I am thankful for food in the pantry and freezer.
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for food in the pantry and freezer.
What are you thankful for today?
I’ve lived in Las Vegas for 18 years, and every year, the wind comes in on Halloween or the day before, bringing a drastic drop in temperature and signaling the end of warm days for the year. According to the weather predictions, the same was set for this year. Sunday it was 84°F. Wednesday it…
I’m thankful for my husband going to the grocery store for me yesterday. while I stayed at home and painted. He called while there to ask me what else we might need from the store as they had a deal where if you spend $100, you get a free turkey. He bought several items that…
I am thankful for the friends I made many years ago in Lyon, France. I am in touch with almost all of them on a regular basis and they continue to bless my life. What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful that I can work in the garden. The weather is beautiful and there is much to be done. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful that the wind slowed down and I was able to work in the garden for many hours, pruning and harvesting. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful my husband was able to work from home today. It was a great blessing to me. What are you thankful for today?
I believe I’m thankful we didn’t eat turkey today!! I made a pasta with red sauce casserole, to use up the last bits of three differently shaped pastas. Threw a little mozzarella on top and heated up a couple remaining dinner rolls from Thanksgiving. I made too many–the birds got a few.
I am thankful for a sweet husband that made dinner tonight. I am not feeling good. He made BBQ sandwiches for all of us. It was nice to not have to worry about dinner. He even took the roast out of the freezer for tomorrow.
I am thankful for my children,they have all blessed my life.
I am thankful for the 2 free coupons for McDonald’s coffee we were able to bless a disabled man with today. We were waiting for our order when he pulled up to the counter on his scooter and stated to the cashier he only had $5 so what was the most food he could get for that amount. He had brought a McDonald’s Coffee cup with him in hopes of getting a free refill, but they said they couldn’t do that. We weren’t using the coupons and quickly got them out for this gentleman to use. Felt good to pass them to someone who could use them. I’m thankful we could pay it forward in kindness to a stranger.:D
I’m thankful i got to have a low key, quiet, no stress day. Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be the same.
Today I’m super thankful (as always) that my husband adores my family and my family adores him back. We had a birthday party with immediate family to celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday, and it was a blast! So much laughter! And a happiness hangover afterwards. I love my family so much!
I am thankful for plenty of food. Blessings overflowing!
Thankful that i haven’t gotten the stomach bug yet!@
I am thankful my son let me stay at his house while away so I only had to drive 40 mins to my doctor appt instead of 2 hrs.
I am thankful my massage therapist told me about a nerve I have in my legs that is constantly inflamed so I could tell my pain doctor.
I am thankful my pain doctor, listened, didn’t blow off what my therapist said and is now dealing with my pre-authorization from my ins.
I am thankful for 3 deep freezers and 2 refrigerator freezers full of food.
I am thankful for the last of the bell peppers that finished ripening under the bed is going in the dehydrator tomorrow.
I am thankful for the 6 qt stock pan that I will be cooking tomatoes that ripened under the bed. Still have 3 sheets of green tomatoes under the bed ripening 🙂