I’m thankful today for good books to read, and the chance to step outside for a few minutes.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful today for good books to read, and the chance to step outside for a few minutes.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the chance to make changes and do things differently. I’m thankful that we can choose to make changes in our lives immediately, instead of waiting to start at the beginning of the year or even the beginning of the month. We can start today. We can choose to lose weight now, be…
I’m thankful to learn, after talking with my daughter, which skills she has learned from me and continued in her own holiday traditions. What are you thankful for today?
Today I am thankful for the invention of the doppler, which allows midwives and doctors to hear an unborn baby’s heartbeat, and for a midwife who knew what we needed to do to make sure my son was born safely. I enjoyed his giggles yesterday. He is a happy and healthy baby, and I…
I’m thankful for the beautiful weather that we’re having. It will be in the low 80’s today: perfect weather for having the house open! What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that I’ve always been a morning person. My mother tells me that when I was a little over a year old, I would climb up and jump out of my crib every morning at 4 a.m. I was ready to start the day! Getting up early in the morning affords me the opportunity…
Today, I am thankful for the extra help that Wren and Ezrom gave me in the garden and cleaning in the library. What are you thankful for today?
I’m so glad you were able to get out for a bit today!
Today I’m thankful for good friends and family and time well spent together.
I am thankful that I have a wonderful boss at work. I plan to retire in 5 or 6 years and if I can work for him for the rest of my time with the company I will be ecstatic.
I’m thankful for the beautiful weather we had in Boise today- my daughter and I got to take our dog for a walk through a lovely local park today- it was such a wonderful way to spend some time together.
Ok, I forgot these last 3 thankful days so here we go.
1- that I have a husband who is willing to help my mom and gets along great with her, and knows she had to move in with us for her health and so we can make sure she’s happy, healthy and around her grandkids. Where others would pass her off to other family or to a home he said no way and made her come here even if she doesnt, she and he get along so well, sometimes I her baby girl gets the your wrong and he’s worth at times… he he he it’s wrong but I’m Tha mful they are best buddies.
2- my mom for buying us something we really needed but it wasn’t in our budget, oh and my early Christmas present. 🙂 so excited…it’s something I found and was like wow but would never of spent that cash on it too exspensive when I could of spent it on other practical things.
3- for choosing to rent a 4 bedroom house because it’s helping us now even though my pool table area is looking like crap with my room panty out there, but hey I have a good pantry, that provides for my family.when needed and who cares how it looks.
I’m thankful to God for answering my prayers.
Hello one and all from Australia :D.
Today I am thankful that I was able to do service and clean our chapel with my husband. I am also grateful that I ran into my near 80 year old sister out shopping with her son so I could arrange to read the BOM to her as she has cataracts and is no longer able to read.
Today I’m thankful we have enough money for a car as its raining so heavy. I’m also thankful for the decorating skills my Dad has taught me. I now know I can decorated my daughter room myself without paying anyone to do it. Which is my plan today after dropping the children off at school. Have a lovely day everyone.
11-5. I am thankful for the squash brought to me by or of the library volunteers. It is a red kabocha ,she said. I have never had one of these. I am thankful for all the volunteers who help in the library…the youngest is a 4th grader to the oldest who is in her late 70s.
11-6. I am thankful for the bird feeders that my daughter keeps filled for me. I can enjoy watching the different birds come and feed as the seasons change.
11-7. I am thankful for just a quiet day at home. I was able to make 6 dishes to use over the next few days, all from staples on hand…scalloped corn, applesauce spice cake, banana nut bread, 36 double baked potatoes, cauliflower corn chowder and the squash.
26 of the potatoes were wrapped and frozen for future meals.
11-8. I am thankful for our guest speakers at church today for our Spiritual Life Conference . He spoke morning and evening today and will speak Monday-Wednesday at night, he will do the early morning prayer breakfast with the men, she will speak at the Ladies Bible study and the young moms one. They will lead an assembly for the older students and she will spend time in each of the younger grades. It will be a busy week for all, but so worth while.
11-9. I am thankful my husband is a sound sleeper so that when I wake up because everything hurts, I don’t wake him. It’s 4am. I think I can go back to sleep now.
I am so glad you are starting to feel better, Brandy! I am thankful my husband helped out around the house a little because I didn’t feel good.
A beautiful day, a Monday, a start to a fresh week. A husband who calls me every morning from the office promptly at 7:00 am and 12:00 noon to check in with me and see how I am doing. It makes me feel special that he remembers and cares enough to call when I know how busy he is.
I am thankful for the Pokemon social group that my daughter attends periodically for children with social issues (Asperger’s etc.). It is so wonderful to see her connect with a bunch of like minded children with similar interests/obsessions. Every child who attends is awkward in their own ways and nobody judges them in this group. They can just be exactly who they are, which is so rare for these kids. I am truly thankful these opportunities are available to my daughter in an often unkind and unforgiving world.
I am thankful that my daughter birthday party went with no situation and it was all over in less then 2 hrs.
I am both sad and thankful for our sweet Great Pyrenees dog Frosty. He passed in his sleep at 12 years old and while we are all tearful, we are thankful for all the joy he gave us. We rescued him from the local pound when he was one year old and he was a wonderful, wonderful sweet dog that gave us so much love back all these years.
I am thankful I can help with my grandsons some days are challenging but it allows our son to work a better job.
As a single parent he has no one else to help.I am thankful for the wonder in a 2 and 3 year olds eyes when they see something special . Such simple pleasure as seeing the horse in the pasture next door. Or helping grandpa dig potatoes from the garden. Or their excitement when they get to pick the apples at the store
I am also thankful for my garden this year but has been bountiful!
I am thankful my husband starts his retirement this week, a little earlier than we thought he could.
I am also thankful for the 60 or so pounds of pecans we earned, picked them up “on the halves” with many more still to harvest.
Brandy, I am also thankful for your sweet encouraging blog and hope you are better soon.
Today I am thankful for having a clothesline and a huge indoor drying rack. They come in handy when the dryer decides to make a terrible squealing noise. Hopefully, when my husband has time, it will be something that he can easily fix. I couldn’t have asked for better timing of it breaking down, our weather has been quite warm and breezy.
I had already made my mind up what I was thankful for today and reading your post was a true sign. I’m thankful for my dog. A beautiful 140lb bull mastiff. I must admit when my husband brought her home “to keep me company” I was a bit peeved! I have 4 kids so I had enough company. But she has became my big baby. Not frugal by any means to feed her but worth every penny. A good companion!
I am thankful for our sweet granddaughter who is 17 today. We love her so very much!
God is good!
What is a/the BOM? I googled it but didn’t come up with anything.
I am so sorry you lost your dog. I am so glad for you that your beloved dog passed in his sleep. Our girl passed recently in the chaos of the dog ER and I would have liked this for her. At least I got to be there to hold her. What great love and fun these animals bring us. I wish you remember the good times you had with him in your greif.
I’m sorry for the loss of your dog…they add so much to life. Cat’s too, and birds, whatever animal companion one has, they are supposed to lower blood pressure in the owner.
I am thankful for my husband’s improving health and for our friends who checked in often with him while he was feeling poorly. I am also thankful for exceptionally wonderful weather here. It is a good day to be alive 🙂
Hello Brandy and all,
Today I am thankful that Brandy is healing from this painful injury and that she is reaping the benefits of all the love she has showered on her wonderful family now when she really needs the help. Kudos to all of them!
I find that I am really missing the weekly “gathering” of this on-line family to share our frugal accomplishments. It does so much to inspire me and keep me motivated! Brandy, I know that you can’t do that weekly post right now, but would it be OK with you if the rest of us did it anyway? Could you set up an empty post for “This Week’s Frugal Accomplishments” for us all to make comments on?
Sending you a gentle virtual hug and wishes for continued healing,
I am thankful that we own our own home. Not having to pay a mortgage any more has really reduced my stress, & made it a lot easier to live a simpler lifestyle.
I am thankful for a loving church family, especially members who share moose, caribou, halibut, and cod! I am also thankful for this blog which helps me be frugal living on a part-time salary.
Hi Pauline,
I was thinking to take a break from that in November and focus more on gratitude. I had planned that before I was injured. I’d like to get back to that next month.
I am thankful for an understanding boss who at the last minute, rearranged her schedule to give me time off to take care of a family difficulty. She also called to check on how we all were.
I am also thankful (but also wondering if we/me are just plain out of our minds??) for our beautiful new 8 week old Dane girl – we weren’t going to get one until after the holidays but God had something else in mind. She is the size of our 15 month old Dane’s head! Her name is Freya.
Tonight, I am thankful for a family home evening that went really well, and that I am finally well enough to be back up to making them happen!
The Book of Mormon 😀
Hi Athanasia and the BOM is my shortened version of Book Of Mormann, it is a scriptural book which is another testimony of Jesus Christ, along with the Bible which we use in the Christian faith for the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It references back to the bible in it’s teachings.
We as Latter Day Saints visit sisters or ladies within the church each month, such as my 80 year old sister to make sure they are well. I read her the scriptures as she is unable to see to do that for herself.
We refer to everyone as sisters and brothers as we are brothers and sisters in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and as such look after one another as Jesus would.
Hi Brandy and thanks for picking up on my typo on Mormon, my fingers and brain are not connected this morning.
I am sorry you lost your dog Frosty. I know how it feels to love a dog and lose them. It hurts a lot. I know that they are better off when they are not hurting any more etc. but the loss of the of that warm body on your lap or beside you in a chair is a feeling that is hard to live with for a long time. A couple of months ago we had to put my mother’s dog Tidbit down. She was almost 19. She had traveled the whole lover 48 states with my parents in their motor home and had been a great friend to my mother when she was widowed. The last thing she asked of me while she was alive was to take care of her Tidbit. (I am the dog person in our family) I made a promise to do that for her. Tidbit lived just over 3 years after I lost my mother. Now her ashes are with my mom and dad’s ashes. They thought of Tidbit as another kid. You should have seen the fancy seat my dad built for her in their motorhome. She could sit up and watch where they were going out of the big window. She loved to travel till the end of her life.
Rhonda, the pecans that you earned really were a good deal. This afternoon my husband and I purchased a pound of pecans and a pound of English walnuts at a nearby produce store. The nuts costs $4.99 a pound each!
I am thankful for the kind and thoughtful attention the shoe store clerk gave me as I tried to find shoes that would not make my feet hurt. She really listened and thought about my feedback and stuck with me through lots of trying on until we found something. I did thank her profusely.
Hi Ak Gran and yes it is a huge blessing to have church family who will share their excess with you especially when you are on a part time salary where every cent counts.
Oh, that makes sense!
Hi Lorna and all, thanks for the answer. It was so simple but I just didn’t make the connection. We do have a copy in our church/school library. We also use the terms “Sister” and “Brother” in our community.
Roxie, your beautiful little story brought tears to my eyes. I can just picture them and their motorhome and dog…we spent plenty of nights in campgrounds when the children were little and came across hundreds of older couples and their cute , usually little, dogs.
Oh Freya! That us our German Shepherd’s name. Our little Heinz 57 mix is named Lulu.