I am thankful to my daughter, Winter, who made spaghetti today while I was pulling the basil plants from the garden.
I am thankful to my daughter, Winter, who made spaghetti today while I was pulling the basil plants from the garden.
I am grateful for meaningful, understanding conversation, and many hidden vegetables in my garden! What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that I remembered to go to the store at the last minute. I had already put on my pajamas when I remembered that I needed to go to the store for the $0.49 a pound pasta sale. I got dressed again and drove to the store to get some pasta! The store has…
Today I’m thankful for my sweet children–for their love and affection, for their giggles, and for their tears, that remind me that all things shall pass; that we overcame the things that were hard for us as children, just as we will get past the things that are hard for us as adults. I’m looking…
I saw something recently that asked the question, “What do you have today that you prayed for in the past?” It really struck me, because there are many things that I have enjoyed this year that I did not have in years past, as the budget did not allow for it. I thought about the…
I’m thankful for a freezer, which makes it possible to stock up on food when it’s on a good sale, and provides a way to keep food from the garden. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I’m thankful that my youngest felt well enough to play part of the day. My next youngest is still sick, so I’m also grateful that we were planning a quiet Thanksgiving at home with no guests this year. I will hopefully have a chance to get back to some sewing and present making in…
I am thankful for my husband who loves me and is my best friend.
I am thankful for my pressure canners as i bottle turkey chunks and turkey broth.
Today I am thankful for the absolutely beautiful sunny , crisp fall day we are having here in Alabama. Perfect for getting cooking and cleaning done for all the guests tomorrow. The sunshine helps me to be in a happy mood for all the hard work!
Today I’m thankful that I don’t have to go anywhere, and can instead sit in my warm house and enjoy the beautiful snowfall.
I am thankful for this “snow day”. Working on holiday gifts instead of slipping on the roads.
I am thankful for my mom who helped me raise my son after my husband suddenly passed away. That was fifteen years ago. My son is now a twenty-year old college sophomore and awesome in every way. Thank you mom!