I am grateful for a simple Thanksgiving at home and beautiful weather.

What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for a simple Thanksgiving at home and beautiful weather.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful to be able to share the abundance of basil from my garden with three people today. I had planned to cut it and pull it all out today and tomorrow, and I really didn’t want to waste any of it, but it is getting too cold for it to keep growing. …
I am thankful to my daughter, Winter, who made spaghetti today while I was pulling the basil plants from the garden.
I’m thankful to Larisa Patel, who said, “No problem; I can take care of that for you right now” and fixed my website. Larisa, you are awesome!
I’m thankful for a soft bed to sleep in at night when I go to bed, totally exhausted after getting everyone to bed, including the baby. It’s so nice to rest after a long day. What are you thankful for today?
Ivory woke up early in the morning, just as I was about to get into the shower. She came in crying, that little whimper that comes after a bad dream. I am thankful that she has a mother who can comfort her after a bad dream. I know there are children who don’t have…
Today I am thankful for the ability to shop online. Rather than driving all over looking for specific watch batteries, I could find just what I needed. This is especially important as I still can’t drive right now (I still cannot sit). It also saved me time and gas. Today is the day I had…
I am thankful for a simple home filled with wonderful family and an abundance of food on this very special day!
I am grateful for a peaceful life in a democracy.
I am having trouble choosing just one today. So I’ll just say, “What you said,” to everyone.
I am grateful for a day off work to rest and spend with family.
I am grateful for the incredible bounty of food we had to eat for our Thanksgiving meal..
I am thankful that I am working to embrace the messiness of my kids and their families. I came into motherhood with this idyllic picture and it isn’t that, but I love my kids so much and the Lord will supply the grace when it is needed!
Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful for a day with my family and adults were on good behavior.
😂 Important about the adults, but also funny.
Oh my goodness… hear, hear to this! 😀
I am grateful for a calm thanksgiving and the lack of crowds today in the drugstore where I got my Covid booster.
I’m thankful that even though I had to work, my coworkers and I threw a nice Potluck Thanksgiving Meal! One made a turkey breast in a crockpot, we had mashed potatoes, corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, ham and cheese croissants and I made green bean casserole.
There was also desserts of pumpkin & nut roll, pumpkin & apple pie! There was leftovers for Thanksgiving night. We have 2 refrigerators in our breakroom so we were able to keep them fresh.
Kelly, I don’t know what you do for a living, but if you were working on the holiday my guess is it has to do with the public good. I am thankful for you and your colleagues.
I, too am thankful for a simple Thanksgiving at home with some of our family. Lots of good food and no major mishaps.
And I am grateful that Christmas music has started playing on the radio. We were also able to bundle up and walk to see many Christmas lights near our home and catch two free Christmas concerts Friday evening. More walks with lights and free concerts to come!
I’m thankful you can get things delivered. A light came on in my car that said don’t drive till you add oil. I was able to stay put and get the oil delivered along with groceries.