I am grateful that we received some rain.
What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful that we received some rain.
What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful for the beautiful weather that we are having. The windows have been open all day and it’s an absolutely gorgeous day here. I was able to work outside in the garden for a little over an hour in pleasant weather. The first of the paperwhites have started to open in the…
Today I’m thankful for tomatoes in the garden. What are you thankful for today?
It’s the last day of November, and therefore the last of my thankful posts for the month. I am still sick! (I ended up back in bed yesterday and did not post). Today, I am thankful for my daughter who, though she is also sick, was so helpful in helping me to care for her…
It’s the beginning of November, and that means it’s time for my daily gratitude posts! Each day in November, I share one thing for which I am grateful for that day, and I invite my readers to do the same! Today, I am very grateful for my dearest friend, who makes my life more joyful….
Earlier this spring (as pictured in the photo) only a few of these miniature daffodils bloomed. I figured they were probably getting too crowded and needed to be divided. Because we are changing up the garden, I spent yesterday digging these out. They had multiplied exceedingly! I’m thankful that bulbs multiply and flowers go to…
I am thankful for the chance to sit and watch a movie at home. What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for good friends.
I am grateful for hand knit sweaters and socks. If I wear one of each in my house during the winter, I am kept very warm!
I am grateful for books, libraries, and that when we were little, my mother read to us and never complained about giving us rides to the library.
I am grateful for rain here too.
Rain here, too, and I’m deeply thankful for it. Thankful especially, this week, to be able to be with my out-of-state grandchild, and have lunch with them at school on their birthday.
I’m thankful for the kindest checkout checker today! Service people do so much for us at such a busy time.
I am at the coast and grateful for the sounds of the waves!
I am grateful for continuing educational opportunities close to home and even more grateful that my work will pay for them.
I am grateful for life long friends to whom you never have to explain yourself and with whom you can be yourself: warts and all.