I went to bed early again last night (I keep waking up at 4:15 a.m.!), so this is a posting for yesterday.

I am thankful for my sister-in-law, who took Winter to the thrift store. Winter found a pair of riding boots, just like she wanted–for $6! She als found a jean jacket (something else she has been wanting), a canvas jacket, and a beautiful skirt that is perfect for church. When she went to pay for them, her new aunt insisted that she would pay and  that they were a gift for her 13th birthday (which is next month)! Winter was overjoyed.

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  1. What a kind and sweet thing to do for Winter. I know the clothes will mean all the more to her because her New Aunt got them for her. What a sweet way to begin a relationship.

    I understand going to bed early. We went to bed at 9:00 last night. We were so tired from our trip. Hope all is well and have a blessed day.

  2. I am thankful for Redbox promo codes, which allow us to rent movies for free on a relatively regular basis. My entire family loves to watch movies, so this is a wonderful and cheap entertainment that all of us can enjoy together.

  3. I am so happy that Winter found all the great clothes items that she has been wanting.. That is always a fun trip.. And very sweet of her Aunt to get them for her birthday.. great day…
    Hope Winter has a great birthday.

  4. A lucky birthday shopping trip! That’s wonderful that she found things that made her so happy – and a sweet and generous aunt – 13! Wow! Happy birthday Winter!

  5. How delightful for Winter! How nifty to shop at the Thrift and get so much more than retail.

    I was tired all day after all the Thanksgiving Day activities. I skipped going to a party last night while my husband attended without me–just too pooped!

  6. Happy Birthday Winter! And great job finding all those clothes – what a treat your new Aunt paid for them too!

    I’m thankful for children who are willing to help with things around the house. And that my son very willingly played with a very, very rambunctious 3-year-old Thursday for 4 hours at our friend’s house after dinner! He really doesn’t like playing with children that much younger – his tastes in play are getting more refined, or something – but he knew the 3-year-old appreciated it so he did it willingly. My daughter loves babies so playing with his 1 year old sister and her 10-mo-old cousin was no hardship at all for her! We all had a great time – and I’m grateful for the friends whose house we were at for Thanksgiving. Such blessings indeed!


  7. I am thankful for a fun day of watching college football with my husband and teenage kids. Great family time and my daughter made us all two delicious homemade pizzas to eat while we watched. Yum!

  8. What a wonderful aunt that Winter has! And how wonderful that you have taught your children to be thankful, Brandy! I am a teacher and I don’t see thankfulness in my students nearly often enough.

  9. Questions: why can’t I get more comments…use to be almost 100…now about 10. Where are all the recipes? Only.thing I get is thankfulness and your frugal accomplishments. And a few pictures from produce. What am I doing wrong? Very frustrating.

  10. I’m very thankful that I too am an auntie and am able to assist the young people in my life when they need it. I’m very happy that Winter has such a great aunt!

  11. Ruthellen, when we moved the blog over, it only took 25 comments per post on any old posts. I lost over 12,000 comments. However, all new blog posts since we moved it (at the beginning of November) are not limited by that (and in fact, you can comment on old posts and it can go above 25 on those).

    The blog is a part on the website. If you scroll up, you can see the menu bars: Home, Cook, Garden, Live, Make, Homeschool, Blog. All recipes and menus are under cook; my pantry pictures are there as well. There are three subcategories under “Cook”. Sewing tutorials and free printables are under “Make.”

    It sounds like you are most likely viewing the site on a mobile device. The menu bars are 3 horizontal lines in a square. That is the mobile symbol for menu bars. If you click on that, you’ll see them.

    Everything is available to see on your mobile device. Different devices display the site differently, but instead of having to scroll across the see the whole site, it puts each thing under the others. You should be able to see more by continuing to scroll, but look for the menu bar symbol at the top.

    If you have a computer, try looking at the site there to see how different it is. Also, if you have an ipad, hold it horizontally; it will display like it does on a computer.

    Also, on the blog page you should be getting all of my posts, including the Gift a Day series. If you’re just seeing one post, click the little house symbol under where it says “The Prudent Homemaker Blog” to see the most recent post. Right now I have it set to show 6 posts per page, and then after that you can click on further pages at the bottom.

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