Today I am thankful for the Swiss chard (silverbeet) that reseeded itself in my garden earlier this year. The plants were big enough to cut for dinner tonight, and there is plenty more to eat several more nights soon (plus, of course, it will keep growing).
What are you grateful for today?
I am thankful for my piano and my music education. I decided a year ago, though it’s difficult to be a piano teacher to your own children, to teach my children how to play the piano. I knew we couldn’t afford piano lessons for them, nor did I really want to spend money on piano lessons when I could teach them myself.
It has been difficult keeping it up at times, but the last month my oldest has really taken off and she is constantly playing the piano. She is doing so well! My son also committed to doing more practice (he’s very young) today and he proudly played a piece for daddy tonight.
I love hearing their music in our home! I’m thankful I was blessed with parents gave me the opportunity to learn, I’m thankful I worked hard for that skill, and I’m thankful I’ve been able to begin giving that skill to my children.
I am grateful for selling so well at the first Christmas market of the season in which I am participating. You can have a peep at what the market looks like on the Crafters Fair FB
I am grateful that my health is improving. I was able to go up and down countless flights of stairs yesterday, and to run out to the clothesline in the backyard and hang up three loads of laundry. I was also motivated to go through our budget with a fine-tooth comb and find things to cut to pay off our vehicle two+ years early in the next few months. Over the summer my health had deteriorated to the point that I had no energy or enthusiasm for most things. All thanks be to God that He has led me to this path of healing. So, yesterday (and every day right now), I am thankful for my health.
I am thankful for all the animals on our farm who bring us such joy. Both the working animals and the pets.
I am thankful to have the resources to treat my dear friend of 25 years to lunch at her favorite restaurant to celebrate her birthday, and of course the treasure of her friendship.
I am thankful for my health. That despite it being grey out, I was able to get out of bed and go down the stairs without my knees creaking.
Last week we went to the Butterfly Festival in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. Today I am thankful for the beauty of God’s creation.
I’m thankful that the grocery stores have a lot of stock up prices this week. I don’t have the best health to be able to go shopping as much as I used to. Some of the best buys that I have seen all year. The freezer can be filled up and the space under the bed is waiting for canned goods at .39/can. It’s going to be a long winter and I plan on being ready!
Im thankful for my friends. I spent 2 days w one of my best friends. and over the next 3 days we are enjoying the company of another friend and her 2 daughters.
I am thankful that I have employment that provides for our needs and medical insurance for healthcare. I am th
Today I am thankful for a roof over my head, food in our pantry & freezers, good jobs with steady income, and vehicles that run.
I am so thankful for a sister who LIKES to clean. She comes to clean my house for me once a week. In exchange I do her sewing and mending and I bake bread etc. I hate to clean my house in the little spare time I have. (I work more than 60 hours a week in my home day care business) So this works well for both of us.
I am thankful too for the sales I found this past week. At J.C. Penny’s there were nice bath towels on sale for $4.99. I had several coupons and a gift card from a past return. I got 24 nice bath towels for less than $30.00. Some of these towels will be gifts for a son and daughter in law at Christmas and some are for us. My towels were past the mending stage and into the rag bag stage for sure.
I am thankful for the rain that is showering down at the moment. I am thankful for my family and my little house and the garden that will help to feed us through the year. I am blessed.
I thankful for another day to be here on earth!
I am thankful for good medical care and the miraculous ability to replace my knee joints.
I am thankful that I learned this weekend that swiss chard stems can be used as celery in soups, stews and stir fries. All these years I have been composting the larger part of the stem. Last night I tried it in scratch made fried rice and it was delicious!
I am thankful my in-laws might be moving closer. Considering our at-times strained relationship in the past this is really something for me to say! But over the past couple of months I’ve undergone a fairly big attitude adjustment and now find that having them closer will be a blessing to my children in many ways. I’m also grateful for that attitude adjustment. I was letting things get to me way too much; but I’m learning to let go and not hold on to the past; and that is making me a much happier person.
I am thankful for $2.49 butter this week! I never thought I’d say that after paying only $1.68 last December, but after seeing regular prices around $5, I’m buying 10 lbs. for the freezer!
I am thankful for the big pot of spicy pinto beans I have cooking for dinner and even more thankful my five children will eat beans. They stretch my grocery budget for sure. Great way to use up those frozen ham bones I have taking up space where I hope some turkeys will be . Let’s hope for good sales.
I am thankful for windshield wipers that worked well today while I was driving my daughter to an appointment in the driving rain! I am also thankful for the wood that we were given so I could have a fire once I returned home.
I am thankful for all the good things in my life and the attitude to look for good things as much as possible. Brandy, this new website is wonderful, each day I find new things and the layout is fabulous and easy to read. I know it probably took a huge amount of time, but wow it was worth it. Thank you also for the quote from Martha Washington about attitude, I am going to post that in my office!
I am thankful for my new grandson that was born 2 days ago! I am also thankful for all of my children and grandchildren! I am thankful that my daughter who is in the Navy (on the USS Nimitz) will be home for Christmas. I am thankful for my husband and everything he does for his family!
I am thankful for my husband. He stayed home with the babies today, made two batches of cookies, vacuumed, and when I came home everyone was smiles. What a great guy!
I’m thankful for the 1/2 an elk one of my customers gave us.
Thankful for an at-home date night with my hubby and for the joy and leadership he brings to our lives.
I am thankful for the blessing of slowing down a bit in life now. Heading towards retirement from nursing and looking forward to a full life as a homemaker and wife. To spend time with my husband in our home, to serve in church, to a more simpler lifestyle. I am thankful. I am also thankful that I have learned so much from you Brandy. Living frugal, enjoying what God has given for us and Gardening is something I had not had time to do raising children and working long shift. You have been a blessing ! I am thankful for you blog.
I also have found some great recipes for biscuits I though you might enjoy so I am pasting it here…
Blessings from Patty in the NW
Better Homes and Gardens shared a link.
2 hours ago
Warm, flaky and oh-so-flavorful: http://bit.ly/10Voe3v
Ultimate Biscuit Recipes
Even the most basic biscuits are a real treat, hot from the oven. Keep it simple or choose from our wide variety of savory and sweet biscuits.
Sorry for the misspelled words in my comment. That was after working a long shift
How do you cook the swiss chard? Or do you use it in salads? I have tons! I froze some but my freezer is full!