I am grateful for friends around the world that I have made online in the last few years.
What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for friends around the world that I have made online in the last few years.
What are you thankful for today?
I harvested spinach, lettuce, and Meyer lemons from the garden. We made lemonade with our lemons. I received a free kumquat tree from a friend. I purchased a pot for it at Sam’s Club, which has inexpensive pots in the spring. I bought a few more pots there as well. She also gave me two…
I can’t sew everything we need, though I try to sew as much as I can! Sometimes you have to buy things, like eyeglasses–or shoes–or fabric 🙂 Black Friday (and Cyber Monday) deals have helped me with the things I need. One of the ways I make the most of those deals is to shop through…
The most amazing part about my week was watching a baby chick hatch out of an egg. The mother hen got off the nest just in time for me to see the chick hatch all the way out. Of all the things I have seen in my life, this one was one of the best….
Most of my accomplishments last week centered around helping the children with their schoolwork and chores. Nevertheless, I did manage to do some things to save money: We played outside in the backyard. As our humidity continued, I was able to collect 15-20 quarts of water a day from the runoff of the air conditioner….
I harvested tarragon, rosemary, and Swiss chard from my garden. I cut zinnias and rosemary from the garden and am enjoying them on my kitchen table. I picked narcissus from the garden and I am enjoying them in my sewing room. My narcissus return every year in November in the garden. I made homemade laundry soap. I…
After church today, a woman I didn’t know came up to me by my car as we were leaving. She had been waiting for me. She said to me that she had been a visitor today, and that when she was talking with my son, he mentioned my website. She wanted to know what it…
I am thankful for the work and care of the people who post regularly on the facebook page of the historical society from the small town where my parents grew up. This brings back my parents and grandparents in my mind as I see reminders of the good lives they lived, even just doing ordinary things.
I am thankful for the people that comment here who make up a wonderful, supportive and encouraging community. Of course, none of this would be possible without you, Brandy, so I am thankful for you. Likewise for my friends far and wide.
I am grateful that technology has allowed me to teach from my home.
I am thankful for helping hands that put together a funeral luncheon for a woman in our community. Sweet people to work with, help out, and get to know better.
I am thankful for living in a wonderful community with kind neighbors.