m grateful for those that are in the ground, and that I took the time to stop and smell the roses yesterday.
Today, I’m grateful for a day of rest; a day to worship, and a day to spend with my family.
What are you thankful for today?
I’ve been going to bed exhausted, as well, from a much different cause. My nephew spent the weekend. By 9:30 am yesterday, I had read several chapters of “Rodemonte’s Revenge” (a book about boys who get sucked into a video game), watched both my husband and daughter play him in games of chess, rescued the poor dog who was cowering from the remote-controlled tank that she is scared of but kept rolling around our extremely small living area complete with loud shooting noises, and enjoyed a pancake breakfast Rob made, including cleaning up. During the rest of the day, we stacked a van-load of wood, filled the compost bin with branches, made cake, made puzzles, watched tv (thank goodness), and read some more. And, I’m am so, so thankful. First of all, this is a little special-needs boy who, not all that many years ago, was telling us to “go away.” And, “why are you still here? You should go home.” Now, he begs to come here, or have us come over. He delights in our presence. And, we delight in his. Our house is not boring. It is not quiet. It is not dull. We are not lonely. And, most of all, our home is not lacking in love, from him or our other nieces and nephews. We all watched our live-streamed church this morning, and now Rob is driving him home. I plan to sleep well tonight:)
Today I am thankful for my best friend Karen.
We have been best friends since I was 15. I am now 72.
Karen is having some serious health issues at the moment. I would appreciate prayers for her.
We have lived 1000 miles apart for most of our adult lives, but the phone…then the computer have kept us sharing our highs and lows.
Life without her here is something I can barely contemplate.
Becky, Karen is in my prayers, as are you.
Prayers for your friend, Karen.
You are so blessed! I’ve also had 2 best friends for over 50 years. How did that happen? We were very young once, weren’t we?
Prayers for Karen and her family. And you as well.
God bless her ❤️. Brandy can u post a pizzelle recipe? I just got a machine to make them ❤️
I don’t have one! Sorry!
Yes BFF are important no matter how the relationship evolves. I am also lucky to know mine for the last 42 years. Today my prayers are with Karen-Becky’s BFF
I am thankful that I tucked a few things away – when L.L. Bean had a great sale on “slouch”/chalet boots about 10 or more years ago, I bought 5 pairs of boots. The wide part of my calf is not at the same position as the average so I had problems getting boots to fit. When I was reorganizing the pantry last week, what I thought was an empty box was in fact one of the pairs I had tucked away. I should not need winter boots for another 4 or so years. I discovered a blue glazed enamel pan big enough to sterilize jam jars in – you may remember that my extra 2 Dutch ovens were thrown or recycled so I didn’t have anything to sterilize the jars in. Fortunately the wanton discarders of my possessions were not in the basement. I now only have to buy a set of cutlery to replace what they disposed of. I’m tired of only having a knife and a spoon. I missed a great set on sale but hope to find another great sales price on the Christmas sales.
I am relieved that I built up a pantry — one of my three volunteers is going to be out of town to look after her first grandchild. I plan on cutting back on groceries almost entirely while the surge is on. I want to finish the historic photo albums and get them in the mail.
I am thankful our cozy home as the snow is falling outside.
Brandy, you are amazing working so hard, taking care of your family and writing this blog, thank you! And Becky, I will say a prayer for Karen. I have known my best buddy since our early twenties and we are now 63. My heart goes out to you.
I am thankful for sunshine and my family. Yesterday we did a 7 mile bike ride along the foreshore, had a picnic and a swim. What a beautiful day!
Today I am thankful for unconditional love. It is what makes life beautiful.
Brandy, that sounds exhausting!
Today my husband had some work to do and I got some meal prep done for the week, I am grateful for that being done. It makes my week go so much more smoothly!
Today I am thankful for rest and for our daughter’s cat who is with us temporarily. The cat is so entertaining. I’m thankful for the sun drying our clothes outside, and for a lovely batch of free maternity and baby clothes for our daughter-in-law and coming grandson.
After having weather ranging from September to January for a couple weeks, I am thankful for two days that we could wear short sleeves, one brilliantly sunny, and the long walk we enjoyed.
Today I am grateful that all three of our dear friends survived the serious car accident they were in this morning. All have complications but will be fine in the long run. One of the three has been released to her Grandparents with strict instructions to take care of a concussion and follow up tomorrow. The other two will be recovering for quite a while but will be fine.
I am thankful for a full day of work yesterday baking, list making and planning/meal prepping for this week’s holiday. I am thankful today for a day of some rest in spite of some additional prep work that was completed. Time to do laundry and enjoy my family.
I am thankful for coffee. I love a nice hot cup of plain coffee with some whole milk. Just something I like. Feels normal and peaceful. We support the Wyoming Monks and buy their Cowboy coffee. Good feelings all the way round.
Chemo robs me of being able to drink coffee for a bit each time. I’m so glad my coffee drinking days have returned.
OHHHH my gosh PJGT, so happy you are able to taste and enjoy your coffee
It’s the little things in trouble times
Mystic Monk! I don’t drink coffee, as I don’t like the taste, but I love their stuff.
I am thankful for the lovely early thanksgiving that I shared with my kids, their spouses and our six grandkids on the weekend. One of my kids hosted, so I had little to do besides provide some of the food, and of course, play with the little ones. Thursday will be a quiet day for my husband and me, but we will enjoy it!
I am grateful for my relationship with God. He has enabled me to bring the best of myself to share with the world.I still need some work but I have seen and have a keen sense of having evolved n seeing the same struggles in family members.