Narcissus The Prudent Homemaker

I’m thankful for the free subscription I’ve had to Martha Stewart Living magazine for the last several years thanks for Recyclebank. The latest issue came this week and I feel really inspired to try several new recipes from it! 

What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I am thankful for modern medicine and the oxygen tanks we are blessed to have at home for when my little ones struggle. I am thankful for smiles and laughter and how well my children take care of one another.

  2. I am thankful for the laughter of my children, the privilege of homeschooling them, and that we are expecting another. Children are truly a blessing. I have been concerned about world events and foreign policy, but spending time with the kids outside lifts my spirits every time.

  3. Hello one and all from Australia :D.

    Today I am thankful that with careful budgeting that we are able to pay all of our bills when they turn up straight away or nearest pay in the letterbox, and that we are not struggling.

  4. I am going to say, your blog. I am thankful for your blog. I am always inspired by your beautiful pictures and many of the ideas you share. Thank you Brandy. With a large family, your garden work, and just life in general I know that it can not always be easy to write. Your efforts are much appreciated.

  5. We were awakened at 4 AM to sirens going off and to take cover as there were possible tornados in the area. It was scary but we ran to an inner room until the storm passed. I am thankful that my husband and I as well as our daughter, her husband and our three Grands were also protected (they live close and had the same siren). God protected our lives as well as our property. I am thankful for His protective covering.

  6. Today and everyday I’m thankful for my mum. Who is not in the best of health but she is always there. On Tuesday’s my mum comes for tea and bring the children a small treat, a chocolate lollipop each or a book she thinks they might like. My children think the world of her. Even though my mum isn’t well she still spend the time with my children. And that’s all they really want, time with Grandma. Have a lovely day everyone. (UK)

  7. I am thankful for the ability to read what others are thankful for and the ability to write what I am thankful for today. As an educator that works with children who have reading difficulties, I witness everyday the struggle some students have to go through just to read a sentence. Therefore I am also thankful for the teachers that educated me!

  8. I am thankful for the abundance of beautiful and majestic wildlife that live in our area. Yesterday we enjoyed watching two elegant deer, a mother and her yearling, grazing quietly in our back yard before they disappeared into the unused field behind our home. The deer have learned that the people in this area are not a threat and feel comfortable at a relatively close proximity to us. The other day we were entertained by a squirrel that was being “chased” by a neighbors cat in a tree. The squirrel kept running up behind the cat and the young cat was completely oblivious to the fact the squirrel was standing right behind him! Nature is such a wonderful blessing and I love that we are surrounded by it.

  9. I am thankful the new puppy is beginning to sleep more than 3 hours at a time at night and that we are getting a good routine going during the day so I can actually get a few things done around the house (wow – I forgot how much time and energy is involved in such a young puppy (6 weeks) – It’s like having a newborn again!)
    I am also thankful that my daughter does not seem to react poorly to the flu vaccine she is required to have for work.

    on a side note – both of my kids will be getting water bottles filled with emergency items to keep in their cars – I think that will make a good stocking stuffer and ease my mind about them getting stranded in the winter – I remember the wall of snow Buffalo NY got hit with last winter and the stories of the stranded motorists. We live close enough to Lake Michigan that that is a real possibility here as well.

  10. I am thankful that everyone made it home safely last night. It was one of the stormiest nights we have seen for a long, long time. The wind was furious, and it rained so much that Rob could hardly see when he drove our daughter home last evening. They could only go about 25-40 mph and it took them much longer than usual to get here. We even parked our cars on a different side of the house so the dead tree would have no chance of crushing them! It’s still standing. We had a power outage for a while, but it didn’t last long. It was so nice when everyone was home, tucked in and cozy, with the wood stove blazing. I had made split pea soup, which turned out to be the best possible dinner for such a night. I decided against baking the lemon loaf I had planned when the power kept flickering, and then failed. So, when it was working, I just made a pile of toast to go with the soup for the kids to eat. I felt very thankful!

  11. Squirrels entertain themselves by teasing dogs and cats. When I was young, I lived in a house in a neighborhood that was a squirrel’s paradise. We had a squirrel would could hop from the neighbor’s garage to the cherry tree to our elm tree to our maple tree to our apple tree and then to its choice of two neighbors’ garages. The squirrel would come by like clockwork every day to tease our small dog, a toy poodle, who was very good at jumping about 4 feet straight up. He would take a position about 6 inches higher than the reach of the dog on the elm’s trunk and say something in squirrel-talk that must have meant “Ha, ha, you can’t catch me!” to the dog. He drove the poodle completely nuts. But I think they both had fun with the game.

    I wonder if Brandy has a referrer code for the recyclebank site that she could share with us to get a few more points for herself if (when?) we join.

  12. I will…. that or discounts on other things like haircuts. Thank you for posting about your experience with that site. I just started using Bing’s search engine today too and clued my sister in on that. 15 or 25 cents a day isn’t much, but it is better than nothing for something I’d be doing anyway.

  13. I am thankful for Skype, that allows me to talk with my daughter while she is in Switzerland. I am also thankful that their home was spared damage in the terrible winds that hit the Pacific Northwest.

  14. I am thankful for a sunny day and a phone call from my mom. It was not a pleasant morning. My husband still isn’t talking to me after some imagined affront I did…usually I feel guilty in a fight for my part of it, but in this case I did nothing, so I’m ducking and just waiting for him to go to work. We had a young buck moose running around our yard psychotically because it had some rope wrapped in it’s antlers. We live next to a school, so I immediately called fish and game to report it as I worry about all of the kids in the area (we live next to a school and then we have two schools equidistant from our house in either direction nearby). I haven’t heard back from them yet, but I hope they are on top of it. My husband got a phone call that friend of his is dying from the effects of alcoholism…turns out he was drinking even though he was telling everyone he was sober. Even if he pulls out of the coma he’s currently in he won’t survive a year due to all of the organ damage he’s got. My daughter is battling her stomach issues today. And now my son’s speech therapist has pink eye. Ugh. Just ugh.

    Anyway, the sun is shining and there is good in the world. I was able to donate some old boots to families who might need them at my daughter’s school and I donated some gravy for their Thanksgiving baskets, including some gluten free mix just in case a family needs it. So, I am Thankful that hopefully I made some other people’s lives a little brighter today and am thankful that my daughter’s school has programs like those in place for needy families.

  15. I am thankful that my mother in law is recovering well from her accident in July, when she broke her arm. Her doctor said it is a remarkable progress. Hope that you are better also, Brandy.

  16. I am in the process of applying for a passport for my dad. I found out today that because he is a senior of 75yo+ the application fee is waived. That translates to $45 savings! 🙂

  17. I was feeling blah about a lot of things; so, i’m thankful for this community to help pull me out of it. Tomorrow’s a new day!

  18. One year I got a free subscription to Martha Stewart mags. I never renewed. But now I am still getting magazines from them every month. I guess they do it to keep their advertising money. So I tear out anything I want to save like a recipe and then pass the mag on to a friend.

  19. I am blessed to read that in spite of the downers that you are keeping a grateful attitude and blessing others. I am sorry to hear about uour husband’s friend. That is probably affecting him.

  20. You are probably right about that. I just decided to do the smart thing by not trying to explain my position and just ducking. It worked. He was acting normal later on. Sometimes not saying anything is the hardest thing to do, but the most prudent :).

  21. One year for Christmas, I gifted my SIL the entire previous years worth of Martha Stewart magazines, along with a nice throw blanket and a candle. It was a great way to recycle and she received some great reading material to curl up on the couch with and flip through at her leisure.

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