After much searching, I have found the fabric that I need to make some pajamas for the children. I am thankful to have found it.
What are you thankful for today?
After much searching, I have found the fabric that I need to make some pajamas for the children. I am thankful to have found it.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for all of the clients that have entrusted me to photograph them this year. It’s been a delight to capture the love they have for one another. (You can see more of my work on Instagram here and book a session on my website here.) I’m also very thankful for all of you!…
I’m grateful that I was able to accomplish quite a bit of sewing today. I look forward to taking pictures tomorrow to share with you. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for a YouTube tutorial that taught me how to do three things in Lightroom with very simple and clear instructions. I was only looking for one thing in particular, so the other two elements it taught me were not only a bonus, but they were two things I was wondering how to…
Today as I dug in the garden and planted bulbs, I was very grateful that we were able to relandscape the garden. That area of the garden had been overrun with solid crabgrass roots and I had not been able to eradicate them in over 15 years. We removed all of the soil from that…
I’m thankful to learn, after talking with my daughter, which skills she has learned from me and continued in her own holiday traditions. What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful for heroes, both sung and unsung, who quietly served where service was needed. What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful that I want to be happy and am willing to work at the things that bother me.
I am thankful for my children, even though my 11 year old is trying to go on 25 and driving me and her father batty, I wouldn’t give them up for anything!
I’m thanking we made the decision for me to stay home with our kids. We have a sick 4 yo this morning so I can snuggle up with her and not worry about taking off work. I’m also thankful for a medicine cabinet that is well stocked through sales and coupons so I don’t have to run to the store to get her anything.
I am thankful that my 20 year old daughter ,who is away at college, and I have a sweet relationship. She text me to tell me about a funny dream she had and it made me smile 🙂 she usually text or calls everyday and that means the world to me !
I am thankful for a knowledgable physical therapist to help me through rehab for my knee.
I am thankful for the food storage I have set aside. When I did not have 3 months of food in the past I did not feel secure. I have a better level of security because of it. Oh Nov 12th is my BD. I am also thankful for this fun blog!:D
I am thankful that today was the first morning were things went smoothly since 2 weeks ago.
I am thankful for my family. Today is my eldest daughter’s birthday. We also have another daughter, a son , daughter-in-law, son-in-law and three grand-children in our immediate family. We have been blessed with a wonderful family including those who have passed on and many who are extended family.
Happy Birthday:)
Hi Elaine, Happy birthday to your daughter
I am thankful for my husband whom I love very much. We met when I was 17 years old and have been together ever since. This year was our 15th wedding anniversary, but we had been together for 8 years prior to our marriage. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.