I have two speaking engagements coming up in October. These events are free to attend.

I’ll be speaking later this month (here in Las Vegas) on Eating for .40 a Day. If you’re interested, I’d love to see you there!

This first class is the long version. If you want details about how we’ve cut expenses, this is a great night to attend. I’ll be speaking for an hour and a half.

Tuesday, October 16th, 6:00 -7:30 pm

Buffalo, Summerlin, and Redrock Wards combined Relief Society Meeting

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

9011 Hillpointe Rd., Las Vegas

The second will be an abbreviated version of my class. I’ll be teaching 4 mini-classes (the same class four times) at the Highland Hills Stake Women’s Conference.

Saturday, October 20th

The conference goes from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

My classes (you are welcome to just drop in for one class if that’s all you can do) will be at

9:50 – 10:20 
10:30 – 11:00
11:10 – 11:40
11:50 – 12:20

Highland Hills Stake Women’s Conference
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

3350 Alexander, North Las Vegas (at the corner of Alexander and Ferrell)

If you’ll be coming to either of these events, please say hi afterwards!

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  1. It’s too bad Vegas is so so far from Arkansas!! I’d so be there. Only thing we seem to do in RS here is Quilt! Anyway…. 🙂 Will be thinking of you those days. Amy L.

  2. Have you thought about doing a podcast version of your talks? Writing a book? An eBook?I think you’d have a TON of takers (me included!).I so wished I lived close enough to come hear you speak…Sigh.Thanks for all you do, Brandy!Lea

  3. Really? We have a stake humanitarian group that quilts once a month, and that’s an optional meeting, not the regular meeting. You’ll have to ask if anyone wants to do a small group meeting for something else!

  4. Hi Brandy,Would love to come but I think the air fare might be a bit prohibitive, from Wales!But I love reading what you do.loveJenny

  5. Or maybe that 1-1/2 hour class in video format and charge a few dollars access — a webinar!! I would be at your class in a second . . . ‘cept I’m in Michigan.

  6. Yeah unfortunately… LOL We are already a small group (last meeting we had a whopping 5 faithful sisters show up and only one of them was in the RS presidency.) 🙂 Its all good! Its a very small Ward but its 10x bigger than the Branch in my home town! Its over an hour to our Stake Center… To my knowledge they don’t have much going on there outside of youth activities, etc. LOL It’s a big shock to folks when they venture to visit here… much like it would be for me If we were to end up visiting a Large Ward… 🙂 Amy L.

  7. I wish I could go THERE! We’d love to figure out how we could come live in the UK for a year with some sort of paid internship at a sheep farm for my husband.Shopping is different for you there, so how I shop here probably doesn’t work so well for you. I have a lot of nearby options here, as well as places that ship bulk foods here.

  8. Sure! It would be like a big party!I have a guest bedroom downstairs with a queen bed & a crib in it. I have a room upstairs with a double bed, and another with a set of bunk beds. There are two couches in the family room just outside the guest room downstairs, and a flip chair that becomes a portable bed for wherever. We also have a couple of inflatable mattresses. This is how we sleep everyone when more than one of the adult children families come home together. Our maximum capacity is 13 visitors at once. – Marivene

  9. I agree with Lea! I podcast would be wonderful. Then I could download and listen while I walk/run in the evenings! Allison

  10. How do you calculate the $.40 a day for food costs? Is that per person, or per meal, or for your whole family per day? Do you include the “cost” of food that is given to you? This comment might sound a bit nit-picky, but it is truly not intended that way. I am a scientist, and details like this keep me up at night. : )

  11. We are in the south, not far from Swansea. It is, I think pretty similar to any other city, for food shops. Our fabric shops are more expensive, and the prices in our charity (thrift?)shops here seems a lot more expensive than in America. But other things seem cheaper. I am struggling to find bulk shippers though.Our ward is over a big area, we are 25 mins drive from church, but others are 40 mins away!Mid Wales is much more rural, it also rains all over Wales often (very often).jenny

  12. .40 is per person per day. I feed my family for $3 per day. That is for 8 of us, not including the baby, who nurses exclusively. I do not include the cost of free food that I get for free by couponing, gleaning, or that is given to me. I do not include the cost of garden seeds, but last year I spent $135.70 on seeds and seedlings and a blueberry plant.We only go out to eat once a year, and that is when my mom treats us for either our birthdays (one date for both) or our anniversary.

  13. Hello, im a new mom and i have a wonderful husband that works a full time and part time, and still we run short of money. Next to rent our major expense is food. I would love to you to your class. I’m by nellis afb but will drive anywhere lol but seriously.

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