Ivory and Octavius The Prudent Homemaker 

Today I am thankful for the invention of the doppler, which allows midwives and doctors to hear an unborn baby’s heartbeat, and for a midwife who knew what we needed to do to make sure my son was born safely. I enjoyed his giggles yesterday. He is a happy and healthy baby, and I am so grateful that I get to enjoy him.


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I am thankful for the leftovers in my fridge.
    I have activities planned for my family and others to accomplish today. My leftovers are delicious and will save me time and money.

  2. I am thankful for carpools! When my daughter has after-school rehearsal, we only have to drive once a week, and my husband can pick the girls up on his way home from work. It saves gas and allows me to stay home and make dinner.

  3. I am grateful I was able to get on an earlier train to get to work today (I was sure I would miss it) this will enable me to leave at 5:30pm instead of 6pm which means I will enjoy some of the day out before it gets too dark. 65+ degrees in NYC today so it makes so very happy

  4. I am thankful that the men are here to put our our drywall after a 9 month renovation we’re so close to finally being finished and having more than 300 sq ft. to live in.

  5. I am grateful for having two affectionate cats. They are fun when I am happy and comforting when I am sad.

    I took them in a year and a half ago, when their owners wanted to travel the world. They have paid me back a thousandfold in good company.

  6. I am thankful that my husband has a job and is prospering now. It has been a long couple years! And, I am thankful that we can soon start to “wack” at those debts that mounted up.

  7. Today I am thankful to have the job I do. I love to watch babies. There are 4 in my daycare. Three are between 14 months and 16 months. They are so cute to watch. They jabber to each other, they play hide and seek (though I am sure they do not realize that is what they are playing) and they love to dance to music. I play tunes for them and watch the silly dances…What a JOB….yes, there is work, I feed them, change them, and clean up after them, but they bring me joy everyday. I really do come to love them.

  8. I’m really thankful to have a period in my life right now where I’m only working full-time and not overtime, and at a job that is healthy and relatively low stress. It’s allowing me to focus on other aspects of my life and to rest and recover from burnout. I may be incredibly over-educated for the work that I do, but it pays the bills and the quality of life is wonderful. I doubt I’ll be in the same job a decade from now, but it’s a lovely period of healing and rest.

  9. Today I am grateful for the cool fall weather in southern Ca. It is a blessing to want to put on a sweater. I am also grateful the warm clothes I have to wear.

  10. I am at home with some kind of bad cold… But I am thankful, thankful that last night when I was too sick to cook, my eldest fixed dinner, thankful that I have rx in my cabinet to treat symptoms, thankful that I can stay home from work and get better, thankful I even have a home to rest in. It always occurs to me when folks do this series, that the things we are thankful for are not the big houses or cars that society tells us we must have; But it is usually comprised of little things that make our lives better, those around us that make our lives worth it..hmm I guess the Jones’s didn’t have it all.

  11. I am thankful for my grandchildren. They are a constant source of joy and I am so thankful the Lord blessed us with them both.

  12. What a sweet picture of the two children…Octavius looks all boy and the hair is coming in! Your daughter resembles you, I think. Is that the pretty blue and white dress you made for the blue and white birthday party for Ivory?

    I am thankful for my parents. My mother has been a wonderful role model, not just for us the children, but the grandchildren and beyond. As an adult now I consider her my best friend, too. My father is gone now almost 20 years, but I see him reflected in my 3 brothers…his patience and love and teaching skills.

  13. I’m thankful for our garden and our chickens, the food they produce, and my husband who tends to both.

  14. I am thankful for my job. I am the toddler teacher at a local day care and I love it. I have a wonderful boss and Co worker and love them. Yes it’s a lot of work and tiring but the kisses, hugs, and sweet loves are so worth it. Children are on of God’s greatest blessings and I am blessed to work with them every day.

  15. I am thankful for my overflowing pantry and all my canning jars that I filled with delicious edibles this year so far. I am also thankful that I still have more canning jars and more food waiting patiently in the freezers to go into them.

  16. I’m thankful this morning that I’m able to be home with my children. We had a slow morning and I was able to really focus on them. With a new baby coming in a couple week, I know that my other two will need an adjustment period and so grateful that both grandmas will be here to help them and me.

  17. I am thankful for the resources to attend the funerals of my dear brother and his wife of 62 years three months earlier. I was three when Avalon came into my life, 7 when she became my sister and loved her every moment! To have had that amazing woman as an example growing up is a gift I am forever thankful for. I miss them both terribly!

  18. I am thankful for the Back to Eden gardening method. It’s changing my whole garden, my trees and all of my bushes. Not being a master gardener (or much of a gardener at all this is life changing for me.) Off to find more mulch and wood chips! 🙂

  19. I am thankful for my daughter – she has been very helpful and brings so much joy to me. Even in these VERY trying teenage years!

  20. I am grateful for my husband of 21 years. He is a kind, smart and funny man. He is handy at so many different things and has saved us so much money over the years being able to fix cars, fix things around the house, etc. He is exactly what I prayed for many years before. I am also thankful for the three sons we have raised together. Family is the most important thing.

  21. I am grateful for my husband who provides for our family so that I can stay home and raise our sweet children. These years have been the most difficult, most rewarding, and most precious time of my life and I’m so grateful that I get to be home with them. I am also grateful that my sweet husband will eat almost anything and never complains about my failed kitchen exploits.

  22. Today I’m thankful for a great pediatrician for my 2.5 year old with an earache, for ear drop samples and for health insurance!

  23. What a lovely photo of your children! Thank you for sharing.

    I am thankful for a free lunch at work today (delicious!) and that we received the photos from my husband’s ordination! They turned out wonderful!


  24. I am thankful for this beautiful day, for all that my garden is producing, and for being allowed to trim 5 of one of my dogs nails today. He is a large, strong dog who doesn’t much care for nail trimming, so I’m happy with that.

  25. I’m thankful for the means and ability to make dinner tonight for my husband and children and I can choose what I want to make from my food storage. Many people do not have that choice.

  26. I am thankful to be able to draw a retirement pension for my medical disability retirement. This certainly helps our finances better!

  27. I am thankful for the arrival of TRIPLETS, to my son and DIL. After years of trying and losses, they are here. It was a scary emergency csection and there have been many problems for mom and babies. But, they are doing better and I am so grateful for my praying family and friends. They have been such a blessing to all of us.

    Ppscary section and there

  28. I am thankful today for a successful, non stressful shopping trip. I needed to replace some clothing items to start my new job.

  29. I am thankful for my 3 beautiful babies even if they no longer are babies. They are all amazing individuals that make me proud to be their mom.

  30. I am thankful that I could go for an hour-long walk this morning in the cool, but beautiful weather, before I had to get ready to go to work.

  31. I am grateful for my job, and for a kind, understanding boss. After years of working for someone difficult, this is a blessing.

  32. I am thankful for life and how wonderful God is to us all.thankful for my wonderful husband and children and my whole family…..just thankful for having a home to come home to and being able to cook for my family and enjoy them!and I love your site and thankful I have learned a lot from you brandy!god bless you and your family:)

  33. I am thankful for technology that allows me to “see” my grandchildren that live on the other side of the world from me. I’m also thankful for cell phones so my daughter who lives on the other side of the country can call me frequently!

  34. I am thankful for the 2 children I was given and even though both can be very challenging right now as they want to spread their wings, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I wanted many more but my post-partum depression and anxiety went off the charts after my second and I was advised to not have more as it can get worse with each pregnancy – knowing what I know now, I should have ignored the doctor’s advice but I have 2 very healthy kids with very few problems so am blessed.

  35. I guess today I am most thankful that my daughter isn’t mad at ME! She called first thing this morning–before I was fully dressed, even–to vent. Her DD (my granddaughter) is having a hard time with the rules we give her–she is 24 and wants to be independent but isn’t making enough money to be fully so. She has been dragging her feet about a couple things and it may have gotten her in trouble. So they got mad and said things to each other they shouldn’t have. (I think my DD is not a “fair” fighter and needs to learn to keep her own mouth quiet more often.) I know it will be worked out eventually and they will apologize to each other, but I wish sometimes I didn’t have to hear how ugly their disagreements can get. Both of them need to cool off and be more respectful of each other. And I don’t need to know every last detail either. Although granddaughter is definitely in the wrong; she needs to start listening and acting on what she is told she NEEDS to do. She is going to endure a period of relative poverty before she learns what she needs to learn. I like my life more peaceful than these two do!

  36. Today I am thankful that I can walk anywhere I need to go. I love living in a small town where that’s possible. (Well, most of the time!)

  37. I am thankful that we were invited to a church friend’s house for Thanksgiving. It’s usually just the two of us so we go to Cracker Barrel. I will be happy to save the money and enjoy a communal meal for a change.

  38. I’m incredibly thankful that the doctor said my husbands spine is healing well. He was in a severe rollover car crash last month and fractured his spine. So incredibly thankful that it wasn’t worse!

  39. What a beautiful picture of your two youngest, Brandi! Precious. I am very thankful that my husband is without back pain today. On Tuesday he went to the pain management clinic and they gave him three steroid shots. He isn’t able to go back to work yet but we are confident he will be going back in another week or so.

  40. Octavius is a little chunk; I love it!!!

    Today I’m grateful that we can afford home repairs, like our A/C. It’s been out for a week, which is a very bad thing to have happen in Texas. I’m grateful we’ll be able to afford the repairs today. I’m also grateful that we got home insurance, so some of the repairs will hopefully be covered!

  41. I love this series, Brandy! I don’t often comment, but love your blog.

    And this post reminds me of how thankful I am for hospitals and doctors who have been able to save two of my children, who nearly died during delivery, with amazing emergency c-sections. (I tend to have diabetes, and that makes it more likely, but it was still like lightening striking twice, as I had last minute cord prolapse with with both!) I can’t imagine my life without them.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful home, family, ideas, and attitude with us. You are an inspiration!

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