I am grateful to have flowers in the garden with which I can make my own flower arrangements.
What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful to have flowers in the garden with which I can make my own flower arrangements.
What are you thankful for today?
Today, whether the 10th or the 11th (depending on where you live and what time you read this) is a day to be grateful for those who have fought for freedom and peace–even as the news is fraught with a possible new war. I’m grateful for those who have given their lives for the cause of…
I’m thankful for my eldest daughter, who offered to make dinner tonight. What are you grateful for today?
Today I’m thankful that I had already planned to take the day off school. (The local public schools actually have the entire week off. We had school yesterday). I had planned on baking all morning for Thanksgiving and sewing this afternoon. I didn’t manage to do that at all, but having planned on not having…
Today as I filled up the pepper shakers for the table I realized what wealth such an amount of pepper would have constituted in the middle ages. I am grateful for food, for clothing, for a warm home, and for my family. What are you thankful for today?
Yesterday (the 18th) my family traveled to Cedar City, Utah to tour the new temple there. You can see photos of the temple here. I’m grateful that we were able to go. Friday I was grateful for the beautiful day we enjoyed. Today, I am glad that though temperatures reached 34ºF (1ºC) last…
I’m thankful that I was able to get the pies made and the turkey cooked! I also made French bread and yogurt. This leaves me a lot less to cook on Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful my husband’s sister was comfortable enough to come hang out last minute with us last night.
I am thankful that all winter preparations for home and property are completed before the really cold weather moves in.
I am thankful for a warm home in the cold weather.
I have one pansy plant that is still blooming, has been doing so consistently since May or even April. I see it as a symbol of hope and endurance!
I am thankful for all the friends who have phoned to check that we have everything we need, while we battle covid. Also thankful for you beautiful photos Brandy. They are such a joy to see.
I am thankful for another day to prep for the holidays! Prepping just takes a load off me and I can enjoy the time with family more!
That is truly a stunning bouquet!!
I am thankful for having time to rest when I need it.
Since I am writing this on Veterans Day, I am thankful for the sacrifice all veterans made for our freedom and this country.
I am thankful to live in a community where I can walk to the store, the library, a park, and with a few extra steps, a concert hall, movie theatre, mall (which I occasionally need), and some museums.
I am thankful for our wonderful military men and women, who keep us safe and are willing to face the unthinkable to do so. God bless them all and keep them safe!
I am thankful that all of our children and grandchildren are healthy and happy.