I’m thankful I was able to work on a gift today!
I know I’m going slower because of my fall, but I am still determined to finish gifts this month. Here’s a preview of what I was working on today:
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful I was able to work on a gift today!
I know I’m going slower because of my fall, but I am still determined to finish gifts this month. Here’s a preview of what I was working on today:
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that, at the end of a day where it felt like I was unable to accomplish much, I was able to see several of the good and important things that I did accomplish. What are you thankful for today?
Yesterday, I was thankful that we received some much-needed rain to our valley. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for the chance to chat online in French today. I forgot a word and substituted another word that wasn’t even close. The mistake made for a funny conversation. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for the chance to sit and watch a movie at home. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that I was able to attend church today. What are you thankful for?
It’s the last day of November, and therefore the last of my thankful posts for the month. I am still sick! (I ended up back in bed yesterday and did not post). Today, I am thankful for my daughter who, though she is also sick, was so helpful in helping me to care for her…
I’m thankful to have had a couple of women visit today, who shared several good things that are happening in the world. It’s always a pleasure to be around like-minded souls.
I am so thankful for having leftovers from last night. I came back from work late and it was a relief not having to cook, or even worse, picking up a take out. It is the small things.
i’m certainly thankful for our rain level is now in the deficit. we’ve really had the rain the last two weeks.
I am thankful that my sweet daughter, Windee, made supper this evening. It was a new recipe. Bacon, chicken pasta with broccoli.
I am glad you are feeling a modicum better. I thought about you this morning and hoped you were healing.
I’m thankful that, if I have to work, at least it’s at my dream job. Love sharing my love of books everyday as an elementary school librarian!
Believe it or not, tonight I am thankful for my dogs. They make me laugh. When things are not going well, my dogs will do something silly and bring a smile to my face and make me remember that sometimes you just have to let things go when you can not do anything about them. I am the lucky ‘mother’ of 5 dogs. Three of these dogs are rescue dogs that would not be alive if they were not here. Two dogs are gifts, dachshunds from a friend. But together they make quite a team. My husband and I call them ‘the girls’ as they are all females. I know 5 dogs are crazy. But I would not part with a one of them. I love them all. Even the little one who jumps up and nips me on my butt on the way to the kitchen to fix her supper. I guess I am not moving fast enough to suit her.
That is a pretty dress Brandy. I know the little girl who gets it is going to be thrilled.
I am going to cut out my Christmas pajamas tonight. I got some cute sock monkey print fabric last year on sale for 75% off. Some is orange and some red. Also got some sock monkeys made to go with the sock monkey pajamas. I know they will be fun on Christmas Eve.
I am thankful for frozen cooked turkwy, after the baby took a late nap I was able to quickly make mashed potatoes and green beans and turkey heated up.. and of course I cooked the turkey as I always do, following you’re recipe!!!
I am super thankful that I found an amazing puppet theater with puppets that look like they’ve never been played with. I got it for fifty dollars, and it sells new ( not including puppets) for $160. My children are ecstatic. I thought about saving it for Christmas, but was too excited myownself to wait. haha.
My husband had a great eBay sale and made almost six hundred dollars this week. This is a huge blessing, we are trying so hard to pay off our HVAC before Christmas.
I am very thankful my sister is coming to visit on Wednesday.
I’m thankful there are only five weeks of bowling left( my husband bowls on Tuesdays, he is gone til after 11).
I am thankful for my stocked pantry. We are trying not to spend because we had to pay for his entire business trip OOP and are waiting for his office to cut our check.
Love that fabric!
I am thankful for the gas fireplace in our family room which makes the room toasty warm without running up the utility bill or making a smoky mess.
I am thankful for God looking over me and continuing to give me inspiration when it comes to what to make for Christmas gifts. We are so tight on money that the inspiration He’s giving to me is much, much appreciated!
I am thankful for the blessing of the rain this evening. The last few storm have sheared in two & missed us, & the trees need a good soaking before the snow comes.
I am thankful to work with kind, helpful colleagues.
I’m thankful that I, also, was able to carve out a little time to work on a Christmas gift this evening after work. I’m hoping to make a few more gifts this year than normal, but am concerned that I will be able to find the time. So, it was great to find a little time today. The bag/purse I am trying to make was being difficult, but I think I got past the hard part.
That little while collar is extremely sweet on the little blue dress you are making. I’m glad you can sew a bit, even though you don’t feel well. I’m sure it is encouraging when you can see a little progress each day.
I am thankful for planned leftovers. Last night’s beef stew was just as good tonight and little work after our 4 year old grandchild left for home.
Today I’m thankful that I was able to get a whole lot of grading done and two loaves of bread baked. I’m also thankful that my children are growing healthy and well – they are getting so tall and grown up!
Glad you are feeling slightly better, Brandy. And we’ll keep up the prayers for you for speedy and full healing.
Hello Brandy & all from Australia. I hope that the lovely dress your are making was being able to do the lateral sewing suggestion that I had made, or alternatively that you are able to sit a little and the pain & swelling is subsiding a bit for you.
I am thankful for the recent lots of rainfall that it has made our grass & vegetable gardens grow big and luscious.
I am thankful that I have a job and it is very flexible to my needs. I could be stuck doing something a lot worse than caring for other people’s pets 🙂
I’m thankful we’ll be having another day of no snow, with sunshine, in November! Last year, at this time, we’d already had 2+ feet! WooHoo!!!
Happy you’re feeling better!
I am so thankful that I was able to get most of my in home childcare business set up before I got sick this past weekend. Brandy I had a chair break from under me while I was pregnant with my last child. I broke my tail bone then. I know the pain you are going through. I had months of not being able to sit comfortably. All of that changed one night while we were in church. My Pastor received a word of knowledge from the Lord that someone was being healed of lower back pain. I stood and received that healing for me. Immediately a great warmth went all into my tail bone area and I have been pain free every since. I am praying that as I received a miraculous healing and restoration, that you will too. God bless you and your wonderful family!
Today I am thankful that my daughter Olivia will be going to piano lessons tonight. And that her teacher is such a sweet, Christian woman. I love that my daughter and our family is being prayed for every week and that she has flourished since we switched over a year ago.
Like you, Brandy, I am also thankful that I was able to get a few more Christmas gifts made. Today I completed 3 polar fleece scarves as gifts for family. I then used the leftover polar fleece scraps (including the thin unusable scrap trimmings as stuffing), and some dried catnip I grew this summer, to make some free cat toys for our three cats (their Christmas gifts). I am so grateful for all the inspiration I have acquired from various blogs, like this one, and Pinterest. I’m finding it easier each year to come up with ideas for homemade gifts!
I am thankful for my dear friend Sandy who is always there for me and has seen me through some very painful times in my life. I hope to be as good a friend to her as she has been to me.
I am thankful for the rain, it’s very beautiful.
Praise God indeed. I had a lower back torn from taking care of my then three year old son the morning after coming back from a vacation trip. I can tell you my trauma n every other trauma I have had either tearing a muscle of my body or car accident has had me declaring that its only our Lord’s goodness,mercies and compassion that I too stand healed in His name.
I am glad in spite of the rotten nights I have sleeping becos my 18 month old is going through one change after another I was able to point on obey the Lord in my thoughts and actions by buying my neighbor a herbal cream/remedy for her pain and car accident extremities that had worked for me. I really at one point of time i remember was so sick of having to take pills which made me not only sick in the tum but so tired n numbed out. So easy to pop a pill but forcing your body to heal itself takes work and perseverance.I want that for her…
I spent the day in the ER with Lydia, who we thought may have broken her hand. However, it turned out to be tow small breaks in the 4th and 5th fingers. On her writing hand though:-( Seeing a specialist on Friday and she is hoping not to miss too many of her dance classes. I am thankful for modern medicine when needed!
Brandy, that dress is adorable! The design reminds me of one from a Dick & Jane Book:-) So vintage. Praying you heal fast and completely:-)
I am thankful for another beautiful fall day and that the Lord allowed me to see and experience it.
I am thankful for friends who are like sisters to me. I had to have an Upper GI scope done today, and while I received oknews( GERD plus esophagitis.. Coulda been a lot worse), it comes off of just getting back in the swing of things after my hysterectomy. My gals rallied and insisted on bringing a meal and more importantly praying for me. That means the world. I have an outgoing personality and hardly ever meet a stranger. I have a lot of acquanticies, but just a select few are let in the inner circle…lol I am so thankful that I have those ladies.
I am thankful for my husbands hugs today.
Me too! Though our school is all grades.
My youngest daughter is Olivia ! Her family nickname though is Livvi .