After much searching, I have found the fabric that I need to make some pajamas for the children. I am thankful to have found it.
What are you thankful for today?
After much searching, I have found the fabric that I need to make some pajamas for the children. I am thankful to have found it.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful that I was able to sell a piece of furniture this morning that we are no longer using via a Facebook garage sale. I bought it at a garage sale a few years back, it served us well, and I sold it for a few dollars more than I paid for it! …
I am thankful for Thanksgiving leftovers. They made my day so much easier and left me with more time to work on other projects.
“Enough is as good as a feast.” Caroline Ingalls I am thankful to have enough. We’ve had some rather large extra expenses this week with more to come, but I am thankful to have enough of what we need. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful for the abundant basil that is growing in my front yard. I cut three huge bunches today and hung them to dry. I still have enough left to cut and dry much more. Because it has grown better than ever before, I won’t have to buy dried basil for at least…
I went to bed early again last night (I keep waking up at 4:15 a.m.!), so this is a posting for yesterday. I am thankful for my sister-in-law, who took Winter to the thrift store. Winter found a pair of riding boots, just like she wanted–for $6! She als found a jean jacket (something else…
Today, I am thankful for all progress we have made in the garden. I am able to plant again with hope for a spring harvest. We missed snow peas this spring. Now, there are new snow pea plants coming up in the garden. Lettuce is coming up, and green onions as well. I read yesterday…
I am thankful that I want to be happy and am willing to work at the things that bother me.
I am thankful for my children, even though my 11 year old is trying to go on 25 and driving me and her father batty, I wouldn’t give them up for anything!
I’m thanking we made the decision for me to stay home with our kids. We have a sick 4 yo this morning so I can snuggle up with her and not worry about taking off work. I’m also thankful for a medicine cabinet that is well stocked through sales and coupons so I don’t have to run to the store to get her anything.
I am thankful that my 20 year old daughter ,who is away at college, and I have a sweet relationship. She text me to tell me about a funny dream she had and it made me smile 🙂 she usually text or calls everyday and that means the world to me !
I am thankful for a knowledgable physical therapist to help me through rehab for my knee.
I am thankful for the food storage I have set aside. When I did not have 3 months of food in the past I did not feel secure. I have a better level of security because of it. Oh Nov 12th is my BD. I am also thankful for this fun blog!:D
I am thankful that today was the first morning were things went smoothly since 2 weeks ago.
I am thankful for my family. Today is my eldest daughter’s birthday. We also have another daughter, a son , daughter-in-law, son-in-law and three grand-children in our immediate family. We have been blessed with a wonderful family including those who have passed on and many who are extended family.
Happy Birthday:)
Hi Elaine, Happy birthday to your daughter
I am thankful for my husband whom I love very much. We met when I was 17 years old and have been together ever since. This year was our 15th wedding anniversary, but we had been together for 8 years prior to our marriage. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.