
Today, I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in.

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. Thankful for a dog who seems to feel when I am down and comes and lies down next to my chair and next to me when I am in bed (forcefully pushing the husband over!).

  2. I am thankful for a lunch date with my husband – we try to get 2-4 dates each month and this was our first for November this year. He had a very rough week and we both needed that reconnection. We took advantage of a lunch special at a local restaurant and had a delicious lunch for not much.

  3. I am not particularly thankful that in every letter I get from a health insurance company that there are three extra printed pages I immediately recycle, telling me my I can receive mailings in any number of languages, that I am not being discriminated against, and that I have rights to appeal the decisions of the company.
    But I am very very glad that I have these rights, and thankful for the people who made sure of them.
    And I am glad that health mailings are now written for the understanding of the consumer, not for the company as they used to be.

  4. Nov. 21–I’m thankful I’m able to hire Heather to help with the gardening and housework. We swamped out my daughter’s room. That’s about all we did, and I am certainly grateful for her help.

  5. I am thankful for the book recommendations from people who posted in Frugal Accomplishments. I have found some wonderful things to read. Thank you!

  6. I am thankful that I was able to get my hair done, cut and styled. I always cut my husband’s hair and last time I asked him if he could try to cut my hair but he didn’t want to chance it. I trimmed it myself and then decided to get it professionally layered.

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